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Show Sahahd HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 2 hale crifpia. 1 Ladtucafatina. 4 Hitracium7. Clufit. yacitk Clafius his 7. Haukeweede, Eitracium 6.Clufii. : weede. 3 Clufius his 6. Hauke Curled Lettuce; Garden Lettuce. % 5 ce Wh s Me + + F we, @ i i i} | %The defcription. is ; % Thep ACE, ; A Thefe kindes ofHaukeweede according to the report of Clufius do growe in Hungarie and Atk ftrich,and in the graffie driehils and herbie,andbarraine Alpifh mountaines and fuchlike place notwith{tanding if my memoriefaileme notl haue feene themin fundrie places ofEngland,wht Imeane God w illing better to obferue heerafter,as oportunitie fhall ferueme. agit %& Thetime. He faith they flower from Maieto Augutt,at what time the feedeis ripe. 7 ae * _ & The names, fy ne — himfelfe hath not faidemore then heere is fer downe as touching the name). thar ir thall ( : . enon ye es 3 Cen ature oft } a = all{ultice what hath nowe beenefaide, referring the handling thereof to further © eration, 1 Gnd ‘ % The nature and vertues, fore Lil inde inde not not any any thingygatall fet downeeither off their{ natures or vertues , andthere Ow i | : on SU) » lal é : i are conce t faic anythin elfe n, of themas a thing not neceffarie to write any experiment YP Owne it and imagignatio bea e Of Lettuce. Chap.34.. % The kindes. i ”y Here areaccording to the< ~ * i ofLettuce two forts , theone™ ia of “ththe auncients, ion hit ers 1s halt the fielde,theother tame o rofthe cards : i as pale of 3 later Pree wi es ee founde out others both wilde an ofthe garden: but time with the induftrie Somes and tame,as alfo artificiallwhich I purpofe rolaiedowne. ae i 1 ArdenLettuce hatha long broade leafe, {mooth and ofalight greene colour: the ftalke istounde,thickefet with leaues full ofmilkie ivice,bufhed or braunched at the top:wher., _'pon do growe yellowifh flowers which turne into downe that is caried away withthe wnde, The feede fticketh faft vnto the cottonie downeandflieth awaylikewife, white ofcolour & omewhatlotig. Theroote hath hanging onit many long toughftrings, whichbeing cut or broken Goyeelde foorth in like maneras doth the ftalke and Jeaues,a inice liketo milke. Andthis is the true ida naturall Lettuce andnot of theartificiall: for by manuring,tran{planting, and ha- cies ea Bae erpoone and othercircumftances5 the leaues of the artificial] Lettuce be oftenial ms aes into another fhape:for either they are curled, or elfe fo drawne togither,as they ere *S acabbageor headed colewoott, and the leaues which be withinandin the midft; Suing white tending to a very light yellowe. Reinerpes Lettuce hath great andlar ge leaues, deepely cut or gafhed on both the fides, bot many fections. The flowers are final of ile former, but intricately curled andcut into isk he Pleake colour,the which do turne into downeandis caried awaywith the winde.The feed 3 ere itchangeth fomtime into blacknefle witha roote like the former. ial and withall ey aml Lettuce hath manyleaues hackt and torne in peeces very — ed ) 3 falleanes a in fuch an admirable fort’, that enery great leafe feemeth to = madéo' oe) Women, The “uta one middle ribbe, refembling a fanne of curled feathers vfed among gentle4 The egand feede agree with the former. Skok ey " ore oe broade.cue Se eer panes {pread vpon oe goin; a : ssh leaves ofpatden Endi Se erbinger curling ake abt yearn Matmilkic inice Sec. alks, flowers and {eedeslike the former as wel in herewith theydo all abound. fhape as ye g |