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Show een rr ie oe OF THE THE SECOND BOOKE HISTORIE OF % The defeription. PLANTS. 6/, 4 anus 5 Fls Aphric phricanw minor fimplici ft 7 rt [he {mall Fre ior famplici flore. KEbs Aphritanusm : The great fingle French Marig5old, rowne reddith flalke,crefted fir. He great double Africane Marigold hatha great, long,b the top intoother branchessiher it felfe coward rowed and fomewhat knobbie, diui ding mall leaues fet ypona middle ribbeby couples, many{ of compofed leaues grow upon do at the top verie faire & beautifull doublevel. bearing , n Valeria Ide ike vnto the leaues ofw :d more double thanthe greateft Damaske Rofe, of aftrongfell; buenot plantpet xpaft, there fucceedeth long blacke flat feede : the whole ereth not from thefirft, fauing that this plantis altogither leffer, wherein con. & Thedefiription. 2 Thereis little difference between thisandthe precedent,orlaft defcribed,faning that this plant ismuchleffer, andbringeth foorth more ftore of flowers which makeththe difference. 4 Thefingle gieat Africane Marigolde, hatha thicke'roote, with fome fibres annexed thetetos from which rifeth vppe a’ ftiffe ftalke chamfered andfurrowed, ofthe height of two cubits, ditt ded into other {mall braunches; whereuponat ofmaty -t long leaues , compact or cdinpofed 04 e leaues like thofe of the Athe tree, ton ongfmell, yet not verie yellow potE the braunches doe growe bunc a s compofedin the middle of a pa togither, chruft hatde es Howe thrumm bout theedg 1ges with a bc ‘ Rontemadeafamuene pee if 7: hadthem, andthat was when Charles the frft Enivero tej, queft of ‘Tunis; whereupon it was called Flos Aphricamus, or Flos Tune- er which commeth long : erifheth with the firtt froft forts mu venyeerely as the other hath fn amon French Marigolde vppoo™ ng traili ches braun r ad tende waie ana reeling and leaning this de, i befet with leaues confifting of malyf ues, indented aboutthe edges, again{t the funne, or to tt , cuenta Tof holes like fiewe ers ftand? . f {Hricon x of the fpriggie braunches ; foorth of long ct yellowe vnderneath , on the ypper { leas, ma ped n handling: pees bles bucthis waies laie vpon paper with a ouer i ce ig fa ne uely the colour, firft froft, wit! le Jeeper yellowe ten but todefcribe the colour ras y lla yellowe colour called Matticke, ferteth f0 ed in water or wine, which faifron f 4 ner . By {mell , 224 Pf [a at is of a moft ranke and voholfome % Theplice. :in gardenseueryyeere ’ ney7 are cherifh, ie rn 4 ofthetfelies. fone apo : they grow euery wherealmoft in A dao. bh atetobe 6 3 ras The e titime. They % * wen If evinni if c wutt be fowen in pe aus of Aprill if the feafon fall ont ro be warme , otherwife ming footth their p! aot dung, as fhall be fhewed inthe chapter of Cucumbers. They ehWeapeeeny pel i is the more dil ther therefore nd therefore flowers very] pleafant fowey rethemvery eately. bicaluf y late, and there tbe, Ys Dicaufe they fhall not be ouertaken with the froftes be _ The The An Afticane or Fren : ‘ %leg, The wames. RUlChnenretiy < French Marigold iscalled in Dutch Chrnte Tino atisthe India sin zi Latine nec men call it 9 ower or g Gillolower oflowerofof India Caryc hice with nee aInde... Cordus calleth it Tanacctuin P Relate anite, and of Peru a Prouince of Americag fron G ] , : iesITC 03 Gefneruscalleth it Caltha Aphrican. ac : wa : tome would hauc it to be Petilius flo akir ates 1¢ er . . . a 2 Bee growing among biieksvand brambles. C stachane aine herbe of the Troglodytes growing in th cits ‘HE Holes: thotigh falliof > Jauing leaueseon they were4 eaten wil rita: OMe whereof ties of Simplelmedicites*?nvaketh Mention of an! lothiding Certaine Centurion did carie out of Barbar 48 Galen himtelie durft not fo muchasta hat Ceneur;ondid vieirapaint ‘ did vieir dgainit theéxtreme'paines of the ioints y anditfe |