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Show THE 448 SECOND ‘BROOKE of Déwhich hath bred a confufion, The true Glaax creeping fome es, branch {mall many hath es ofcorid HISTORIE OF THE Glaux exigua maritima, Blacke Salt woort. 1 Pobee roti reeping Mulke woort, tender, onthe ground, aid fomeftanding yptight, Tribufat leaues like and finall,befet with manylittle ftalkes Ins terrestrisol Herniaria, growing along the floby couples; betweene whom grow finall purple werss whichbeing paft,, there fucceed certaine little and bullets, or feede veflels. The roote is veryfinall carth, threddy,& taking hold ofthe vpper face ofthe it doth as it doth runne abroade, by which meanes mightily increafe. & Theplace. The true Gl:ux or Milkwoort groweth very plentifully in falt places and marfhes neere the fea, from whence I hauebrought itinto my garden, whereit profpereth as wellas in his natiue foile. Ifound it efpecially betweene Whitftable and the yle of Thanetin Kent, and by Grauefend in the fame countie, of by‘Tilbery Blockhoufe in Effex, and in the yle Shepey,going fromKingsferry to Sherland houfe. “k The time. Tt flowreth in May,and the feede isripe in Iune, %& The names. The names hauebeenefufficientlyfpoken ofin the defcription. Irfhall fuffice to call itin Eng lifh Sea Milkwoort, & The nature. Paulus Aegineta {aith,itis hotand moift of temperature, % The vertues. A This Milkwoorttakenwithmilke, drinke or pottage,ingendrethftore ofmilke,and therefore its good to be vfedby nurfes that want the fame. OfMilke woort. (Cbap.160. se The kindes. Herebediuers fortes ofMilke woorts,varying inthe colouroftheir flowers, wherin coal their difference, + deed % The defcription, 4 Here haue beene manyplants neerely relembling Polyeala, and yetnot the fameif “8 si i: s pase 4 < 5 . refemblaneneo em. T—. hisneere whichdoth verifie the Latine faying, 2wllun: Bi fanzle.ejtzd Ci “5. GC ie of fimpless Tce seat ~ father hinder thofe that hauie not {pentmuch time. jn the knowledge many haue imagined 7 7 creafe theirknowledge. Andthis alfo hath beene an occafion that I{peart/ Polygala ynto themfelues,andfo ofother plants. Of which number, this (whereof That thus. it defcribing tinie, our of hetbarifts and writers beft the of name obtainingthis adit thicke fpreading branches, creeping onthe ground,bearing leaues like them of Herniart# ~eowiiets oF Pin Sites ooltavesenact Se- Milkw the Sea in towe whorles, ot Crownet which’ do growef{inall 5 among anibo rowes likee the in flowers : the roote being exceeding firiall and threddie fab tt rooddie " her afinall Polyga/ais Lintelsh indeotPo ftem 5, »«of awOO! pliant 2Or Thefecondk herbe wi; thflendérrplia afonalbbeat ‘zis afmall ae 1a ees n 2 e ee fov 7 Hyffope. The flow tail ece > d bodie,ecafie to be 5 and narrowlike vnto “4° he ground: the leauesbe {mallas wit ele bi + kt Ci tthe a3 jirtle bird, fafhionedlike atthe’ top, of a blewcolour, { 3fame: whi. : being patt cerned bythem thatdo obferuethe ee ten ateiel sire ealac (ad iinvenes e Mesiricteali Snall pouches,like thofe of Bur/apastorisbut leffer. The roote is fmall and wooe® poh 3 Polealarubrisfloribses, td Milke woore, |