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Show THECSECOND!BOOKE OF THE 306 %& The vertues. Theleauesftamped,and the inice fniffed vp into thenofe,purgeth the head mightily, A Therootechampedor chewedprocureth {pitting , and caufeth water and flegmetorun foorh B 7 of the mouth,as Pellitorie ofSpaine doth. it in fhape, faning hat this fower gtoweth atthe topofthe ftalke not vnliketo the prec milkewhite colour. The roote likethe other, [hauein 7 ; ard i one ptehis eee ~ ; ;—- vetsvery double,as isthat of thefcarlet Anemone which eas given me bya worlhipfull merchant ofLondon,called matter John Franguenille wy verygi sd friende, © Teprofitetirin colliries forthe eies,to ceafe the inflammationthereof. Theiuice mundifieth and clenfeth maligne, virulentandcorofiuevicers, D FE The leaues and ftalkes boiled and eaten ofnurfes caufech themto haue muchmike: ityn, : uoketh the tearmes,and eafeththe leprofie being bathed therewith. Ofmilde Anemones,or Windeflowers. HISTORLE) OF PLANTS. ‘ , 3 Anemone neinoriimbrprea. ~ Thewilde purple Winde flower. 4, Anemone nemorunvdecinis, The wilde {carlet Wilde flower, Chap.72. % The kindes. Ike as there be manyand diuers forts ofthe garden Amemones : {0is there of the wilde kinds fo,whichdo varie efpecially in the flowers. 1 Anemone nemorum lutes. 2 Anemone nemorum alba. Yellowe wilde Winde flower. White Winde flower. ot . “ee forthath flowers of %& The defeription. a pu rple colour , agreeingin euery otherrefpeé with the reft of 4 The fourth hath heruile Theaw, fmnall leaues deepely cut about the edges, euen to themiddle ribbe like i ‘owersare ofalight purplifh colour tending to fearlet, which makeththat, callbluthcolour,and All thele wilde 47, is. in other refpects like the\other. & Theplace. ee rere dogrowein moft woods &coples through England, excepéthat wish Which bearer val se #6 yet hane notfeene: notwishitanding, Thaue oneiof the greater kinds hat * verynots brett wets whofe figure is not exprefled nor yet defcribed ; for that it doth SOWwer or otherwife §thofe withfingle flowers , butis of {mall moment; either in beautic of the I f % Thedefcription. He firft ofthefe wild Lory - hdogt deers Wilde nemones hath iageed leaues deeply cut or iridented, whic a te aces een De tic yellowe flo ©Pattot-aweake and ténderftalke:,at the top whereof doth ftan i blackith pointell,and a adie {mall leaues;andin the middle of the fowet ae brittle, ; aine Hendérchiues.or threds, The roote is (mall, fomewbatthie 2 ‘Thefecond hath lageed lea nes wot vnlike to water Crowfoote or mountaine Crowle” They fower f ; % The time. : Hrom the middeft of Februarie vntotheende ofApril, or:the midft ofMai. herehath noth % The names. . ore ecn¢any that haue fer downe other names thentheir feuerall titles do exprefle: nin Englith wilde ‘Anemones,or WVinde flowers. refacultics and te The temperatureand vertues. temperature of theft plantsare referred to the gardenforts of Anemones: i |