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Show ebekh ete! THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE eee OfGinnie orFndian Pepper. HISTORIE OF PLANTS. Chap.66. 1 Capfitumlongioribusfiliquis. 4 The feedes hereofmuft be fowen in a bed of hot horfedung; as muske Melons are; and remoo- 101¢ conueniently be cauedintoa pot when ithath gotten three or fower leaues, that it may ried fromplace to place to receiue the heate of the funne : and aretowarde Autumne to be caried into fome hole, to auoide the iniurie of the colde nights of that time of the yeere when. it is to beare his fruite, % The names. . Abuarieacallethitin Greeke x-Wwsr in Latin Cap/icump:8c it is thought to bethat which Auicenne nameth Zinziber caninum, ot dogs Ginger: and Pliny \Siliquaftrum, which is morelike in tafte to 2 Capficum minimisfiliquis, Small codded Ginnie Pepper, Long codded Ginnie Pepper. 293 % The time. Z) pepper then is Pavax and itis therefore calicdprpexttis , as hee hath written inhis :9.booke 12. chapter: Panax(faith he)haththe tafte’ofpepper andSsliqua/frum,forwhich caufeit is called Pipeitis, The later Herbariftes do oftentimes call it Piper Indiamum,or Indicum, fometimes Piper Cale- withinm.or Piper Hi/panicum:in Englithit is called Ginnie pepper, andIndian pepper:inthe Germainetoong 4ndianticher {Pfeffer: in lowe Dutch Byefilie Peper? in French Posure a’ Inde,ve- riewell knownein the fhoppesat Billing{gate by the name ofGinnie pepper, where itis vitally to bebought, ' % The temperature. Ginnie pepper is extremehot anddrie eurenin the fourth degree: that is to faie, farre hotter and drierthen Agicen fheweth dogs ginger tobe. % The vertues. Ginnie pepper haththe tafte ofpepper, but not the power or vertue , notwithftanding in Sp andfindrie parts ofthe Indies they do vfe to dreffe their meate therewith , as we do with C peppet:but(faith my author)it hath init a malitious qualitie,wherebyit is an enimieto the liver & other ofthe entrails 3 -4uicen writeththatit killeth dogs. _ ltisfaide to die or colourlike faffron, and being receiued in fuch fortas fafftonis vfually taken, B ttwarmeth the ftomacke,and helpeth ereatly the digeftion ofmeates. Itdiffolueththe fwellings aboutthe throtecalled the Kings Euill, as kernels and cold fwellings; C andtaketh away {pots and lentiles fromthe face, being applied therto with honie. Ofhorned Poppie. -Chap.67. % The kindes. He firftof thee plants E % The defeiption. thickeand far a. te ftalkes a foote high or fomewhiat more,fet with mi] pointed ertdark ce we tothofe ofgarden Nightfhade; but narrower& fhatpt rte o greene k anteS ahee ea The flowers grow alongft-t white igbaa theleaues ofa he {talks out of thewinl Here bef undrie forts of horned Poppies,differing iv. foile, ftature, andproportion , colour of flow ‘dandleaues, The figures of two of the chiefeft hall be fet downe:the re{t we intende toleaue “ther ynto a fecond Edition,or a further confideration. . Wauine f Srcene button in the middle. Sree the moft partfiue. final leaues blafing out likeafta the firft,e and whentheybe at : greene 1 thecods, * : li Kered ee r glittering 7 . Qf a brave colon yeliowe colour, of a hot biting talte Sea 1in. whichis conteined little flat feedes of alight yell ~ 4 rr. © AKC Common as Pigee s ahngerand fharpe Pointed * pep soe : ee onpepper , asisalfo the codirfelfe: whichislongs re lecondkinde 2 Soir. tnt: deofof Ginn : Ehecods licereofare Gy all ~ pepper elie vatothe precedent in leaues , flowers, and ft Nightihade ees palin un le,and redde,verie like yato the berries. of Dulcamaract © . confifteth thedifference:noc {i aes and codsan Coloursand : 10™ i anna fubftatnc the feede anding e, wherein 4 = Cods.are ve rie th I ° bitino.ac rt c pee ang biting,as ate thofe of the firft kinde. te Theplace, brought ie meri OM Torr tS 5 100 C. = Bes selicaaine ee Counties y'as‘Ginnie, India; and thofe parts iedfi poffe dctter wh is here) Fat: i ehaue; x ner ns ese for our Englith gardensswheh™> x: bur the cotkdoth ; ES en Rot come to that bright red colourwhic! ye expe sey. hefe LOY re yeeres thatare paft:. bur wees vnkindely woof thefe whoo Suc ana temperate yeere, * - % Thedefeription. 0 ’ t Heyellowe horned Poppie hath whitith leaties very muchcutoriagged , fomewhatlike es leaues ofgarden Poppie,but rougher and more hairie.Theftalks be long, rounde, and cain ioe. flowers be large andyellow,confifting offower Jeauesswhich being pect fede, The Wottic oF cods, ctooked like an horne or cornet, wherein isconteined fimall blacke $ "TheGiong = Great, thicke,{calieand tough,continuing long. : me kaveslikedee ve nde ofhorned Poppie is much flenderer and leffer then the precedent, and hat : braunched int oo as Rocket hath,and fomething hairie. The ftalkes be verie Henaclersp rice ag lout witha final “ote armes or wings the flowers {mall , made of fower pur leaues, of 4 ree flen en der, lon take ofblacke towarde the bottome,after which commeththe feede, inclofe d in yye, - » Toked cods full ofblackifh fede, The rootcis fmall andfingle, anddicth cuery T 3 I Papauer |