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Show ieee AGO HISTORIE OF PLANTS. BOOKE:OF THE SECOND I{chiatica, Thefamerakenia likeifort;is good againtt the Do 2 Satureiahortenfis eHina: horten wrein 1 Satureiahortenfis, Winter Sauorie, echolericke hun e tough and clammie fiegme, fharp ais Oximelljandalittle faltjpurgeth by {tool 3 andallicorruption of blood. the paineinthe fide and breft Sommer Sauorie, asate fearefull,imelancholike; and thewinde inthefideand bellie:, andis profitable alfo for 2 fuch jouls: : f sroubledinaninde. -vnto. that haue the falling ficknefle to fmell «Iris good tobe gitien ynto thofe 8 dryin Time,bein hot then cke Phifi in sn tic uall opera raed ®& ithymume, akter Galen,is of more effed FE: ild g, and openingthen Cu/enta hat dryin ng, heati ing, clenf ily might re es;mo the third degre ne,or.otherdifes good ef ect r in the fplec to eradicate melaticholi¢or any other humou fion ofthe fpleene. Ichelpeth the long continued paines ofthe head, andbefides his G fingular cffeéts about{plenct: of melancholie, or hypochondriaes; all quartaine call matters it helpeth the lepry, or any difeafe e fpleene. agues,and fuch Jike griefes proceeding from the ulleth downebyfiege degmne, called iDiofeorides faith,Epithymurmdrunke with honied water,p tuita, andmelancholie. melancholike , orhouen vp, fwollen intie 1 Ofhisnatite propertie it releeueth them which be the fine powder thereof in the quantic 4 take and mum Epithy ound ifyoup , rparts face andothe Pa/fiavn,or with Oximell andfale, which&& call aries apothec he whicht liquor the fowerfcruples in : ies. yentofit keth away all flatuous humours and H Of Sauorie. (hap.165. 3 The kindes. th winter 8¢ is of Jong continuance: Here be two kinds of Sauorie, the one that endure when it hath perfected his feeat, at the vol otheran annual or yeerly plant,that perifheth . 7 time c - r fe ie 3) Satureia Sancti Iuljani. Rocke § al joric, 1 : c. s wecall Sommer Sauorie,ot Sauoricofayeere next yeere,which gaine the d be fowena mauft ey iS as i ; S.10lsanise Thymbra obedius L’ of is likewife another,whichis a ftranger inEngland, called out En : of Obelins, ox thar we hauein to be the tight Satwreéa, or Sauorie s whether that 27 i he place. og Eee s rocke,to berabs dens be the true Winter Sauorie,is yet difputable : for we thinke that ofS.lulian awilde kinde, than otherwife. ription. Sommer Sauorie their flowers the firft yeere oftheir fowing. se The time. They flowerin Iulyand Auguft. se The names. Sauorie is called in Greek Sy¢ez, neither hath it any othertrue name in Latine than Thymbra.The who doth fhew a manifeft difference betweene Thymbra and Satureza, in his tenth book where he writeth, that Sauorie hath the tafte of Time, and of Thymbrasor Winter Sauorie. hard and wooddie,as is the reft of the plant. 2. They are fowenin gardens, and bring interpreters wouldhaue it called: aturera, wherin they are repugnant to Columella a Latine writer, Inter Sauoric is aplant refembling Hy (fope butlower,more-tend I geth foorth very many branches,compafied on eucrie fide with pointed leaues, longer than thofe of Time. 3,among which, growe the ; the bottomtothe top,out of fmall huskes, of colour white, tending to: purple. groweth vpwith. a {lenderbrittle falkea fi < hes: the leaues ar¢ narrow, lefler than thofe of Hyfope,like tl : Et Satureia Thymi referei ques Of V Sauoric is like Thyme in tafte, So winter Sauoriefrom itis different. Notwithftanding the contr : pups" of a light ner fet vponthe branches. The flowers ftand hardto the branches, + ed his i eth whenit ha Ged his} whitenes, The roote is {mall,full of ftrings,andperil is fe Thyee! kinde of Sanotie, which L’obe/ hath fer foorth vndert 3ea Thisfmall ese r eT oler nily { sh, Fe } caufeitgroweth plentifully vpon:the roughcliffes ofI e the Tyrrheniani . wooadte « aaylhigh, ofa twiggie |branchesof an handful tender twiggie : htender ais ithithach _ Juliane4rocke. thole ot aues from the bottom to the top, verythicke thruft togither like vnto bes thev and narrower, narrower bringing ngine g foorth fi F { hey bbefinaller e finaller and arthé top ofthe {prigs att surplifh flowers. flowers he whole whole plantis plan whiti i purplith “Fhe whitith tendingto a bleakecolour, and ¢ C taft>,andwell {melling, ? ot whofoeuer, our Winter d Sayaney + inlowe D balan @adaise 37: Sauorie may hikunel Thymbra,calledalfo Cunila: inhigh Dute is drawen out of utch Ceulen which name, as it feemeth, te : 1 regeia : in Spanifh _Axedréa, and Sagorida: in French Sarrset 3 nd SommerSauorie. % Thetemperature and vertues. cutterh sit A auOorie of temper SNE is of ature hot anddriein the third degree, it maketh thinne, ties Wir 2* Viniter Sauorj clenfeth |