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Show nae aanadala a HISTORIE OF(PLANTS. E THE SECOND ‘BOOKE OF TH I Prtica Romana. 2 2 Thefecond Nettle is like tothe formerin leaues and ftalkes, but yetnow.andthen higher an. mnorefullof branches : itis alfo covered with a downethat ftingeth and burneth as wellas the Prticavrens. other the fede hereofis fmall, and groweth not in round bullets, but on longflender ftrings, ; wweiein cluttets,as thofeofthe fernale Mercurie,which growealong thaftalkes and branches z Romane Nettle. chee We ‘ theleques,verymany. The roote is full of firings, of colour fomethingyellow, and cieepeth all ; 4 F outs 3 The thirde is like to the feconde inftalks,leaues, and feede, that groweth byclufters, butleffer, {commonly mote full of branches of a light greene,more burning and ftinging ; the roote is {mal andnot without {trings, The fourth being our common réd Nettle,is knownbetter to fome thendefired and therefore needethno defcription. % The place. Nettles growe invotilled placesyand chefirtt in thicke woods,andisa ftranger in England's notwithftanding it prowerhin my garden, The fecondis more commonand growethof it felfe neere vito hedges, buthes , and brambles 2 andolde wals, Thevhirdeand fourth’alfo.commiethvp in the fameplaces; which notwithftanding groweth in gatdens,and moift earable groundes. % Thetime, Theyall flourith in fommer,thelefferfuffereth the wintercoldes the feede is ripe and may thetedin Tnlyand Augutt, we Thenames. Itiscalledin Greeke Azeavon: in Latine Yrtica, ofhis burning and ftinging qualitie:whereupon,as Mater faith : i : —Htciminerito nomenfumndfiffe videtur, ” Tattaquodexurat digitosurticatenentis. TheNettle feemes her nameto take ofno vndeferuedthing, Which hurtes the hand ofhimthat touchethher, with a piercing fting. 3 Vrticaminor. Smal ] Nettle. ath, : 4 Prtica yabra. Red Nettle. SPE ndofdiuers alfo wisi, bicaufe it ftingeth wich hurtful down:in high Dutch JPefielzinIcalid Ortica: = Spanifh Hortiga:in FrenchOy¢ie : in Englifh Nettle.The fir(t is called in low Dutch Baamiche ‘tltthavis RomanaVrtica, ox Romain nettle : &likewife in high Dutch Walithe Mefelens tec eeereslas Nettle,bicaufe itis rare and groweth butin tews places, an d é meio; ler countries and fowen in gardens for his vertues: itisalfo called diuers Vrtice ee a beer} ioftortdes Vrticafylueftris or wilde Nettle,which he faith is motero stinks are withthe feede of Flaxe, bur leffer. Pliniemaketh the wild esti themale, te, Giake ny ss ehap.1 sAaith;thatitis milder & gentler: it is called in Englith Romane Netthatitma ‘ike os Nettle. The fecondis called /rticafamina, and picarnts Vrtica mator te, The “i ; er from the thirde Nettle :in Englith femaleNettle, great Nettle, of cc on Netfocdledoge oo in high Dutch Depter Iefle {+in the Brabanders fpeech Detye etetelt, bethat ne inging qualitie: in Engli(h {mall Nettle, fmall burning Nettle: bue whether this iy. no Which Pirie calleth Caméa, otee rather the firft,lerthe Students Thereisin the oe : con : : me sie Wilde ne ftalke more ftinging, more {tinging ualitie, which, faith he, is called Camia , witha ttekeda lea halating nic nes, F k chin and is rile obch inne ais of degr i ft deg ne andfub in the fir ree hot,fc litele e .it lS Net titdot e arcee t thetperwi leih no ature dririe,a te s oftem andhard clore burne and {tinge by reafon it is extreme hot : butbicaufe th tedorboiled oe finelittle prickles,or {tings and entring into the skin :for i aititingeth not atall, by reafon that the ftiffenefie ofthe dowrie is fallen away. % The vertues. Bein bo folu le, ar dorksaos toyakindeOFofas¢Diofcorides faith, boiled with Perywinkles, it maketh the die : italfo prouoketh vrine, and expelleth ftones ourof the kidqua len lit fin ie g *Deing boiled a ith batly crame, it bringeth vp tough humorsthat fticke in the cheft, as itis t, Stamped, and the bleeding of the nofe: the B : th the iuice put vp into the noftrils, it ftoppeth rt Pood againft Rice Sis o9, ¢inflammationof the Vuula. TI he |