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Show PEae DETces mT THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE ar 11 -Hiertciym montanum latifolinm. Greatleaued mountaineoHaukeweede. % The place. Thefe kindes of herbes do growe in yntoiled places neere yntothe borders ofcorne fieldes, in medowes, high waies, woodes , mountaines and hillie placesjand neere tothe brinks ofditches, %& The time. They flower for the moft pareall the fommer long,fome fooner and otherslater. %& The names. Thefe plants are al conteined vnderthename of Hieracium : whiclvis called in Grecke:alfo ieeuon diuers name it in Latine Accipitrina, whichister. med in French Cichoree iau/ne: in Englith Hauke. weede, Thefe herbes tooke their name froma Hauke, whichis called in Latine -cerpiter,and in Greek ites, for they are reported tocleetetheit OF PLANTS. blacke hosrieand’s valiketo thofe ofyellowe Succorie , fet or placed palebleak yellow colour,which turneth into a dow therooteentereth deepe into the ground, of the big thickeblacke barke, 2 Thefecond fort of great Haukeweede according to my Computation Jeaues likethe former, thatis to faie, foftand hoarie , andas it were couered {the 5.0fCluj, hath with akinde of wo linefle or hairineffe, bittersin tafte,of an inche broade, narrower and lon en the fotmer, ftalkeis a foote high, whereupon do growe yellowe flowers like thofe of Goates-beard or Trag . * 3 3 > e ogon, Pohwhich are caried away rr with the winde when the feede is ripe. The re sand f milkieiuice,and hath certaine white ftrings annexed thereto, I Hieracinmprimum Clufi. The firft Haukeweede ofChu/iws, 2 Hieracinms Clufius his fight by conueying the iuice heereof into their cies. Gaza calleth it Porcellia, for itis numbred among the Succories , they arecalled allo LenpHa. Yellowe Haukeweedeis called offome Marfa diaboli,or yellowDiuels bit, for thatthe roote doth very well refemble the bitten or croptroote of the commonDiuelsbit,beinglike Scabious. & The nature. : Thekindes ofHaukeweede are coldeanddii, and fomewhatbinding. % The vertues. Theyare in vertue and operationlike to Soxchus or Sowthiftle,andbeing vfed after the famem 7 ner, be as goodto all purpofes that it doth ferte vnto, Theybe good for theeie fight,ifthe iuice ofthem be droppedinto the ies,efpecially that thatis 6 called Diuels bit, whichis thought to be the beft and ofgreateft force. _ Thereforeas Déofcorides writcth,itis good for an hot {tomacke, and for inflammations if icbe laid vpon them, _ Theherbe and roote being ftamped and applied,isa remedie for thofe that be ftung ofthe foot pion,whicheffect not onely the greater Haukeweedes jbut the lefferones alfo, do performe. OfClufius Haukeweedes. Chap.33% Thekindes. sagt hhc a Hort in his Pannonicke obferuations refembling the kindes ofScorzonera, of vipers Grafle, Wa" unto likewi require i a particul: i : they) are very like 3; the whichDlikewife pter that they do do dies ® formeverynotablie, ° 3 al a : a tan ea tita Rd ie a — ars. | aoe be likew ife a greater fort orkinde of Haukeweedes,which Carolus Clufiushiath fet i” % The de(cription. c nt of Ha 3 aThiskind ukeweede ath blacke rootes.a fingerthicke,f tal ng ound ull of milkieiuice, deepelythruft ,with fome fi h a Il fibres belonging thereto: from which come yp many long leaues che or more br oa d,c oueted with foft downie or hairie leaues,ofan ouerworne ruflet coslg gf t the leaues Winds, “PPE°rchalic c omevpnaked hardftalkes,wherupon do growyellow flowersfet in e » Whichis turned into downe and caried away with his feede bythe 7 Tis firftof Clefies his Haul keweeds hath great broadleaues {pred ypon the ground fom haitieabourthe edges softentimes a little jagged, alfo foftasis theleafe of MullenoF s taper,and fometimes dafhtheereand there with fome blacke fpots,in fhape like che a ; Endiue, full of amilkie juice among : which rifeth vp athicke hollowe ftalke of a cubite hig silk ding it felfe at the top into t wo orthree braunches, whereupon do growfivect {melling we fF 4 The feuenth “ong vider >aaa hatha great thick rootenot deepély thruftinto the ground, but lying fineB thereto; a epecatth sfomewhat bunched vp in the middeft, with many firings 1 PS3Dotvn do at, The Ralkej watch rife long leaues fomewhat indented about the edges with fleight Cleaues ofyellowe Shollowesfof:and {pu Diuels bit,hoarie, hairieand foft as are the others precen gie:the flowers be yellowe and double as the other. |