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Show postr ewe THE SECOND 'BOOKE OF THE 266 HISTORDE) i Scorpion graile, se The time. Theteis lil moft drié grauely and barren ditch leaues likethofe of turicule Muris called Myo/otis / leaues.of an over : do growvpon weake,feble, asis all the reft of the plant; for the moft part ypon one fide of of colour, with alike little {pot of They flourithefpeciallyin the fommerfolftice, or aboutthe time when the funne entrethinty Cancer. %& The wames. ‘ The Grecians call it Heliotropium : the Latines keepe thefenames Heliotropium magnm, and Scorpiurum: ofRuellius Herba Cancri : itis named Heliotropium, not bicaufe it is turned about at the daily motionofthe funne, but by reafonit flowreth in the fommer folftice , at whichtimethe funnebeing fartheft gone from the equinotiall circle, returneth to the fame; & Scropéurumofthe twiggie tops thatbowe backewarde like a f{corpions taile ; of the Italians Tornefol bobo in French Tournfol itis alfo called Herba Clitia, whereof the poet haththefe verfes : Herba velut Clitiafemperpetit obuia foleme, Siepiamens Chriftum quoprecefpecter habet. others,turning it felfe backe againe like the afcorpion, There is another of the lande calle: The nature. Scorpioides repens, like the forme: are thicker thruft togither , and donot Tornfoleas Paulus AEgineta writeth,is hot and drie,andofa binding facultic. % The vertues. vpononefide as the other,andpart of blewe,andpart purple, confuledly mixet % Theplace, The Scorpion graffe defcribed groweth not wilde in Englande, notwithftanding Ihauereceiuedfeedes therof from beyondthe feas,and haue difperfed themthrough England,which are eftce- A goodhandfull of the gteat Tornfole boiled in wine and drunke,dothgently purge thebodyef hot cholericke humours andtoughclammie or flimie fegme. The fame boiled in wine and drunkeis goodagainft the ftinging of Scorpion’ or other venemols beatts,andis very goodto be applied outwardly vponthe griefe or wounde. ‘ The feede ftamped andlaide vpon warts andfuchlike excrefcens or {uperfluous outgrowing, caufeth themto fallaway. The {mall Tornfole andhis feede’boiled with Hyfope,Creffes, and falepeter and drunke,driveti foorth fatandroundwormes. med of gentlewomen for the beautie & ftraunge ‘~ nefle of the crooked coddes ,notwithanding the beft feeding for cattell that maybe, < The others do growein waters and ftreames,as alfo in the drie and barrainebankes, %& The time. With the fall ‘fornfole they in Fraunce doedie linnen rags and clouts into a petfed purge colour,wherewith cookes and confeétionaries do colour iellies, wines,meates, and fundrie ca fectures :which cloutsin fhopsbe called Tornefole after the name of the herbe. Of Scorpion graffe. Thefitlt fowreth from Maieto theend of Auguft; the others Ihaue foundall the fommer kk % The names. Theteis not any thi n g remembred as touching thenames more thenhath beene fet d es def Chap.50. ctiptions :onel y our Englith gentlewomenandothers do callit Caterpillers, oft ltudit hath wich the fhape of that canker worme called a caterpiller, Thereis not an a : * The nature and vertues, ; copiongraff - ce Beeiried ofthe temperature , yet Diofcorides h th % The defeription, .. Cotpiongraffe hath manyfmooth , plaine , even leaues, of a darke greene colours ie {mall,fecble,and weake, trailing vpon the grounde and occupying a greatcircuit in pe the plant.The flowers gtowe vponlong and {lenderfootettalkes Of colour yellowe, inthis like to the flowers of broome} after which fiieceede long crooked rough cods, in thape Theroo akidney inform like vnto a caterpiller wherein is conteined yellowith feede like vnto e, a is eal andtender;the whole plant perifheth whenth efeedeis ripe. ky mh iSsens re Seorppn gtafic found among corne,peafe,and tares, apd ae wile boiled in ii P to the place is aprefent remedie agai {tthe ftingi ig'of Scorpi Sion; fe and. drunke preiiailech againft the faid bitings,as alfo ofadders,, fnakes.a1 autts as require a healing medicine, Of Nighifhade. Befevve andnalltheRowers ce trampeth vpon wharfocueris neere varity conteinedin crooked cods| ke ath e is tae pee ai e Thereis Se alfo anothe bem r ore on. alr tir e Bae thallo we grauel 1 porpi on. y runnii ng ftreame, raEl ing encle av four, andoftentimes witha footo f tous ae hee eae eas : h done turhe themfelueslikewif 1 P like +e among the blewe; the whole ewife round braunca ott the owe fcorpi ons taile, There is is alfoalfo anot another we l or: ingi vateri i leanes like ter Chickweede bidn, ore a Wateric places.with 1 vnto Cawagallisag aqua a: like, fauing§ thatthe f . "t) nae ftalkes and braunches as the former, and the ei ct that the flowers of this ar ightt blewe blewe oror watchedi colour , fomnewewhat gg laide miore open,whe ; reby¥ the y ilo 2 ¢ofa ligh hat aa y , H : pteasain ene in an vnguentot falue with oile,waxe; and alittle gum E/<mpzi, hath{mall and tenderrootes like {mall threds: braunches mm epnbc Sy minofa,which t Lid C weake wed a e vpon the grounde if therebe nothing to take holde yponwith be : the yellowe fpotis better feene, PDANTS, Scorpioides Bupleurifolio,Pene cr L'Obely. about Montpelier in Languedock,where itis had in greaty fetoftaine and dic clouts withal,wher with through Europe meate is coloured. OF Chap.51. & The kizdes. | Here ; : be dine ts Nightth ar Yeteicry of hey fi ades whereof {ome are of the garden; and fomethat loue the fieldes, 2ulefle m found w ilde; whereof.fome icatife fleepinefle-euenvnto death}, others pine declared neil, and yet Phifical] A ; andothers very profitable vato the health of man, as fhall be : eit {euera}} vettue s, I Arden Nigh: Wy; we The defcréption. Atden eae Che mrebthade hathrounde ftalks a footehighand full of braun ches,whereonarefe Bren i‘ ackifh colour,{oft & ful ofiuice,in fhape like to the leaues ofBafill,butmuch *aMong whichdo growe {mall white fowers with yellowe pointels in the middle; which |