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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 450 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. —————— % The de[cription. aues and ftalkes like taal before mentio 3. Thisthirdkinde ofPolygala or Milkewoort, hathle aller branches, and the leaues ate notfo hathfin ned, and differeth fromit herein, that this kinde e the other; but that they be ofa redor purple chicks thruft togither , and the flowers arelik i ms colour. hath white flowetss other. thatit é,but refpe euery in n of {poke The fourth kindeis like thelaft or A Gulen,Theophraitus, and Diofeorides do account thefe for Milke woorts, and may withoutert beviedfor thofe purpofes,whercunto G/awx feructh, OfKnotgraffe, wife itis verylike. 5 Polygala purpurea. Purple Milke woort. Wes 45% % Thevertues. Chap.161. x The kindes. 6 Polygalaob/oletoflore. Darke coloured Milke woort, Herebe divers herbes of fundrie formes and fhapes, comprehendedvnder this name Po/ygo- mm,orKnotgraffe, But ofthe common or beftknowen Knotgrafle, we intend to intreatein thischapter :whereof there be two forts,the greater and the lefler, WZ Nf 1 Polyeonum mas vulgare. CommonKnotgraffe. st The defiription. ! 2 Polygonummas minus. SmnallcommonKnorgraffe, foorth 5 Purple Milke woortdifferethfrom the othersin thecolourof the flowers : it bringethion mobranches than the precedent, and the flowers are ofa purple colour; wherein efpecially ” fteth the difference. a 6 The fixt Milke woortis like ynto the reft in each refped, fauing that the flowers are ofano worneill fauored colour,which makethit to differ fromall the other of hiskinde. y % Theplace: focutt! Thefe plants or Milke woorts growe commonlyin euery wood andfertill pafture, whercoe hauetrauelled, Theyflowre ftom May to Auguft. i % The time. % The names, Gang flower, Rogation flower, and Milke woort, of their vertues in procuring milke in Oe" : a1] : wn 2 Hieronimus Traguscallethit Polygalun,andlikewile Dioforiaes. q T Hecommon maleKnotgraff re n afi creepeth along vponthe ground, with long {lender weake branches, full rooke his name, ‘The leaues growe vpon the weake branch ofknots or ioints, whereof itwoort, butlonger and narrower, The flowers aatucllous little eslike thofe offmall S. Iohns SUleede, The a4 sand growe outofthe knots, of an herbie colours in their places comevp trian* Thefecond differtahngflendet,and full offtrings, nda Croft Milke woottis called Ambarualisflos: fo called bicaufeit doth {pecially fourifhinthe OP" Gang weeke,or Rogation weeke ; ofwhich flowers,the maidens whichvfe inthe contre the proceffion,do make themfelues garlands,and nofegaies:in Englifh we may calit Cat 30 nurfes, <> URS 7 Coniifteth the difeecds? the former, but onely thatit is altogitherleffer , wherein efpe%& Theplace. and ftonie places almoft euery where, %& The time, **tinflowerand feede all the fom merlong, lick, ANOE Sraffe oO They anes c s.do Stowe in ce barren i Ff 2 |