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Show STSTORIE THE SECOND BOOKE ‘OF THE 584 s The defcription. bi cat srow 1o ¥ ai . o g ene, Purple Aowred Scabious hath a rough hairie {talke , whereon ce aitie, The He grower rs floweh growea 5 9 Scabjofamaior Hi(panica. Spanifh Scabious. itt!le, rough likey v ife and raitie. : Sowththift hofe ofof Sow like thofe f in forme cutin ttheedges, in le thrumss after which come{calc the top ofthe ftalkes, compofedof an innumerable fort of .purp thed ddie, root The roote is finall andthe e the leaue : a s of ; Bucke aad ; in fhapelike; euento the middle rib, rougS h andhairie, tanndiagged cuta eof doe growefaire redflowers , confiftingof among which rife vp roughftalkes on the top wher fe > Ss le ofthrums. Therooteis long,toughand fingle. 7 Scabiofa montana. “. Mountaine Scabious. } 8 scabiofa montana latifolia, Broadleafed mountaine Scabious, bb Scabiofa OMmnitm minind. Sheepes Scabious, 2 v = % The defeription. hichas 4 The feuenth kind ofScabious hath fundrie great, rough;and round ftems,as Hig} ie befet with leaueslike the firft Scabious, but far greater. The flowers grow atthe ton) a like vnto the others’, butofa faint yellow colour, which fallas fooneas 1t 15 pee hande., whereby it mightilie increafeth , notwithftanding the roote endureth many 7 growethto be woonderfull great: andin my gardenit did growe to the bignefle e d, like 8 The broadleafed mountaine Scabious hathbroad leaues fpred vpo" the gion” od plait the field Primetofebut greater. Among whichrifeth vp a great ft nifhed withthe like leauesof thofe next the ground,butleffer. ‘The fl ftalkesjofa watchiet orlight blew. colour.Therooteis thicke and tou gh, fmooth?”t Lace 2 “a6 . a bund a unt S 2 So SOSt ‘ We A yes is tdi LSEn oe ,w hereiin n is the feede >The weed,w Cnapweed eofoffiJacea,or Knap hofe te knaps,like pon thegromnd, ious, hath very manyleaues {predv B: KER a 6 Thefixtfort of the ftocke or kinred of Scab i ie. s home |