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Show HISTORIE OF THE THE SECOND BOOKE OF: att PLANTS. 413 Theiuice mixed with Barly mealeandvinegerpretiaileth againft S. Anthonies fire, all hot bur- B hairesas itwere like foft prickles, This is fomewhat ofadeeper gtcen : the ftalkeis fhorter,andihe flowers ate ofapale yellow. of be ofa whitithgueene;and Thereis likewife a third co be referred heretnto,the flowers where ate very cutioufly nicked round about. comming ofanhor caule. purple colour. certainly taketh theiaway withontincifion, orfuch like, as hath beene experimented by my ver leaues fharpe pointed, very clofelyfer, Thereis alfoa fourth, rhecireles whereofare leffler, the flowers on the {prigs.areof'a gallant the : ges theed in hairie and top, the ofa darke red colour on % Theplace. bu alfo in Fraunce, Germanie, Bohe. 1 Theereat Sengreenc is well knowen not onelyin Italie, dines, vponolde wals; and ancient tount in {tones th on estowe It es; counti e Lowe andth mia, oth differ according tothenatme hereofd forme The . houfes topsof e ly yponth buildings,efpecial igs, burnings, and all inflammations, andalfo{ the gowte " ning and fretting vicers;and againft {caldir Theiuice of Houfleeke,Garden Nightfhade,and the buds of Poplar boiled in Oxungia porci,or F eiaauke. 2 hogsgreafeymaketh the mhoft{ingular Populeon that cuer was vfed in Chirurgerie, Theivice hereof taketh away cornes from the toes andfeete, if they be wafhed andbathed ther- G with,and eueryday and night as it were implaiftered with the skinrofthe Gime Houllecke,-which F good friend M.Wicholas Betfon, aman painfullandcuriousin fearching forth she Socians kuaediie The decoctionof Hoifleeke, ot theivice theteofdrunke, is good againft the bloodie flixe and H cooleththe inflammation of the cies being droppedthereinto, and thebrufed herbelaid vpon, leffer, but moin number5 and haueone ofthe foile: for in fome places the leaues are narrower and er; they are greene andofa deeper broad and r, thicke onelycitcle : in other fome theyare fewer, fe, which we haue defcribed,gron greene in fome places; andin othets ofa lighter greene: fortho c. fiundri and in divers ce,but onepla notin s, old wals,& fuchlike placesin 2 Great Sengreenis found growing c it felfeion the tops ofhoufe of the Mediterraneanfea,asia lands foin the ,andal Greece <of verymanyprouinces ofthe Eaft;8 Spaine withontit! for(as eris neith ers} andoth , Zant Cretewhich nowis called CandieRhodes ome ofPortingales otherwife itis che C.Clufius witnefieth)it growethin many places in the kingd ward, as inboth the Germanies,it rithedinearthenpots. In coldecountries, and fuchaslie north lly planted, and diligentlyloo carefu be t thoughi h long, laftet yet nor felfe, h ofit neither growet hcold of winterit periihet, ermuc theou and er, the weath itieof ked viantosbnt throughthe extrem kThe time. Oflittle Houfleeke or Stonecrop. Here Chap.136. % The kindes. ve i ters hauefou i defcribed by} th the ancient Ou nd lé Houfleekee defcribedby erebetwo 3; thenewwriters toe, kindesoflitt ry 1 wie. Sedum minus bamatoides. er Solftice; which isin Tuneabout The ftalke of the firft doth at length flowerafter the Somm rin Aprill, hati tofay, afte Saint Barsabies dayyand.nowandtheninthe moneth of Auguit;:bu the {pring is begun. There growe out after a moneth about' is ; which fpring in the Gtiall the zquino e the circles; by which being ong, the: leanes finall ftrings, which atethe groundwork of y at length full growne, it {preadethit felfeintover manycircles. 2 Sedum minus officina officinaysm. Small Stonecrop, Sie WP 2 Honfleeke chat growethlike atree,-doth flowerin Portingale at the beginning of the yeerepl f fently after the winter Solftice which isin December aboutS. Lucres day. we Thewames. Apothect ofthe ters beard, andfoit is ramedi Thefirktis commonly called souis barba, orlupi the Lowe ¢ untries Dol theyof rs rbhae Donve syG wurt HanB ic call ns ries: the Germa s Semspreinaes Derbaert ythe Hollanders wypiinact¢ the French men Joubarbe: the Italian SV \/ Englifh men Honfleeke, arid Sengreene,al giorez the Spaniards Siempreummaiyerua punterad: theirersbeard: of the Bohemians Netreske, Mas} Aygreene :of fome Lupiters ¢i¢ Bullocks eie,an it one ofthe Sengreenes: fori’ takcittobe Cotyledén altera Diofcoridiss butwelad rather haue continually greene andalwaies fourithethjandishardly hurt by the extremitic of winter. s, O- seasenn The other without doubt is Diofcorides his Eeluev vipa,thatis, Sempernsuum magnu h it Hite! , and Semperflorinm : itisa0 gsaygreat Houflecke, origreat Setigtcene: Apaltivs callet named Lp Sua.covisepy vei al feat, Théettmiserature, f pee ee ; ‘ The great Hoitfleekes are cold inthe third desiee: theyarealfo drie,butnot much;by realon a thewarerié eflencethar is inthetn A j th ; ee The pertues. ‘ reel -eDlieva icy are good apainft Saint Anchotiies fre,the shingles, and other creeping vicers nek mations, as Gulen faith; that prdceede ofrhetines and fluxes: and as Diofcorides reacheth, 2 the inflammations orfirie heatedn the'ties the leatiesid? Powe, being applied, ot nee B: Oltatead remedie fot rheumatike arid waterinioeies f ° t Pattee fina icd,¢ Theytake awaythe fire in bimings and fealdings and being appliéd with Barly meses’ take away the paine of the gowte: e “ sips ee; chat Clrdishesyedisi tencbeeth ixka —— viieyraderssgiuén'téithiem’ m : that are troubled with 2 horlaske: ee driue pulpipeticie foorth woormesofBy the bel y if ce with sie! th ¢ \-leu ifthey be€ drunke /Theduice D kewife with wine. wi ean coe . aythe fitiRes in women, proceeding of 4 hor cat y in the mouth doiquench 1 thinkin hor-bariine arhing fetiers if cl gt a % The defiription. whichare panda se little herbe; creeping yponthe ground with manyflender {talks little,lone. the afled about witha great numberof leawes, that are rhicke,full ofiointes, ee pointed, inclining te.agreeneblew. There rife vp among thefe, little thane dtu] e? high yelets: the roore aeens foorth atthe top,asit were a fhadowie tuft;-andin thefe}fine 2 The ot her ou a { pan little oh a f uy gS: high ss Meareaos fall herbe, bringingfoorth many flendet ftalkes, feldome ¢ tops whereof ftandlittle flowerslike thole of théother, in {mall loofé tuftes i |