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Show etea a = THE SECOND BOOKE OF HISTORIE % Ofinking Orach. Chap. 42. places. s Atriplex ollida. Stinking Orach, % The defcription. a Tinking Orach groweth flat vpon the ground, andis a bafe and loweplant with manyweale and feeble braunches; whereupondo erowe finall leaues of a grayifh colour, {princkled over with a certaine kinde of durtie mealineffe,in thape like the leaues ofBafill : among which leauesheete and there confufedlydifperfed bee the feedesasit werenothing but duft or afhes. The wholeplants of a moft lothfome fauourorfmell , vponwhich plant if any fhould chaunce to reft and fleepe, he might verywell report to his friendes that hehad repofed himfelfe amongft the chiefe of Scoggin heires. %& Theplace. x The time. Itfourifheth when the Orach doth,whereof this i % The names l Thelater Herbariftes haue calledit Pes «mférinus, o foote ofa Goofe:of fome Chenopodium:in Englith Goc fefoc % Thetemperature. his herbe is colce and moift,and thatno leffer then Orach,but as it appeereth ak ? 2 Of Englifh-Mercurie. Englifh Mercurie,or good Henrie. ae eee 8 whereoftowards the top ftande greene flower clifters, thicke thruft togither. Thefeedei like thofe of the Orach, whereofthis The leaues be faftned to long footefta behinde, and fharpe pointed, fafhioned like the leaues of Aronor Wake-robin whiceor grayith Ttis an herbe fora yeere,whichfpringeth vp,at whenthefeede is ripe it perifheth , and recouetttt it {elfe againe of his ownefeede, fo thatifitbegor ‘ ofcolour, andasit were couered ouer witha fine meale, in handling it is fat 8oleous, with a verie thicke roote,and parted into manydeuifions, ofa yellowe colour within , like Docke. PokaanHrmeme rpenferit cren dena The place. aay be called in Englith {inking Motherwoort. _ % The nature and vertues. Therehathbeenelittle orn othing fet downeof the auncients either ofhisnature of vertues:n0 withftanding it] tath beene thou % The tune. I fourifhethin Iune.and Luly-efpecially, ght profitable byreafonofhis ftinking fmell for fuch asbetm bledwith the M : fot as Hippocrates faith whenthe Motherdothftifte orftrangle,{uch are tobe appli dother tig vnto the nofe as hauea rancke Gualiticit hath oes Genmaines oF it Outer erick; o peering Itistaken forakindeofMe e Sane ‘i certaine Papicious herbe, Malus Henticts; age Heny: cither informe g & Cutle, but vproperly, for that it hath.no participation wit Mercurie, bellie, Tqualiticexcept yee wil calleueryherbe Mercurie which hath power to loofe the Pe ee ee tiene ary =< % The defeription. . “rt “itl and thoughtto be akinde of Orachzit rifethvp with’ G cubite highorhi gher,fome ae ; whatc hamfered and braunche : the { late pointed, fhining : auing cert d leaues be broade; | d t t aine deepe cuts about the edges , &refemblit 2) ofa Goofe. wTThe flower s be fir aall, fomethin the branches, being ~ § ted, the feede ftandeth in clutters ypontiie! 1 eee . very like r Ylike totc the feed ofwilde Orach, & the rooteis deuided into ft e ~ WAWBCS Ivisicalled offome Pes Uznferinussand Tuts bowa + in Englith all’ Good.,and Good Heaie,\in Caimbridgethireivis called Good king Harryithe ; Of Goofe-foote. Chap.43. 1 the fharpe pointed Itis commonly founde in yntilled places,and among rubbithneere common waies , olde wals, and byhedgesinfieldes. haue calledituluaria and ma by Baan rammithmale Goate , whereuponfome byalgl Nite fonamed of y he later Herbarifts ,is accounted of ther with leaues twofoote high; on the braunc Meet % Thexames. : Suing Orach is calledofCordus Garofmus, bicaufe it fmellethlike ftinking filh,whichis cat Oofe-foor ¢1sacommonherbe ; % The defeription. OodHenrie called 7¢ta bong, to be ene of the Docks , butnotprop This bringeth foorth very manythicke ftalke % Thetime and ftinking fmell. (hap. 44. Bonus Henricus. places that may be founde,as alfo aboutthe com monpiffing places of great princes, & noblemens houfes. Sometimeit is founde inplaces neetebric kils and olde wals, which doth fomewhatalterhis finell , which islike toftedcheefe: but that which growethinhis naturall place {mellethlike ftinking falt fifth,whereofit tooke his name Garofmus. 3 m Mo! % The vertues. Itisreported that it killeth fivine if they do cate thereof: it is not vfed in Phyficke: sires leffe as a fallade herbe. It groweth vpondunghils and inthe moft filly ten into a ground, it cannot be deftroied, 7 hep Itgroweth plentifully in ob{cure place neere vrite de i Bonus ; % The temperature. Henricus or good Henricis susdaravianes anddrie,clenfing and fcouring withall, Theleaues oe % Thewertues: ‘ befamebrufed MFAOIASE potherbes and eaten,inaketh the bodie foluble. tem, es A andlaid vpon green wounds or foule 8 old vicer'sjdothfcoure mundifie & heale B Re Of |