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Show ee rear eMee 254 HISTORIE OF(PLAN” THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 1 Aramanthus Purpurews. 2 Aramauthudcoccinem, Scarlet flower Gentle, Purple flower Gentle, Iefarre exceedeth my mieack ribe thet i utie 3 ) ramore; andIthinke the penfill ofthen oft cut ou ferhimdowne in his lively colours: but to colo thickeknobbie roote, whereupon do growe man ; flalke, buttender andfoft,which beginneth to deuidehimfelf and fo vpwarde, whereupon do growe manyleaves wherein doth confift his beautie words,cueryleafe doth refemble in colours the moft faire andbeautifull feather. of aParrs line of red, and ally thofe feathers that are mixed with moft findric colours, asa ftripe adafheofwhitesand a ribbe ofgtcene colour,which I cannot with words fet foorthificl drie mixtures of colours that nature hath beftowed in hir greateftiollitie ypon this /Ac flowers do growe betweene the footeftalkes of thofe leaues, and the b bafeand ofno moment in re{pect ofthe leaues beingas it were little chaffie husks ofan tawnie colour; the feede is blacke,andfhininglike burnifhed horne, 4 This plant hath a great manyof threddes or ftrings, of which his rootes do co which do rife vp very thicke , fat, and oileousftalkes , crefted andftraked, exceedin andofafhining red colour , which beginne atthe grouindeto diuide themfelues into brat whereupon do growe many great and large leaues ofa darke greene colourtending to 1 infhewe like thofe ofthe red Beete, ftraked and dafht heere andthere with red,mixed wit! Theflowets growe alongft the {talkes, fromthe middeft thereof euen to the top , in fhape like pz nicwm,thatis,a seat number ofchaffie confufed matterthruft harde togither, of a deepe purple lour. Ican compare the fhape thereof tonothing fofitlyas to the veluet head ofa Stagge, co pactof fiich fott matter asis the fame: wherein isthe feede, in colour white, rounde; 2 and bored 3 2 . through the middle, %& Theplace. Thele pleafant flowers are fowen in gardens,efpeciallyfortheir great beautie, % The time. They flower in Auguft, and continue flowring til the froft doth ouertake them,at Diba tbl, matt Paliclicloure ot SEC : ae sacle: Paonia ached dower Gentle, Branched fower : what time they a befowenthe next yeere again.But the Floramor would be fowenina bed ofhot ho: het me earth ftrowed thereon inthe end of March,andfocoueredwith mats orfuchlikein . night and laid tothe fin in the day time;otherwife the winter wil approch before it commeth to sordae . very impatient ofourcolde clymate. The right honorable the Lord Edward efor oe aS eedes thereof, the which brought foorth their pleafant leaues , was ripe,which chaunced for want ofthis inftruction. Thisplantis calledin Greek Me Cea (ai sot OF waxemals tine Amaranthus ou, in ee cof Plinieag Apdegrry, bicaule itdoth| BeyAC olde vewillentreat ee itmay differ from Elichryfon,which is alfocalled Aides ete Tamor takenfrom oe his place: in high Dutch Samathluamen, Da nfthoott, and Flo- —" = nat hanecalledit Fos amorénin Italian For vellsto: in French Paffé velosrs: wasthe It: Pa/fewe ; lutum:in va : . fei Enelith flower Gentle,purple ~~ Hower Velure, a Veluet flower, Floramor,and of %& The temperature. SWMe E Mto e latet Phifit1 ions do tibuteto flower gentle, but efpecially to the firft,a bind Witfth h a col ate deanddrie temperature, %& The vertues. ey ftopal Ikindes of bleedingwhichpropertic isnot made manifett by any appa- A ~0Fopinion.t hatall he,except peraduenture bythe colour only that the red eares haue: for fome » Dol armoni tedthings do ftaunchbleeding in any part of the bodie: bicaufe fome things acke »f4nguis Draconis, terra Sigillata,andfuchlike things ofred colour do ftop bloud, itGalen in hi s {e DEN cert Condand fourth bookes ofthe faculties offimples dothplainly fhewe, thatthere ai lis reported th Ant qualitie that isint re Lehnee n mhetsforeie from the colours touching the vertues of fimple and compound me- , ‘ommonfencetheyareill perfwaded thatthinke the flower Gentle to ftaunch ar dbloudje 4; opts “asxe and bloudie flixe bicaufe ofthe colour onely: MSsttop the laske |