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Show . Seahad tehbethalaalioaehaeee HISTORIE THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 5, Sonchws flore wine, 4. Sonchus basis florealbo, . White flowred Sowthiftle, folicn is Sowthiltle, mhiftle weise aleafed : Broad Snowe white Sowthiftle. 7 Sonchws arborefccns, Tree Sowthiftle. x He $ and milkie 3 Broadeleafed Sowthiftlehatha a Beote,asis; all the reft ofthe +t long,thicke plant, with manyfttings orfibres: from the whict 1commeth to fundrie {edtions. The leaues be great, fn (00) foorth a holloweftalke braunched ordeuiidedin- i nd greene g th, I narp| <j pointed and 0 f colour:: the fl lowers “ bewhite in fhape like the former, 4 White flowred Sowthiftle is like vnto the laftb efore defcribed, fauing that the whole fe3 far greaters the leaues broader, and the rootes with 1many more tangled ftrings,which efpeciall teth foorth the difference, 5 Snowewhite Sowthiftle hath many large leaues cut ; 5 intedsthe ftalle to the middle thicke'and hollowe » whereupo rib,fharpe ar onal n do gto ve flowers ofthe colour offnowe,which efpecially the difference from the laft defcr ibed, 6 Thisblew dowred 1 Sowthiftle is the Steateft ofall the reft ofth e kind Endiue as well in | eaules as in.colour ofthe flowers. The whole plantes, refembling the gat yeeldeth milkeasall 0 reft doe, Tree Sowthiftleha thavery : great, thicke an dharde is des: from roote,ferwith a fewe hai which rifeth aftrong and gre rie thred vnliket? at ftalke of 3 wood die fub anguedebecfe, burn ftaunce, fer with long lea : hore deepe] ycutabout the ues Ot ; . edges; vponwhic flowers which turne into downeand h do growe fairaire douab! ; are caried al wet es reenge ee i a withfuchmitkic juice as are the tender and from away with the winde. The whole plantisp® kinde thereof, otherwife it might hauebeenhearbyfowthiftles, which certainly fhewetlhito od refezred to the Haukeweedes, whiereunte fhewitis like, in 1ace* Woode de So 8> 1 he Woo Saw thift.tle hath manyfibrous roo yehi tes, fro the m which {pring many branchedtalste the lower le mies ate like I 1 i ynto the w ild olewoo @ ec rtin fhewe and fathion: the flo pore top-yellow and d wers growe a Ownle.as arethe re ft of f owthiftles 5 sats OF |