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Show oF oe The temperature, adioined witht afupetfuoys Bafill as Galen teacheth, is hot in the feconddegree , but it hath inwardly; but being applied out. moifture, by reafon whereofit isnotlike, that it fhould be taken nd to concoct. bute,a wardly Jtis good to digeft or diftri ¥ A x & The vertues. ’ ifiechthe bellysbreedeth , it dulleth the fights itmoll Dioféorides faith that ifBafillbe much eaten ,andis of hard digeftion. winde; prouokethvrines drieth vp milke B ; , oile of Rofes and vineger,is good againltin Theiuice mixed withfine meale of parched Barly : ofvenemous beafts. flammations,and the ftinging che. Theiuice drunke in wine ofChiosor ftrong Sacke,is good againft heada humourthatfallethinto vpthe dricth and cies; the of ffe dimne D__ Theiuice clenfeth away the ; . hem. fhort winded, &then C. s for thofe thatare E : “The {eed drunkeis a remedie for melancholicke people > hardly make water. herbeitfelfe doth thefame the o g:alf neefin h often ufet itca nofe, the into vp F the fai be fnift hacifitbechewed and laidinthe G_ TherebethatfhunneBafill and willnot eate % The defeription. bath {quare hairie {tems HewildeBafillor Waeynos, called of Pena Clipopadiymvuleares , and more hairie, and wiehtivaller but fnidbBafill; befetwithlittle leaudslike\Wilto-the I flowersofa purple colour, fafhioned like vnto the garden Bafill. The roote is fullof hairi threddes , and creepetli aloirgithe grounde , and fpringeth v poyeerely ariewe oie felfetwithouc fowing. : 2 Thiskinde ofwilde Bafill called among the Grecians dxu7G-, which by int wineor Stelehath canted{undsjc opinions and great doubts cohcernir Thepbrafias, aftieming that this herbg hath no flowers nor feeds which opinions Lam {ure of mine owne knowledge to be withoutreafon : bit to omit controuerfies this 3 Ocymoides repens. Creeping Cowe Bafill: thereof, bicaufet Ofwilde Bafill. Chap.213. i : a l Seo st ofiely Candie;abont and fhadoSs and inthe orcoras , which we haue Englifhed Fith Bafill, the feedes whereofthefaide. Brazciow receiued Stone Bafill. Se 3s Fews Ue? 4 eo See sof wilde Bafill vaderthe title ofAfolochiz3and L’Obeliws after the minde of John Brancion , ca i 2 Acynos. t . ping in the grounde, tender and crooked| great Chickweede; out ofwhicl right oppofite one againft the o are in fhape like vnto Fleawoort, andoft colour,but niuch finaller.The rooteis tia the vie thereofnot found out. Serapio and ot haue ‘fet foorth another th a man mertie and glad. ; ih: % The Creeping Ocymotd: thadowie a lc nefle which commethof!melancholie,and make Ls beareth purple flo- wers wharledabout {quareftalkes, rough Ieaues and hairic,verylike in fha itingendreth wormes. who are ftung of the Scorpion and haueeatenofit, HeerAfricke do alfo affirme , that they fhall feele no paineat all. yis one,do teach,that the finell ofBafillis goodfo I "Baclact Crees among whom Simeon Zethh the infirmities of the hart, takethaway forrowftl curet the hartand for the head. That the feede : Comat SearS Noy 448 fromSpaine, faying that Corcoros Pliny hath the leaues ofBafill: The ftalks are two handfuls high, the flowers yellowe, growing clofeto theftalkes, bearing his feede in {mall bullets. The rooteis compaandmadeofan innumerable companie offtrings, creeping fare abroade like running Time. % Theplace. The’ wilde. kindes. doe growe vpon grauelly erotinds by waterfides, and efpecially I found the three laft in thé barrenplaine by.an houfe in Kent, ? ‘wo miles fro is Bist nethin ore mae called Saint Iones, ina village called Sutton; and: c4nopodinm-wulgare oat plenti¢ vpon Long fielde downes in Kent. % The time. Ther. theleh etbes t se flower in Iuneand luly, Ver tofitable B fill ld % The names. olith Snelith yoidesisis called altcallediin Englif ; . Ocymoides poe chi Liam. i called of : fome CHsopodinm alll, 3 or wilde € B:afill, is teen Creep teping Cowe Bafill oem A % : The nature. thefe herbes are ofcomplexionhotand drie. _ Wilde Baill as %& The vertues. i : and butte rome with wine appeafeththe paineof theeies , andthe inice doth mundifie the A Seas mee all ob{curitie and dimneffe, all catarrhes and flowing humoursthat fallinto ay fe ede of The They ilde Bafilf dropped into the fame. howfoeuerit be taken ftoppeth the laske. B Mm 3 ofCc a i emecit abanaaeaae SS HiST OR VE) OF! PLANTS. THE THE SECOND| BOOKE OF a |