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Show adel a nthima gto > THE SECOND 1 Bellis Hortenfis multiplex flore albo. The double white Daifie. BOOKE OF 2 THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS. neon rubro, fis fflore Hortenepfu lis imr % The defeription. 3 Thewilde fielde Daifie hath many leaues {pred vponthe grounde, like thofe of the garden Dai- fieramongwhichrife vp flender ftern's,on the top whereofdoth grow {mall fingle flowerslike thofe of Camomill,fet about’ bunchof yellowthrums,witha pale of white leaues,fomtimes white,now andthen red,and often of both mixed togither. The roote is threddie. 4 Theredoth likewife browein the fields another fort of wilde Daifie, agreeing with the former ineach refpect, fauingthat it is fomewhat greater thenthe other,and the leaues are fomwhat more cutin the edges, 5 Bellis caraleaweclobularia. 6 Bellis caerulea Apulea. The blewe rounde Daifie, ATP INERRN 3 Bellisminor fyluefirts. Thefmall wilde Daifie, The BleweItalian Daifie. eeyy 4, Bells eet .if Pie The middle wi % The defiription. : ee blewe Italian Daift ms ecommon Daifi ¢ hath maniefinall threddie rootes , from which rife vppe leaues like €, of a darke greene colour , among which commethvp fat ftemme unde withlike ] t sa e about like aball, aha caues, butlefler. The flowers groweat the toppe globe fafhion, that perfe& blewe colour, verie like vnto the flowers of Mountaine Sca- hisIt This]¢,}; : many leaues {pred vpon the ground like vnto the former, but fom’ throgdae ew Daifichath ae lowed inlike a of uy. 4d more hol ve ak "colour. The roote is {poone , among which rife vp flowers rounde as a ball, och aifie is like threddie. vnto the other blewe Daifiesin eche refpe ct, fauingitis alrogiStein confifteth the difference. 7 Bellis |