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Show PLANTS. HISTORIE THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 4 Hyfopustenuifolia. Hoffopres albisflorébset. ie 2 Hyffopus Arabum fore rubro, I bps—oo Dsiects: Heated Hyflope. : Whe flowred Hyflope. : ipewith reddifh andi % The place. Allthelekindes ofHyffope do growe in myg arden, and %& Thetime. in fome others alfo, They flowerfrom Tune, tothe end ofAu guft. ae % The MA ESe % The defiription. “ownein their feucrall titles, 2 Thethirdkinde of Hyflopehathleaues, ftalkes, branches,feede, and roote,like theca! nddie rote Hyffope,anddiffereth in the flowers onely,whichate as white as fnowe. 4 Thiskindeof Hyffope ofall the reftis of the greateft beauties it hath a wooddie ne andfull of ftrings ; ftomwhichrife vp fall, rough, and{lender flexible ftal cs, Wee infinite numbers offinal Fenell-like leaues,much refembling thofe of the {inalleft eae ai fant feetfinell and aromaticke tafte, like vnto the reft of the Hyffopes, but ae iM im sn top oftheftalkes dogrowe amongft the leaues {mall hollow flowers, of a blewilhco ; to purple. The feedes as yet I could neuer obferue. feffe to expe We hauein Englandin our gardens anotherkind,whofe pidture it fhall be needielic oem 4 : former,but the leat confidering thatin few words it may be deliuered, Iris like vnto the me ofthemwhite,fome greene,as the othersandfo greene and white,mixed and {potted ly tobeholde. j - -) SPeiscalledin Latine Hy/fopue: the whichnameis likewife retained among the Germans; : ts,French men, Italians,and Spaniards. Thetefore that fhall fuffice,which hathbeene fet Adecoai ei 7 . % , Thetemperaturea andvertues. Ave of Hyffope madewithfigs,and gargled in the mouth and throte,ripeneth and breaA impoftumes of the mouth and throte, and eafeththedifficultie of fwallowing, , : : : Ycold’ theumes. Tee with figs, water, honie, and rue, and drunken, helpeth the inflammationof the B CU : ieenand fhortnes ofbreath,and the obftruétions or {toppings of the breaft, "4 e searing Hyflope taken with the firupe of vineger, purgeth by ftoole tough and C _ The diftlied,.. Griueth forth woortnes,ifitbe eaten with figs. ; fe Water drunke,is good for thofedifeafes before named,but not with that{peede,and D 7 ie Of which kinde we haue in our-gardens moreouer another fort, whofe leaues arew a ot curled,rough, andhaitie, growing thicke thruft togither, making as it were a tule of leauiess andfinell andinall other things like vnto thecomimon Hyffope. sal} woo Thaue likewife in my garden another fort of Hyffope, growing tothe forme of 4 ne . lee : eg woort, DUCES” fhrub,hauing very faire broad leaues like vntothofe of 2¢wmularia, or Money er . fuller of inice,and ofa darker greene colour sin tafte and {mell like the common Hylop™ B OfHedge Eyffope. Chap. 168. % The defeription. Hyflopeis a loweplane ot herbe about a {pan long,verylike vato the common vith many {quare ftalkes‘or {lender branches, befet with leaues fomwhatlarger yHlope,bur verylike. The flowers growe betwixc the leaues vponfhortftems,ofa Ggr white |