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Show ee 310 THE, SECOND BO ORE? OF THE aol I Flos Adonis flore rubro. Adonis red flower, HISITORIE) 2 nts flove luteo, the yellowe flower is a {tranger in England, % The time. They flower in the fommer moneths sMaie,l une,andIulie,and fometimes later. % The names. ii Adonis flower is callec Jin Latine Flos Adonis, and Adonidis : of the Dutchmen Felnyotiie Englith we maycallitre dMaythes: by which nameitis called of themthat dwell whereit + Lond weth naturally, and gi enerally red Camo mill :in Greeke ied vov ,and Eranthemum : OU MOS women do call itRofearubie, % Thetemperature. There hath not beene any that «1 Qonding, hath written of the temperature heereof: notwitnita nans farreas the tafte thereo ffheweth ,it is fom ethi hot, much ng burnor , % The vertucs. The feede of Adonis flower is thougt nt to be goodagains ft the ftone : among ne he< Ci : a notknowneto haue anie other shies .zs rc. thatt faculty €talbe it experience hathoflate taugh t be ade ftamped,andthe poy ler given in wi ale or beere to drinke , doth woonderfully a1 ine, effect helpe the colli CK, ie eens eeene tae ae Of Dockes. 4 Chap.75. : fofeorides {erteth forth fowerkin % The kindes. ds ofDocks, wilde or tharpe pointed Docke; ga : rounde leafed Dockes and the foure Docke ca} led Sorrell : befides thefe the latet haue'addedcertaine oth I er Dockes alfo which I purpofe tomake mention of. riattt 1 Lif 2 Lapathumatutum minim Small fharpe Docke. 1 Lapathwm acution. llow flower, % Theplace. 7 Thered flower of Adonis groweth wilde in the weft parts of Englande arnong theirae comes as Maie-weede doth in other parts, and is likewile an enim : 1:0 hence nie to come as Maie-weed is nn . [brought the feede,and haue fowenitin mygar denfor 1 fate the beautie ofthe Howers fake. T hat wit OF PLANTS. | arpe pointed Dockey i %& The defe ion. Hatwhich among the Latines fignifiethript to foften,eafe,or purge the belli.e, the fame oSi 7. fication hath ani ”, among the Grecians: whereof Lapathum cade8 ae ( tg ! ; teade) tooke their names for herb es whichare “howne to haue th in pottage pieswae aa e po wet ofclenfing: ofthefe there be vied many kindes anddifferences, aS See where gtowing among whomis that whic his nowcalled tharpe pointed Do tdDocke.It gtowethalwaies moif t medowes and running ftre es harpe &hard pointed 3amin ames, ha ong the which commetby hvproundhollowft alks ° a Paving ioints like knees, garnifhed withfuchlike leau es,b final ut ler : att he ende whe Many flower etsof apalecol our, one aboue another 5 andafter them com met a brow ae ede, | apped in browne chaffie huskes like Patience, The roote is grea h t, long, andy ¢ cond kinde of th . Aha heath nal! Nartpe pointed lothabeare Dackeisoy like the firft,but much fmaller, thee and a tundles abour his braunchesin chaffiehuskes; like Sorrell, not fo muchin Med alfa fharpe pointed Dotke: ° ‘hele ki Id %oThe: place. : es of Do cks *) Hower in Inne andJulie; vie sis beforsfaide;in medowes and by rivets'fides. % Thetime: Dhenames. nA reais in Latin Lapathum acutum,sewwei tae alled i i & 7 tyki ; ace f fomeOD) Oxylapathnm:in ap oe: s 5. ocke and fharpe pointed Dock, the greater andthe iefler: of the'Greecians : u i: we meh Ucurctusures, ire AULES, Stveritfwuresran 2 fi i Italian ian Rombicesin % icevi SpanifliI Romax: wazt, Me.Paradella <i . it waLICH(Wwhich worde is:'deriued UicoOwhi 5 ; : y t tae ere of a Dapathum ) and alfo #>ecrnlehs inn French ab ld Peresie, ; 1 % The nainveand vertues: ee : : weesate of a mixture betweene colde: and heate, andalmoft thirde degree, eesareofa mi te ft drie drié in the inthe thitde degree, A V4 7 efpecially |