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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 608 cj. ot the lungs offwine, and ofallkinde ofcattell , thoughit wete but drawne thorowe theeate, is verie th called Marfi, there mellaivhis 6. booke,chap.5.doth alfo faie, that in the mountaines helpeforallkinde of cattell,and he telleth how andin what maner it mutt beput into.the caresthe roores alfoofour Oxeeie are faide tocure certaine infirmities of'cat tell, if they beputinto the ft or bored are :butit followeth not, that for the fame reafonit fhould be Confiligo; & itis anordina rie thing to finde out plants thatare ofalike force and qualitie: for Pémie dothteftificinhis 25, booke,5.chapter , that the rootes alfo of blacke Ellebor an dothe fame; it cureth (faith he)the thefame coughin cattell , ifit be drawne thorowe the care , and takenout againe the next daieat age swho doe houre: whichis likewife moft certaine byexperiments ofthe countrey menofour cute the difeafes of their cattell with the rootes ofcommon blacke Ellebor, The roots ofwhiteEl. Jebor alfo doe thelike,as Ub/prtws, andafter him Heerocles, dothwrite: who notwithftandingdo dev. not thrutt the rootes of white Ellebor into theeare, but ynderthe skin of the breft calledthe lap 3 after which manet alfo Vegetius Renatus dothvfe Confiligo, or Bearefoot, in his firt book ofthe skin: alehough inhis curingof cattell, chapter 12. intituled,Ofthe cure of the mfirmities vnder the thotove muftbefaftned alfo they that writeth he Malleo, De chapter, and{econd booke thirde the care.Which thingsdo fufficientlydeclare that fundrie plants haue oftentimeslike facultiesiand it doth that it dothnotatall followe by the fame reafon, that our Oxeeic is Bearefoote , bicaufe cure difeafes in cattell as well as Bearefoote doth. Butifwe muft conieture by the facultiesBeafoote fhall be white Ellebor: for Vegetius vfeth Bearefootein the very fame manner that Abfitw thatreand Hierocles do vfe white Ellebor. This fufpitionis made the greater, bicaufeitis thought ror butonely then H For all which caufes it feemeth that none of thefe names agree withthis plant, , this plant doth molt ape Buphthalmum : with whofe defcription whichis extantin Dioftorides agree. Wetake itto be the right Oxeeles for Oxeeié bringethfoorth fenderfoftftalkes, and hath yellow,bigger then thatofCan leaues of che likeneffe or fimilitude of Fennell leaues:the flower is expreffe that forme oli momill,euen fuch an oneis this prefent plant,which doth fo exquifitely asnootit! neffe of Fennell leaues, bothin flendernefle and manifolde iaggednefle of theleaues, little leafed herbe cando better; fo that withourall doubt thisplant feemethtobe the true ot Marigolde,w ! Oxeeie. Oxceicis called cach/a,or rather Caltha but Calthais Calendula, would haue Buphthane faid that our Oxe cic in lower did neereft reprefent. There are fome who hath in fundiy pe Duofiorides that ,andfay Cammomill yellowe , mum ot Oxecic tobe Chry/anthe more diligent ces,and bydiuets namesintreatedofthis herbe; butif thofe men had fomewhat waied Diofcorides his words,they would haue beenc ofanother minde ; for although defenp either of them do in many things agree,yet there is no propertie wanting thatmay{hew the fine iagges:# to differ. The leaues of Chry/anthemumare {aide tobe divided andcut into many iagger finely thatare things all for Fennell: of leaues mto the belike the leaves of Buphthalmu Morcouer, Dioféoridestat 1,0 cut into manypartes,haue the likeneffe of theleaues of Fennell. ttering , but hee tellech not thactheflons Chryfanthemun dothbring foorth a flower muchgli Buphthaluwm, ot Oxe cie is much glittering , neither doth the flowerof that whichwe ae down glitter,fo thatit can or ought tobe {aideto glitter much,Donot thele things declan : hat which we 2A felt difference betweene Buphthalmumand Chry/anthemum, and confirmet they will: be downto be thetrue & right Oxe cic? Weare of that minde, let others thinkeas out anotherifthey deme that would haue Chryfanthemum,to be Buphthalmum,et them fecke be Oxeeie: for that which we and others haue defcribed for chryfanthemum , cannot es like Fenell, fuch as thofe of the mucot? Buphthatmun or Oxceie ; for the leaues ofitare not ae % Thetemperature. mum ought tobe, and Apothecare ee Bueconcerningthe faculties,athzolusfaith, thatall the Phifitionsnamely for difeafes it of blatke Ellebor, mia, vie the roots of this Oxe eieinfteed of thofe but he doth notaffirme that therootes heereof in medicines are fubftitutes 5 oF guidpr : tT 2 OF by cettaine’ phifitions into decoctions , w had not beetie pu ged nomore then if they ny Ote if PLANTS, I hith he, Ldderemember that I oncefawe the v of ina fufficient bigge quat nade to purgebyfiege, | thatiteannot be any of the Ellebors, although foartell for cer ine difeafes.&¢ doth cur hem as ofcattell for cettaine alicales, doth cure them as lyopentheoritices of fiftulaes which be too narrow orBrioni¢, and peeces of {punges which notwithftanding do mucl ther operations : wherefore though the rootes of Oxe ¢ Ellebot , yet for all that,they cannot performe all thofeth thornes,ftinges,{plinters of woode, andfuch like bringpa 4 themhuinouts from the parts neere adioining,iftheybe faftned the bodie is hurt without paine ; the which is increafed ifany th the wounde : peraduencure alfo ifany other thing befi effe&would followe,which hapnedby the roote of this withftan afirmenothing, we onely make wayfor curious mento make more diligent fearch touch operations hereof, eh % The vertues. Disfeorédesfaich,that the flowersof Oxe cic made vpina fearecloth, awaiecolde hard {wellings: and itis reported that if they be drunke by andby after keththem in fhoit'time well coloured that hauc beene troubled with the yellowe iaundife takeBeatgetius hath taken this maner ofcuting from the Grecians, for which caufe alfo moft do much footeto be nothing elfebut white Ellebor: the whichifit be fo,thenfhall this prefent Oxecie differ from Bearefoote: forit is nothing atalllike to white Ellebor. thennett And thatthe fameis not Se/amoédes either the firft or the fecond,itis better knowne fullto be confuted. This famealfois vnproperly called Helleboraffrum , for that may aptly be called Helleborsjinm, toE which hath the forme and likenefle of Hellebor: and this Oxe cic is nothing atall like r HISTORIES OfFrench Marigold,or eAfrican Marigold. Chap.r4.6. i % The kindes. i we extantat this day fiue forts'of Turkic Gilloflowers or Aftican Marigol Is3 f olible flowers,and other veric fingle,as fhall be declared. 1 Flis\ Apbrictnus . wsaior . Polyanthos. eat Afticane a 4 a Fls Aphricanus maior multift The{maller double Africa . |