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Show THE 646 «SECON DI BOOKE OF) THE HISTORIE we The temperatare. ‘They are hot and dric in the third degree: & Thevertues ‘a The husbandmens wiues of Yorkthire,do vfe toannointthe dugsof theirkine withthefar ind oilous inice ofthe herbe Butterwoort,whenthey are bicten with any venemous wormon chapped, rifted,and hurt by any other meanes. B_. OF PLANTS. 647 Wehaue alfo anotherfort whic hwecall Digital ferrnginea, whofe flowers aré of the colour and likewife maketh the difference ofrufti¢ iron ; whereof it tooke his name, %The place, Foxegloue growethin barren fandie grounds,and vnderhedges almoft euery where. Thole with white flowers do grownaturally in Landefdale,and Crauen, ina field called Craoge clofe, inthe north of England:likewife by Colchefter in Effex 5 neere Excefter in the wef parts, andinfomefewe other places.The other twoare ftrangers in England,neuerthelefle they do grow They faythatit doth rot their fheepe,when theyare for want ofother food conftrainedto cate withthe others inmy garden, thereof. % Thetime. They flower and flourithin June andLuly, OfFoxegloves, % The names. Chap..64." Foxeglouesfome callin Greek Opvearrs,8¢ makeit 2 Dicitalislutes. % Digitalis perpures. Purple Foxe gloues, tobe Verbsfed peciem, or akind of Mullein: iri Latine Digitalis: inhigh Dutch Ftugherbut, and singher keatt sin lowe Dutch, Ginger beet z French Gantesmoftre dane: in Englith Foxe gloues, * White Foxe gloues, WAR %&The temperature. TheFoxe gloues in that they are bicter,are hot anddric,witha certaine kinde of clenfing quality =. are they ofno vfe,neither haue they any place among medicines according to theauncients, st The vertues. Foxe gloue boiled inwater or wine,and drunken,doth cut and confismethe thicke toughneffé of A, aa ra flegme and naughtic humours 3 it openethalfo the {topping ofthe liver, fpleene, andmilt,and of other inward parts: 5 Thefame takeninlike dened or boiled with honied wateror fugar , doth {eoure and clenfe the B breltsipeneth and bringethfoorth tough and clammie flegme. Theyferue for the fame purpofes whereunto Gentiandoth tende, and hath beene vfedin fteade C thettof.as Galen {aith Of Baccharis out of Diolcorides, (hap.265. Biccharts Mon fpeliens ure, / Plowinans Spiknard, 1 %& The defeription. Boutthis plant Bsccharés, there hath beene great contention among the old andnewe writers; Afathiolasand Dodonens haué mil taken this plant, for Comize maior, or Coniza Helenitis Cordi 3 Virzill and Athenew haueconfoun- ded Bacch ? ther : bur following the auncient writers , ichath manyblackifh rough leaues,{omewhat bigger thenthe leaues of Primrofe:among whichrifeth ypa ftalk twocubits high, bearing at the toplittle chaffie orfealie flowers in fmall bunches , of a darke purple colour, which turne into downe,and are caried awaywith the winde, like vnto the kinds of Thiftles:the root isthicke, grofle, andfat, {preading aboutin the %& Thedefcription. Oxe gloues with the purple flower,is moft common; the leaues whereo Farelongi, the edges.ofalight greene,in manner like thofe of Mullein, but lefler, and norlodowe fer in com* the ftalke is ftraight, fromthe middle whereofto the top ftandethe flowe!ss "ig one by another vponone fide ofthe ftalke, hanging downwardes with the, bettome Noh “doh forme long,like almoft to finger ftals, whereof it tooke his name Digitalis, of ated Pichi with certaine white {pots dafht withinthe flowet,after which come vp round heat . tlie feed fomwhat browne,and as finall as thofe of Time. Thé toots are manyflende! ) Floto 2 “That Foxe gloués with white flowers differeth not from the precedent, but in Hi the flowets.for as the others were putple,thefe contrariwife are of amilke white of i ‘elon We hauein our gardens anotherfort hereof, which bringeth foorth molt pleaiat y wers,and fomewhatleffer then the common kinde,wherein theydiffer. ‘ "i earth, fullof ftrings : the fragrant {mell that the roote of this planeyeeldeth, may wellbecompa= red-vato the fayour of Cinnamom, Aeknzum, ot Enula Campana, beinga plant knowne yntoverig many or moft forts ofpeople :1meane in mofk parts of England, se Theplace. Baccharis delighteth to groweinrough 8ecrags gic places, and inaleanefoile where nomoifture is: it groweth veryplentifully abourMontpellies in France, auddivers places in the YV¢ England, Sf 4 |