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Show SECOND BOOKE OF THE % Thenames. Knotgrafic is calledin Grecke sianiporor ddiév, thatis to fay,Polygornes mas, or male Knot graflin Latine Sewinalis, Sanguinaria : of Columell Sanghinalis > 10 fhops Centumpodta 3 and Corrigials + of Ouitene Apuleius Proférpinaca : inhigh Dutch Maagnytt tn lowe Dutch Gerkens Krag, and knops in Iralian Po/ygomo : in Spanith Corréola :1n French Rewouee : in WV allen Adariolaine de Cure in Englifh Knot grafie,and Swines graflezin the North,Birdes toong. & The temperature. ‘ l Knorgraffe,as Galen teacheth,is ofa binding qualitie, yet is it colde inthe fecond degree,orel ng in the beginni ofthethird. 452 THE I cede Lleaft kiric rh ipanica 1S aittange inall, Itisnot abouetwo tt sadfull ofioints: out of which tl Herniaria,ot Thymun tenn ifolium, f se The vertues. Theiuice ofKnotgraffeis good againft the fpitting ofblood,the piffing of blood, andallother iffues or Auxes ofblood,as Bra/anolwsreporteth,and Camerariue{aith he hath cured many withthe hagainf inice thereof,that haue vomited blood,giuenin a little {tipticke wine. It greatly preuailet me by comming backe ofthe weaknes the and reines, the the Gonorrhaa,thatis,the runningof thereof,being fhred and made in atanfie with egs andeaten. B The decoctionofit cureth the difeafe aforefaid,in as ample maneras theiuice: or giuen in pow A : der in areare egge,helpeththe backe very much, nature, as itwete, withfine parchment leaues, ftandin nesand fnowie colour refembling the perfect white thicke,that they ouerfhadow ther of the plant ben fibftance,longer than the branc hes,or the whole plant. T1 andisas {mallias duft,or che motes inthefunne. 2 AnthyllsofValentia,being likewife a kinde of Knot grafle, fetordetlyby couples at the joints :among which come flov Ditance, bucaltogitherleffer, The rooteis finall and Jong,andofa wooddie fubft 3 Polygonum Selinoides,fine Knawel, Parlley Piert, eisal parteso: Theherbeboiledin wine and honie, cureththe vicersand inflammations of the fecret man or woman,adding thereto littleallume,and the parts wathed therewith. drop, when the D Diofcorédes faith thatit prouoketh vrine, andhelpeth fuch as do pifle drop after vrineis hotand fharpe. C__ dflenc will not cate their meat; E__Itisgiuenvnto {wine with good fuccefle, when they are ficke, and whereupon the countrie people do callit Swines graffe,and Swines skir. Offundryforces ofPicsgraffes. 1 P olygonum montanum. Mountaine Knotgrafle. (/hap.162. ot, and fomewh Among the K 2 UAnthyllis valentine Clasy. Valentia Knot grafic. alike ir ches anc } out of the eft of the lea betbycolowThe w hole plantisall over whitith orhoarie, Ifmymemori Meanethisherbe wt nete he fpeaketh of saxifraca anglica i Port t he fou nde this plant by the way fideas he rc eththa hotfar from Ch; ipha nams the Gemaine ip si'pj m hihis piGure doth very well weft ithees and calling iris#x! i de foun it entheySWhefxtety he- thfoun re de do eallit Saxii Sard of. fimple: tones Myfriende matter Srenen B the foe es Who did mach géod'with’a medicine (that he 1 ok hinscl a5 heminitteed vatoallfor 'fpeople. elthim bat netbecalled Parfley Piertwts hi frankly pr joufhell “Swati - herbe,an tolde’him the comp d ofi f, the Gime, disfor medic Ne the vercitues,a: ndprooueied findri7 e ofP good accoun dbyby fu firft annd co %& The place. iont: Ky not-prafl srowet ineu Beerethefeamnbar ety| e h’ ftrangxers Ritden hee . eS? the> thitdeandfou le{ixt gy, . rthare pyoweth in barren fandie fildes wher the fo ) Wa lide Vpo nrockes andcliffes: and the laft doth growein y rt Fig |