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Show eeabel HISTORIE> GOPRTHE THE SECOND BOOKE x The place. asyet feene, in my garden sthe third Ihaue not ‘The firft fecondand fourth growe & The time. y Gower in Tuly and Augutt. OF PLANTS, % The nature. % Thenames. ia, and doe truely-takeitto be Jarer Herbatifts call Moth Mullein by thename of Blittar Thereisan hetbe lke sich Pliny deferibeth inhis 22. booke, 9. chapter, in thefe wor 163% beingtaken forehe fame, with leaues 1 Perbafcam nigrum, W hich oftentimes deceineth, written) waren do agreewithblack te.moftalkes,andwith yellowe flowers(as we haue andfleas vnto Aethiopis is dtic without any manifeft heate, % The vertues. Abthioptsis goodfor thofe thathauethe pleurifie, and for thofe that haue theirbrefts charged A Sabie with the afperitie and roughnes with cormptand rotten matter,andfor fuchas are greeued ofthe 5 roote, thereof, the decoCtion thtoate,andagainit the Sciatica,ifone drinke Forthe difeafes ofthe breft andlungs, it is goodrolicke oftentimes of a confection made with B theroote heereofand honie,and fo are the rootes condited withfigar,in fuch maner as they) con ditetheroots of Eringos, gather mothes they do we haucnot as yet learned by obferuation that f Leptophyllon, or natrowe leafed Mullen; : Of Comflips. (Chap.266. h names. 32 The natureand vertues. m 1 Primula veris maior. Field Cowflips. -omprehended vnder the titles of Blattaria, or Moth Mulleins, Ifinde maner offmaller flies and bats,do itterfl at mot! st vntothe place whereic 2 Privulapraten(is inodora lytes : Field Oxelip. thefe he Of Mullein of LEthiopia. (bap.259. %: The defcription. VileinofAethiopia hath many very broad hoarié leaues fpred vponthe ground , vey fof and downie orrather woollie,like to thole of Hygtaper,bur far whiterfofterthicker. * | fuller of woollinefie , which wooll is folong,tmt f s pull the fame frome one may wit leaues,euen as wool among which I downie ftalke,fet which ftalke is di ches,fet about ando ftaunces, hauing many Arc hangell,ofawt i hich being pat, t feed, like thofe of Cc hard,and ofa woodie fubflance, os Theplace. It groweth naturally in AEthiop!, a hill hardby Troie,and in Meflenia,a pit e 4 Morea,as.P/iny fheweth in his 27.bo0k ter sitalfo groweth in Meroé, an Ilandm Nilus, hauinga citie ofthe far opiawhichlieth vader Ecgy} in Mygarden, 3 The time. Te flowrethand dourifheth in Lon eth his feede toward the end of / ve The nanies. Itiscall for that eaufe worde Aifor, G | AiSrems and in La tine AErhsopi , of the coumtreyin ecalled ALerord -AMeroe,as Plinie writeth: offorel ebicaft Aevoides,of A oe orCinereafperfa , ‘or coueredwith alle ta:, nLatine Fauilaaduf we maycall it Mullein of AEthiopia,or woolly Mullein. % The defiviption. ' Hofe hetbe. $ which at oe koned amor Y : thi dayeee es, Cowflips, and Oxelips , are tecat this are called Primrof haue marnotwithftanding for diftinétions: fake , I i Mulleins, 7 commincng in chadter. , commi in aa chapter thalled them aS inds ¢ that th Malleins ins for a the reerwarde as next neighbours vnto the ancients haue named them (erha (cali, that is to faie, 3 (mall Mulleins, The firft vba fcul, e : cma = much time ae fie sg Cowflip,is as commonas the reft ,thereforel thall notneedto 3 the deferipti ee hefecondic}i....:7 icription, : hich Scalledj {edin En a‘ ee A eal Las O8Gis likey that the flowers a ellknowne bythe name of Oxelip, and differeth not fromthe other, hoes fairer and fewer » aunber.and do aay ae thicke thruft togither as the former, and they are of7which kinde,we l) come inat gardens whofe pele pleafantly as the others 3 haue one la ely c f ethaue named : Howersare curled and wrinckled after a moft ftrange maner, which our wo- #acke an apes on horfebacke, 5 3. Prime |