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Show iiasteiiey THE SECOND BOOKE OF 'THE 628 purple Clarie hath leaues fomewhat rounde 5 laide ouer with a hoate Cottonie fib. The 2 hairie {quare ftalkes, fetto. ftaunce , not muchyolike Horehounde : amongwhich rife vp final] the firft viewe tobe flowers, at appeere hich w ‘colour, purple a of warde the top withlictleleaues excellent purple colour: and among tele and yet are nothing elfe but leanes, turned into an colour,in fathion like vnto the beautifull leaues come foorth {mall flowers of a blewifh or watched ine certaine they did groweconta flowers ofRofemarie,which being w ithered,the huskes wherein ufe that every fuchhuske doth quicklybica groundvery vponthe h blacke feede,whichfallethfoort at the firlt approchof turne and hange downehis head towarde the grounde, Therootedieth winter. nits fylueftrefolyspurpurti 2 Horminum 1 Horminum fyluekre. Wilde Claric,or Oculss Chrifti. aa : Zak —— es HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Clariewith purple leaues. % The temperature 629 173 4 Vertes. The temperature andfaculties are referred vnto thes arden Claries,yet PaulusAEginata faith, A itishorand moderately drie,and it alfo clen Thefeede of wilde Clarie as Diofcorsdés writeth being drunke with wine, ftirreth vp luft,it clen= B feththeeies fromfilmes andotherimperfections being mixed with honie, Thefeede put whole into theeies clenfeth and purgeth them exceedingly from waterith hu» C mouts,tednef{é, inflammation,and diuers other maladies,orall that happen vntothe cies and ta= keth away the paiiie and fmartingthere of, efpeciallybeing putinto theeies one feede andnomore,whichis a generall medicine in Chefhire andother countries thereabout,knc alland vled with good{ucceffe, Theleaues ate goodto be put into pottage andbrothes among other pot herbes 5 for the yfeat- D tet congealed bloud,warme the ftomacke,and helpe the dimnes of thecies, Re, Of Mullein. Chap.256. x The kindes. Hetebe two kindes ofMullein , one white, another blackesof the white there are two forts.one orts,one withbroad leaues,and another with natrowleaties: Déofcorides,and Galen after him haue added wiléeMulleinsPrimrofes ,Cowflips,and Rofe Campions,andfirft of the true Mullein, { ert. Mullein, or Higtaper. % Theplace. + 2 Tapfus Barbatusflore albo. White flowered Mullein. inthe fields ‘The firft groweth wild in diuers barren places,almoft in euery countrey, efpeciallyin of Ct! at the a : ie? Holburne neerevnto Graies Inne,in the high wayby the end ofa bricke wall; fey next to London, in the high way as yougo fromthe Queenes pallace of Richmon ter fideyand diuers other places, Theotheris a ftrangerin England: it groweth inmygarden, ¥e The time. ‘Theyflower and flourifh fromTune tothe ende of Auguft. % The names. : : g the diet effedtin helpin Wilde Clarice is-called after the Latine name Oculus Christe , of his of the eies,in Grecke éeuov: and likewife inLatine Horminum,offome Geminatts: 10 Clarie,and Oculus Chrifti. agiithim* Pn Thefecond is thouight of fome to be the right Clarie, and haue called ix Hormemnumy es with greaterettor : itmay be calledin Lating Horminuu fyluefirefolijs >floribas pure - with leaves and flowers ofa purple colour, qi Hemale Mullet ty: % The defeription. 4 oi mid ofwhich + ot Higtaper, hath broade leaues, very foft, whitifh anddownie 3 in the atic dow, Heh nifeth vp a ftalke,{traight, fingle, andthe fame alfowhitifhall over, witha "sand couered withthelike leaues,but leffer and leffer,cuento the top: among Rr 3 which, |