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Show 560 THE THE SECOND BOOKE OF of this prickley bell,tifethy HISTORIE OF PLANTS. bell,it iscornered and pointed with fharpprickles ;Soutof the middle nlike our Larsinm,orCardiaca, which bringeth flower fomwhat purple tending to whitenefie, noty ward the top like a fteeples ithe fatiout of {nallerto flatand bottome the feede, cornered foortha Lams. of fent the toward draweth the plant wounds t Gmithes Bawme, orcarpenters Bawme, is moft fingular to heale vp green fo/éor D whites: the ftaieth it times fhort rupturein the withironsitcureth rt, sributedlike vertues vnto thiskind of Bawme, which theycall Iron woc ing appliedsclofe vp woundswithout anyperill of inf ummation ! Phinie fa yermeshac thoughiebe but tiedtp his {worde that hath giuen t! rounde,it ftancheth the I (whereof Pema writeth) differeth 4 Theother kinde of Afelica,otherwife called Adolucea afperior, flowers growe ate mote prickly the wherein bels or cups the that fromthe laft before mentioned,in innumber: the ftalke ofthis is fowerfquat, thenthe firft, andmuchfharper , longer, and more fharpe vpwarde like a wedge 5 the tunnelsof cornered, three feede the furrowed: or hollowed lightly firft. the whiteas fo ,andnot brownifh the @owers Of Horehound. Chap.220. % The kindes. %& Theplace. haue fet downe two forts one Iftoridesand others ofthe guncient writers , and oftentimes it groweth of it felfe inwoodsand Bawme is much fowen and fetin gardens e plantedin gardens as Plinie writeth inhis21, mountaines,and other wilde places 3it is profirabli e kept , bicaufe theyare delighted with this herbeabou are Bees where places bout 12.chap.a booke {traied away, they theone white Horehounde, andthe otherblacke; notwithftanding the c Re doce A coueted and founde out more forts,as well wilde as tame,as fhall be declared. faith he, when theyare others,whereuponit hath beene called Apiaitrim: for Georgicks: inhis iteth Vergillws as yit: do finde their way home againeb Huctuiufpos afpes ge liquor 55 2 Marrubiumcandidum. Snowe white Horehound. 1 Marrubinmalbum. , White Horehound. Trita Meliphylia, Cerinthe ignobile QTAMER» p refcribe, Vie heere fuchhelpe as husbandrie do viually Baulme brufed ina mortar and bafe Honie woort befide. all the which I hauein my garden fromyeere to yeere. The time. the winter, but the roote remaineth, Balme fowrethin Iune,Iulie,and Augutt ; it w ithereth in andftalkes. leaues efh foorthfr bringeth {pring ofthe which in the beginning ;but they doperifh when Auguit The other forts do likewife flowerand flourifh in Iune,[uly,and 3 they haue perfected their feede. % 7 henames. Citra Bawmeis called in Greckeuavasteumer of Pliny Melttés:in Latine Meliffa Apiafiraas Poweyrade i French in greys De Confilie Durch io Meliphollon: and , hyllon of fome Atelsfop En glifh Balme,orBawme Melifé :in Italian Cedronellaand Arantiata : in Spanith Torongs!:in % ' he temperature. ope degree: Galemfaitits Balmeis oftemperature hotand drie , as C4uscenfaith in the feconde like Horehoundein facultie, | x The vertaes. of venemous beafts; comforteth the hart,ana Bawme drunkein wine,is good againft the bitings . driueth away all melancholic and fadneffe. of the mother,eitherbeing ta ftrangling hauethe womenwhich for good Balmeis B Common ty A ot fmelled vato. oile , vnguent or Bale, G--the iuice thereof glueth togither greene w undes, being put into D_ : T meat i that purpofe,andmakethit ofgreater efficacie. be vfed vnto the purpofes aforefaide (me Theherbe flamped and infufed in Aqua vite,may afore fpoken®| the liquor and not the herbe) andis a moft cordiall liquor acainft all the difeafes tokeepe toga” Thehiues ofBees being rubbed with the leaues of Balme,caufeth the bees caufeth others to come vntothem. and Mauritianes, affirmmeth Balme to¢ befin ri Thelaterage togither with the Arabians F : ‘ s > > . . 1 s thereof;o for “uscem 10 his booke ae infirmitie the againft aremedie be to for the hart,and E the infirmities of the hart,teacheth that Bawme maketh the hart mettie the vitall fpirits. ait 1300," 3 ftomacke, to ftitte vp concouls Serapioaffirmeth it to be comfortable for a moift and colde saosin on. G 8cioifuland fireng! Z 5 é minde. ‘ openthe mopping of the braine,and to drine awaie fortowe and care of the 30098 are ardly, root appli a * re e n i w ardly, ith outw i applied or leaue wine the with that druiake s writeth aes Déofeoride eo . = aioe breath I it -ahyreatl venemous beatts , and thebiting5s of madde dogs; gings of S85 alfoit heipet a , andis likewife good for thofe that cannot take . the decoétion ie beanie noun ith being wafhedw mouth leflethey holde their neckes vpright. 2 I ean aoe Perea: fame author) the leaues being mixed withfale, the kings euill, giaofthe gout. itieate: h the paine 4 cc mitigatet s,and os andkernel y fwellings or aly ot § I V se Hiite Hor ehoundb aari Been foorth verymany ftalkes fower {quare, acubite high,coueted oner with diftartec. ia o math downinefle s wheruponare placed by couples atcertaine %The aefeription. wrinkled, and nicked onthe edges, fis Soueted one withthe tik sats nh leaues fomewhat round, NCIS, of a F, ia 156 owninefle: fromthe bofomes of whicki leanes come foorth finall i aint purp] which ture into Hckley huskes {fh af; colour, fet roundaboutthe ftalke in round wharles, 1heroote ei ¢s afterthe flowers ¢ : be paft. aft. TThe whole plantisisiof, 5 of a ftrong fauour, butnot vnmndkinde ofof Horeh ‘, f s3 3 ftalkes, diuided « crookedflender an oundJ hath fundrie. into many finall ) I Ouer with a whi inefie i hoarie cottonie downe. ‘The leaues are likewife hoarinefle,or we a white erand g “Natrower thanthe precedent.lightly indented about the edges,andfharpOted Tit UKE¢ 1¢ Turki B oe ue Dawme ando I ame big neffe, hauing finall wharles of white flowers ‘y al fr i¢ {at e bigQ Noa I and |