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Show THE SECOND BOOKE® OF HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 'THE 599 % The pli ice, Moftofthefe are ftrangers in England. The two firlt defcribed do growe in mygarden. The reft se The defcription. “As timers = eeeeens 598 cratic hath broadeleaues fharpe pointed, yneuen about the edges, oft 3 The Spanifli Vipe % a Ike riferh vp tothe height of twocubits; on the top whereof doe eo dguble greavet andbroader then anyofthe reft, ofa reafonable blewifh greene ee : ftande faite o ae lo eth a andfharpe, like vnto thofe of Goates bearde, Theroote is : a ‘ a mille iuice;as are the leaues alfo. eer and ,long,asdallof thicke sets vi yall ail great , thicke, fat roote, fulliof milkie fappe3 the ype pat where 4 ‘Thedwarlte Vipers =eded with manyhairie threds : ftom whichfpring yp divers longbroade whercofis fringed anpean ee rribbesslike thofe of Plantaine or Ribweotts the ltalke growethto hiaeeiende doubleyellowe flowers like the former, d with Oeetorw leaues,nibbe ““E theheight ofa foote, Cc 6 VineraviaPannonica . ‘a Pannonica. : SSangapifola. die eal Hungatie Vipers grafle. ; gretouchedintheir feuerall titles, *% 7 he lime. They flower and flourifh from Mayto the end ofIulie, % The names. Vipers gtaffe is called of the Spaniards Scorzoncra,which foundeth in Latine 7iperariz,0r Vipe- yinajorSerpentaria, {o called bicaufe it is accounted to beofforce andefficacie againft the poifons of Vipers andferpents , for Yzpera oraviperis calledin Spanith Seurzs: ithathno name either in thehigh orlowe Dutch,norin any other more then hath beene faide that Ican read:in Enelifh we maycallit Scorzoner after the Spanifh name,or Vipers graffe. i % The temperature. They are hot and moift as are the Goates beards. %¥¢ The vertues. Narrowleafed Vipers graffe. Itis reported by thofe of greatiudgement, that’ Vipers graffe is moft excellent {tthe 5 infeCtions oftheplague,and all poifons of venemous beafts,and efpecially to cure the bitings of pets,(ofwhich there be very many in Spaine andother hot countries, yet have] heardethat they have beenefeene in England)if the iuice ofthe roote or herbe be drunke. Ithelpeth the infirmities of the hart, and fuch as vfetofwoune much > itcurethalfo them rhat B havethe falling fickneffe,and firch as are troubled with giddinefle ofthe! nead. Theroote beingeaten,cither rofted in embers,fodden or tawe,doth make a manmerrie, andre- C mooueth all forrow. 3 The tootescondited withfiigar,as are the rootes ofEringos and fuchlike. worke the like effees: D butmore familiarly being thusdreffed. Of <Marigoldes. Chap.243. % The kindes. Here bedi i ae os : t 0ae forts of Marigolds, differing in many notable points, fomeare great andverie p1» "enof “ollbieslomefmaller,and the gardenlikewife and fingle , althoughit double feede,fo lift yetdouble;fome was Be Sra of iss z aes 5 fone ofthe 0 Ut nature to plaie with hir little ones ; others wilde , or of the fielde, and water, which fhall be diftinguifhed in feuerall chapters. ; %& The defcription. : % The defeription. other” . Soa hatha ts thicke aell fat te roo te like vnto the ie 5 Thebroadeleafed Vipets graffe of Hungartie, cumple fhining, nd g,fmooth,a lon leauiesare the ; alfolike kinndesthe ftalkes and flowers are rote of Goats te: te verie vneueninthe edges, wherein {pecially confifteth the aPCENCE: 6 Thenarroweleafed Hungarie Vipers graffe, hath longleaues like ce snd foot 3 purl but longer and narrower,among whichri‘eth vp aflender hollowe {tal top wheréof doe ftandefaire double flowers of a faire blewe colour eee 8 blest : like the other of his kinde, ofa pleafantfweete fell, like the {mell of fwee Dad zun, The feede is conteinedin finall cups like thofe of Goatesbeard, wie ae ae is that is caried away with the winde. The rooteis not fo thickenor long as* beardedat the top,withcertaine hairie chrums yeelding a milkic inice of areHnon what fharpe withall, It indureth the winter euenas the others do. “T'He , p fier ; : a double Matigold hath manylarge,fat,broade leaues, {ptinging immediately #8brous or threddie roote the vpperfides of the leaues are of a deepe greene,and he ? the lower “ite,and alfo fom de ofamore light or (hining greene: among whichrife vppe ftalkes fomewhat ewhatiointed,and full ofa {pungious pith. The flowers in the top are beautifull K Unde, vetie lar Se and double, fomething fweete, with acettaine {trong fmell, ofalight 2 “Our or like f Our Pute golde : fromthe which followe a number oflong crooked feedes , efpecia tMof Son g: ar yeare that fta : nde about the edges ofthe flower, which being fowen commonly gic , lowe: rs Patt yj gfoorthfick Access contrariwife thofe feedes in the middle are lefler, andfor th TI ecommon ee tharwas from whenceit was taken. Z oa sftalke: a ch arigolde hathmanic fat, thicke, crumpled leone fervpon a grofic and i Middle a eres do growefaire double yellowe flowers , hauing for the moft pas icedes as x} = ofthreddes thicke thruft togither , which being paft there fcceede fuch e ® the firft defcribed, The roote is thicke and harde , with fome threds annexed Pp4 1 Calendils |