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Show s-anhelabenachalaial —n OF THE THE SECOND BOOKE 643 se The time. ,andperfecteth his feede in Auguft, Iune thin owre l,ie April vpin Ir{pringeth se Thenames. called thisplant Bacchayis:the Graecians @eryae The learned Herbatifts of Montpellier,haue aromaticall fauour which his roote conteineth atrer othersaes, by reafon ofthat fweete and mom roote,or PlowmansSpiknarde:irgillin t HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Elecampane, as yee go from Colbrook to Dittc the wayto Windfor plowmans Spi ed with the fhortn Jen froman highplace;and thofe that are troubl “ make water. e to iculti anddiff , cough old the s, of anit thalfo ] t the bitings offcorpion: againf e profit great with giuen tis wine,i in s boiled WwW 5S HS o.: ht - : . yenemous beaft,being implaiftered and applied theret ftoole , andreceiued hot , mightily voidet Abath made thereof,andputinto acloie ie dei hauecal o themt g caufin ng, childi ir inthe and fuirthereth thofe that haue extreme labour rance. OfElecampane. Chap.266. din fundr ¢ as at Lidde, and Folkeftone, neere to Doier| fea fide, % The time. hurtes withoutregard. Tokeepe him fromanill toong that 15.booke, which maytake his name ofthe his in , us Athene pacchares is likewife an ointmentin olde,being an ancient cotnicall pott, és helpeth ruptures & conuul Thedecoéion of the roots of Bacchar es ofbreath. sthat benotaleogither dry:i nthefieldes onthe left han from Dunftable to Puddle hiil ; alfoit ----Bacchare frontem o. Gingite,pe vati moceat Ma la lingua, futur C It groweth in medowesthat are far and fruitfulls iris alfo oftentimes founde vpotimountaines f “e119} ileth againft inchantmen as preva isa garland plant,butalfo fuch a one nes of fweere hetbe Baccharés: foras Plinie writeth,_4réffopha roote thereof: to be brite, Cratewss is ofthe de bema to woont were ents ointm that witnefleth is, ris Batcha his rsdes Diofco that Afarum jsthe fame a <8 The temperature. aftringentor binding. very ure perat oftem is ard Spikn ans Baecharis or Plowm i Z % The vertues. h downe, dothopen the fettet y briefl eta AEgin Paulus as roote, A- Baccharisor the decottion ofthe fickneflesthe th vtine,and bringeth downe the defired pipes and paflages that are ftopped,prouoke es, rheum and fuxes of courfe the or binding,ftop fe leaues thereof forthat theyare aftringent ns and Saint Anthonies fire, called Jeni matio in@am heale to ie remed ar Baccharssisafingul B ; ' epe. ethfle cer andthe {mell thereof prouok fions,thofe alfo that haue fal % The place. ay, led the Cina and yeeldeth : in Englithit may becal and doth not onely fhew that maketh mention of Bacebaris, .(avi sanrmnente his feuenthecloge of his Bucolicks, + yinl ts,la Decke the forchead ofthe Prophet w ith 649 Heleninm. i The flowers areint their brauerie in Inne at lie: \ the rootes be gathered in Autumne mne,and oftentimes in Aprill and Maie, % The names. That which the Grecians name atv, the Latines call Zeala,and Enula: in fhops Exulecanpanai in high Dutch @fantwurt3 + in lowe Dutch {andt woetele : in Italian Evoz,and Evolz: i nith Ratz del alla: in French Ensla Campane: in glifh Elecampane,and Scabwoort,and hor{eheal {ome report that this plant took the name He/enzwn of Helena, wife to Afenelaus, whohad hit har full of it when Parés {tole hir awaieinto Phrygia. The temperature. ee The roote of this Elecampane, is maruellous good for manythings,being of naturehorand drie in the third degree,efpecially whenit is driesfor beingg ts yet full of inice,itis full of fuperfuous m te, W earn oe b i Stand diy qualitie thereof, i gig, -< % The vertues. his ot ]Idcoueh and ay as cannot 1breath vnlefie~ they 4 and ough, and for fuch ndanoldc tdtheitnecks ie Sof creat vn qe =. . ° ‘ : Ve ea } 1 both ¢giuenina reeSane yvertue abe 5 ; aoe is amedicine to belicked on, & likewife preferl¢ given to purge and voide icke 1 n d cl: humour: hich which humouts, clammie voide out thicke, tough, and inthe cheft anc binds purge and rtnes ofbreath sty“ise00d for fhortr ypright. itooteSang preferued isis good ec and holfome forthe ftomacke : being takenafter fupper itdothnot C onelybelpg Toes of ton,but alfo keeperh the belly foluble. or ; 1: : ki al {ri fame the 1 oiled ,drineth foorth all kinde'of wormes ofthe bellie as PUnie teacheth? D ty boj in his lfowtiteth ventie booke andfife chapter, the fame being chewed fafting, doth fatten Toot of Eleca aes Campane is wit & The defeription. Lecampantebringeth forthprefently fine downes vn with an infinitenumber of threds ,8¢at length is turned into may gripe,not pts long {eed:tlic rooteis yneeuen, thicke,andasmuchas a man and bitter oftalte. offinell {weete bftatice fulloffu nd withina te kifliwithout,whi . : ss Conuulfions pointer” from the roote great whitelea yes, tharpe‘iti hairie down, of we moftlike thofeof great Comfrey but foft,and couered with a edges : the ftalke rs chess the in nicked flightly ath vnderne white aremore and colour, downe,dinided at the top nto dliuers ee ahalfelong, abouea finger thicke,not without &round , of which noroney : hi broad flowers, reat ftandeg onthe topofeuery fprig the middle ball orcircle , ¥% butalfo Jeaies that compafie rourid about are yellow, . oe 5 sof Cowie: ee good fucceffe mixed with counterpoifons:itis aremedy againft oub!] “4 nts; itrefifteth poifons itis goodfor themthat are burften’, with ten, and troubled é rat: the decoétion thereof, andlikewife the fame beaten into powder and F ar an ointment,dothclen{e and heale-vp oldvicers. ith the parts are to be madered, which be-vexed with lon : Re oi aie ] = huckleboanes and conti andlittle the Sciatica, fcertaineic; AGeghebonescalled 5. 10lNts 3by reafon of ouermuch moifture. moiftur iondfBhul. on ofouermuch nes of- ‘ngs or h : tunken prouoketh vrine , andis good for them that ar “auc any member out ofioint. ttaken wit} : : i the breft,ripeneth < tough flegm, I fugar.madejin an eletuary,clenfeth hony or with orfugar,made to hei ethiteafie fhortnefle of vath) Somnforteth th fe pet foorth, and preuaileth mightily againft the cough and ‘eitomacke alfo,and helpethdigeftion, The |