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Show 426 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND “BO OKEOOF'THE itto be,andleffe The fea Nauell is of a diureticke qualitie , and more drie then Galenthought Rocke Sampier. ; fr. hot thenothers haue deemedit: there canno toifture be foundin %& The vertucs. A Sea Nauell woort prouokethvine, anddigefteth the filthineffe and flimitiefle gathered inthe B ~ 1 Crithmam marinum. » The temperature, 1ointes: Twodrams ofit,as Dioféorides faith, drunke in wine, bringeth downegreat {tore of vrine outof their bodies that haue the dropfie,and maketh a goodplaifter to ceafe the paine of thegout. OfResewoort, or Rose rote. Chap.14.5. Rhodia radix. Rofewoort roote, % The defeription. Ofewoort hath maniefinal, thicke, andfat {tems, growing froma thicke and knobby roote, the vpper endofit forthemoftpat ftandeth out of the ground, andisthere of apiit plithcolour, bunchedand knobbedliketheroote of Orpin, with manyhairie ftrings hanging there. , ofa pleafantfimell whenitis broken, likethe fe, whereofit tookehisname, The damas! ftalkes, euenfrom efetrounde aboutthe to the toppe, li but natrower and mor ges. The flowers growe at th yellowe colour. % Thehe place place. It groweth veryplentifullyvp tainesin the north part of England, elpect a place called Ingleborough Fels, neete vito brookefides, and notelfe wherethat! can finde out, from whence I haue had plants form : garden. : < 3 Crithmum Chryfanthemum. : Golden Sampier, Purflane, o faltnefle ; among wh There is little extantin writing of the faculties of Rofewo head, it eafeth the p™ ifthe roote be ftampedwith oile of Rofes and laide to the temples ofthe ofthehead, Of Sampier. Chap.14.6. % The kindes. Thelater Herbarifts haue obferuedcertaiinekindes of Sampier,asfhall be declared. I etafte with acertaine 1 hvypaftalke, dinided into many finall {praies or {prigs; on the top wherof do growe fpokie tuftes of vi owers; like the tuftes of Fenellor Dill; after whic I the {cede like the feede ofFeneil but greater. The roote is thick and knobbie,being of{mell delightfullandpleafant. = % The names. , Some heue thoughtit hath taken thea Rhodiaof the Handin the Mediterranean eat led Rhodes: but doubrleffe it tooke his namez™ A jeripizon. Ocke Sampier hath manyfat andthicke R leagues, fomewhatlike thofe of rhe lefler (asfalil % Thetime. It dowreth andflourifheth in Iuly,and the est isripein Augutft, diayadix, ofthe rootewhich fmelleth likea Rofe: in Englith Rofe roote,and Rofe woort. » 1. that % The vertues. i ort : but ghis I haue founde, ? I 2 Thefecond Sampier called: Paffimaca marina, or Sea Parfnep, hath long fat Ieaues, very much jagged or cut even to the middle rib, fharpe or ley pointed, which are fet vponlarge fat iy iointed ftalkes ; on the top whereof do growe tuftes ofyellowifh flowers. The feede is wrapped in thornie huskes. The rooteis thicke and long, riot vnlike to the Parfnep , very good and wholefome to be eaten. 3. Golden Sampier bringethfoorth manyftalks from one roote, compafled about with a multitude oflong facleanes, fet togither by equall diftances ; at the toppe whereof come yellowe flowers, The feedeis like’ thofe of the’ Rocke Sampier. % The |