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Show ee Sateenene e SS eS 6 ” 5 Plantago Ro[es(picata. s ofegges, ftaieth the inordinate C Plantaine leaues ftamped and made intoa Tanfie, with the'yelk éxoki fuseofthe tetities although ichaue continued many yeeres. ieee Pe ay and drunke,openeth the condui tesor D Theroote ofPlantaine with the feede boiled in white wine p ons of the kidneies and bladder, vicerati jand iaundies the cuire kidneies, and liner ofthe paliges ini ancient EB Theitiice dropped into the eies doth coole the Heate or inflammation thereof, I finde pug hok Ae WZ SSN 7 Sinea pate 341 HISTORIE OF PLANTS, THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE yout memorie againe, as mitersmany Goodmotrowes, whiclrI thinke fot meete to bring into the neckeare good one griefe, fower anotlier difeafe, fixe hanged about : thatthree rooteswill cure foranother maladie 8ec.all which ate but ridiculous 'toies. eat 4 h,orthe privie patrs Theleduesatefingular good to make awater'to watha forethrote audmout F foramonetlrtogi+ G arebsbesericine ftamped) & puriito oile oliue, Scférinthehor funne . then faameds therandaftet boiled in akettle offeething water (which wedo call Balnea Mariays caft pteuaileth againft the paines.nthe eares, the yarde-or imatrix(being droppedinto the eares, as! by prdoued nt: fundame the of paines the d) or rehearfe before parts other the into firing with a alearned gentleman,Matter William Godowrus Sergeant Ghirurgionto the Queenes Maieftic. OfRibwoort.,; Chap-932 Plantago quinguemertia vofed. I Plantagoguingueneriia. Rofe Ribwoorte. > Ribwoorte Piaintaine, FILKALS j "ts % Theplace. ‘The greater Plantaines do grow almoft euery where. a The leffer Plantaines are found onthe fea coaftes,and banks ofgreat riuers, which are foram wafhed with brackith water. : 4 % The time. ‘Theyare to be feene from Aprill ynto Seprember. ; fia ) % The names. on Plantaine is calledin Latine Plantago, andin Grecke drovers, and Arnoghofi, that istold)s LambestoongThe Apothecaries keepethe Latine name: inItalian Piantagine, and Plantae” Plantaine, as Galen faith, is ofa mixttemperature: forit hathinit a certaine waterie CO” 2 M % feconas with a little harfhnefle; earthie, drie,andcold, Therefore they are cold and driein the feconts® gree, To bebriefe,theyare drie without biting, andcold without benumming. T herootes™" pit aia henasiily ee “ : ek DWE Hates Dae e Coll. temperature,but drier,and notfo cold, The feede is of fubtile partes,and of temperature lefic A : ae a = — ee ee : 7 ae Be . X on ine ane Spanith Lhantem : theas Germaines Wegrichs in Low Dutch Wat echbe + in Englifh¥> Jantanee Weybred: in French Plantain, oy % The temperature. nada : . % The vertues. 1 -erennell : lantaine is goodfor vicers thatare of hard curation, for fluxes, iffues, rewmes an¢ rottenne and for the bloodiefixe. Tt {taieth bleeding ithealeth vp hollowfores, and concauate vicers2 = ; . Dis . c aft in facut oldeasnew. Of allthe Plantaines the greateft is the beft, andexcelleth the reft 9 fac vertue, weedon GPPlants : 1 1 Ree 7" saifed jail other? . drunken, Ge ; ther fuses? B Be rauttians Theiticeord Kin ion > ntaine ftoppeth the bloodie flixeandat | dig mane e belly, ftoppeth thepiffingof blood, {pitting of blood, withall other iffues of blood voman,and the defire to vomite. : ° : Ibwoorte 1 fj A Saas % The defiription. hath many leaues flat {pred vpon the ground,rele narfow,fharpe ;orimall Plantaine, : | zjointed > a nd ribbed for the moft part with fiue nerues otfinewes, & therefore it was called Quinguen iis in themiddle ofwhichleauesrifeth vp acrefted otribbed ftalk, bearing at OP a darke of uskicknap , fecwitha fewe {uch white flowers as are the flowers of Wheate. . : Y¥3 The |