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Show HIST ORIE) OF) PLANTS: THE SECOND BOOKE OF ‘THE 326 : take them /awaie within faide. ifeafe andlaidevpon {pots and blemifhesofthe face, will ; —aoma fixe houres,but theplace muft be wathed atter with water wherein branne hath beenefodden, Itisrepotted of the Hetbarifts ofourtime, to bt good for greene wounds, burftings, andrupgreat experience, and tures; whereot Ihauein my vnguents and Balfams for greene wounds, had Chap.83. good fuccelle, 2 Ophristrifolia. Trefoile Twaiblade. ane xT he mane). Itiscalled ofthe later Herbarifts Bsfolium,and Ophris. % The nature and vertues. f? Of Twayblade,or herbe Bifaile. 1 Opbris Bifolia. se Thetime. : They fowrerin May and Iune, OfeAdders toong. Ophioglofjon. Chap.84. % The defcription. Addets toonge. Phiogloffum , or Lingua Serpentis (called iri Englifh Adders toong, of fome Adder graffe, though vnproperly) rifeth foorth of the grounde,hauing one leafe andno more, fatte or oleousin fubftance,ofa fingerlong,andverylike the yoong and tender leaues of Marigoldes : from the bottome of whichleafe {pringeth out a {mall and tender ftalke, one finger andan halfelong; on the ende whereof doth growe along {mall toc vnlike the toong ofa ferpent, whereofit tooke the name. Thauefeené an other like the former,in root,ftalke; and leafe; and differeth in that that thisplant hath two and fometimes morecrooked toongs,yet ofthe fame fafhion, which if my indgement faile not, e : changethi per aecédems,euenas we fee children borne uefS = OS ark = with two thombes vpon one hand: which mooneth hinke , for that me fcfo tothinke at in gathering g g oftwentie tie bufhels ofthe leaues,a manfhalhardly finde one of thatfafhion. Theplace. Adders toong groweth in moift médowes throughout moft parts of Englande, as ina medowe Cakepreaching fpitele adioining to London; in the Mantels by London; in the medowes by The defri wi Hides Erbe Byfoile hath many finall fibres or threddie ftrings, faftened vnto a finall knot I roote,from which rifethvp aflenderftemmeor ftalke,tender, fat, andfull ofitiice 5 0% _ middle whereof,are placed in comely order two broade leanes jtibbedand chamfertts# a flender ereenith bufhes fhapelike the leanes of Plantaine: ypon the top of the ftalke groweth a gnat , orlittle goflinga™ flowers,made ofmany fnall flowers ; each little flower refembling hatched,verylike thofe ofthe third fort ofSerapias ftones. 4, 2 Ophris Trifolia or Trefoile twaiblade , hath rootes, tender ftalkes, and bush offlowers ket precedent; but differeth in that, thacthis plant hath three Jeaues which doclippe ot immbract — sent os the other hathbut two, and neuer more, wherein efpecially confifteth ie“4 salthough in truth I thinke ita degeneratekinde, and hath gotten athirde leafeperact™ as doth fometimes chaunce yntotheadders toong,asfhall be declared in the chaptet following Thefi : ; * Theplace. aoe hefirft growethin moiftmedowes,tennie grounds and fhadowie places.Ihaue founditin™ w — as at Southfleetein Kent,in awood of Mafter Sydleys by Longfield downes,in thee” - ikeepee inthe fields by Highgate,iri the woods by Ouen we <tyandin the woods by Dunmowin Effex, The otherfortis feldome fecn of olbrooke, in the fieldés in VValthamforreft,and manyotherplaces. & The time. Theyateto be founde in Aprill and Maies butin Iune they are quite vanifhedand gone, % The names: i Opbioglofum is calledin fhops Lingus ferpentis, Lingnace, and Lingwalace itis alfo called Laz- D, Chrifti, Eneaphyllon,and Lingua vulneraria :in Englifh Adderstoong , or Serpents toong: in at Matertonguen: ofthe Germains Mater sungelitr, 2 . ; %: Thenatare, Ad Adders tong is drie in the thirde degree, Theleay ve The vertues; ald eh dM ee of Adders toong ftamped ina ftone morter, and boiled in oile oliue vnto the con oe of the iuice; andyntill the herbes be drie and parched, then ftrained, will yeelde a moft Woon pean oile,oi tathera Balfame for greene wounds,comparable vnto oile of Saint Iohns haue th a. do not fatre furpaffe iby many degrees: whofe beautie isfuch, that very many Artifts ought thefamie to be mixedwith Verdigreale. X 4 Of |