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Show THE SECOND 3 Leninm rubrum. Red Archangell. ee BOOKE OF'(THE 4 Lamium Pannonicum, fuse Galtopfis Hungarie dead Nettle, HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Of <M otherwoort. Chap.2 5 Cardiaca. See. NN: Ret Mother woort, Se % The defeription. , Other woort bringeth foorthftalks fowet M fquare, thicke , harde , two cubits hi of an obfcure or onerworne red cok The leaues are fomewhar blacke , like thofe of Nettles, but greater and broaderthen the leaues of Horehound, deepely indented or cut on the edges.The huskes are harde andpricking which do compaffe the ftalkes aboutlike wharles or little crownets, outof which do growe purplith flowers , notvnliketo thofe of dead Nettle, but leffer. The roote is compact of many{malftr the whole plantis of a verie ranke ‘finell and} ter tafte, % Theplace. Itioieth among rubbith , in ftonie andother barren and rough places , efpecially about Oxford3 it profiteth wellin gardens. % Thetime. It flourifheth,flowreth, and feedeth,from Iuné to September: the leaues and ftalkes perifh in winter,but the ote indureth. % The nanes. Itis called in our age Cardiaca:in high Dutch Hertzmelpoer tin low Dutch Derteres at in French Agripauime: in Boglith Mother woort. < & Theplace. ate inthe Dot i rat among rubbith, fc ynder hedges, olde wals, common waies, ‘Thefe plants are founde nded. . Jy in gardensill husba it ynderthe ders of fields,andin earable grounds, oftentimes the others. Th aue found churcha That with the yellow flower groweth not focommonas he ; e of Hampftced neete London iv and Built hedge onthe left handas you go fromthe villag about Leein Effex, neete Watior copfes other many in alfo as y, hereb inthe woodt Cobhamin Kent. Lord the to ing belong woods the in Midlefex, and in & Thetime. They flowerforthe moft part all the fommer long. %& The names. Lamsinn: in Englifh Arrching Archangelliscalled offome Yytica ivers, and ALortua,offome blinde Nettle, and dead Nettle. % Thetemperature. ofHorehound. They arehotter and drier than Nettle, approching to th ¢ temperature Jens xe Thevertues. 8 We Itis, taketh away gna A Archangell ftampéd with vineger, and applied in manner of apu iawes, and gres hard fwellings, theKingseuill, inflammation ofthe kernels ynderthe € hot fierie inflammations of thekermels of the necke,armeholes,and flanks. B Thelater Phifitions 1d fagarwhie they call it,of the flowers at fame purpofe diuers do make ofthema conferue,as appointro be taken for certaine daies togithher. 1s alfo the ait@ The @owers are baked with fugar as tofes ate,whichiscalled fugar Rofet abs faces D C~ 2 2 5 ; a good colour in the fac terofthem,which is yfedto make the hart merries tomake the virall fpitits more frefhandliuely. b % The temperature. =o is hot anddrie in the econddegre, byreafon ofthe clenfing and binding quali; . : j e Vertes. dariokene cenit Be naar ahe hart: itisiudgedto be fo forceable , that it is A Eaiicepored a one the effect. ‘oe enscrloppingsofthe ee os ionsand cramps ,and likewife the palfie :to openthe obftructi- B Nioedee a a €s ito lalall kindes of wormes ofthebelie. bis oodfor che ao € gitten in wine, prouoketh notonely vrine 5 or the monthlycourfe; but C Moreoner a Re nat are in hard trauell withchilde. esincatel i. . n¢€ is commendedfor green wounds : itis alfoaremedie againft certaine difea: D 248 the cough,& murren,&for that caufe diuers husbandmenoftentimes muchdefireit. OfStinging Nettle. Chap.226. % Thekindes. di ebediners forts ofNettles as fhall be declared. % The defcription. He ftalk firftbe now andthenhalfe a yarde high,round, and hollow within: the T leayftalkes ofthe : oo maha pointed,cut round aboutlike a fawe,they be roughonbothfides, Th ere re 5 es, ane fort prs Itis good to bathe thofe parts withthe decoétionof itas Dioftordes and Plinie {ait aie the whites; ss ie thinke that the white flowers of Archangel! do ft Some there be that make itakinde of Baume; ic lobe referred to Sideritis Herculanajor Hercules Iron woott. ‘ I ind raifeth hard nisl nee downe, whichwith a light touch onely caufeth a gr sat bur- Thefeede comTomthe rootes beBhs i the skinlike blifters, and fometimes maketh itred. iOt leede caues in round pellets, bigger than Peafe ; itis flipperie, glittering like b ; ‘ | eB Ut yetlefler and rounder, . The rootcis fet with ftrings, 1 Prtica |