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Show THE SECOND i Aster attics. Starrewoort. BOOKE: HISTORI OF THE 2 Aster Italorum, Italian Starrewoort, « Thereis another fore that hath a brown reofa datke yellow which turneinto dow isfullofthreds or ftrings. 6 Thereis alfo another that hath leaues like thegreat come vp ctooked crambling ftalkes, leaning lamely many wz flowers, ftarre fafhion, which turne into downe that is carieda longandftraight asa finger,with fome few {trings atinexed yntot , ‘Thetegrowethanother kinde of Starwoort, which hath many netandofamore greene colour,couered with a woollic hairines ,fharpe whichfpringeth'vp 4 yoong ftalke more than a cubite high, often grox withthelike leaues, but {maller and fharper pointed, diuiding itfelfe t branches; whereon do growyellow flowers like Dorowscwm or Sonch ctooked, f ; § Wehaue feene growing vpon wilde mountaines, anot! thantheforiner,fomewhat like to the leaues of Willow, anddecke vp the ftalke een tothe top; whereupon d theformer, The roote is finallandtender,creey ing 9 Chfwshath {et foorth a kinde that hath an \ ) belet with leanes fomewhat woollic like Willowes,hauing the topof t etslike Eula Campana , which turne into downe thatis caric 1 away with the thickewith fome haires or threds faftened thereto. . 10 Hehathlikewife defcribed another fort, that hath Ieaues, ftalkes,flowers, an butneuer groweth to the height of one cubite. And the mother ftalke and flos gtowelohigh as hir children, muchlefle Herba inepia fo called, for that the children theit parents, | 11 Thereislikewife fet foorth in his Pannonicke Obferuation, akinde of After that ha haiti leaues like the common great Daifie } among whichrifeth vp an hairie ftalke ofa fo odin at the top faire blewflowersinclining to purple , which turne( in the timeof feeding 3 After montanus. Mowuntaine Starrewoort. 4 After hirfutus Hairie Starrewoort. Oawcollie downe, that fleeth ay vay with the winde. The whole planrhatha drying, bind Mabittertafte, The roore is threddie like the conimonDaifie. Thekind fg % Theplace. s des ofStarwoort gtowe vpon mountaines andhillie places,and fometimes in woods and ’ ves lying byriners fides, NE two ey a 5 it i in Kent Kk sithee if kindes do growe vpon Hampfteed heathfower miles from London,in vpon miueete downes.and in manyother fuch downie places, 5 Thaiiea ace: dey flower from % The time. The time Tuly tothe end of Auontt. sherbeis called % The names. Bilis: of (omn ag €din Greekedep difiniesand alfo@Cénor sin Latin Aster Atticus, Buboninm,& I "8:OLlome A fey; =i 3 : : mo ¢ oe basintrrer French x Fei aeean Hyophthalmen : in high Dutch Megerkvatit ¢ in Spanif 5 7 5 c es f Strilleand Afper coutte menne: in Englifh Starwoort and Sharewoort. "sofameane It § of , Lei lume & 7 he nature. te ature in cooling-and drying. Ga/enfaithitdoth moderately wafte and aa Ati; ct while itis yet foft and newgathered, f; which} ththebley vflowet or purple, is thought to be that, whichis of 7/rgéllcalledflos Amellus : “he maketh mention ; the . ) ; . «th mentionin fourth booke of his Georgickes. ae Eff etiamiflos inpratis cut nomen _Amello ; Fecere agricola :facilis guarenbibvsherba; Namque uno ingentem vollit de cepite fyluams: Cereus 5 nal J Jf a tpfefedin folys,que plurimacircum Eunonntur violetfublucetpurpura nigra. |