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Show ehee ~ eet ee THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HIS TQRTE offome Endisis: ofAnicemt Endiue is namedin Greeke Ser tuiess'in Latine Jetybuns fatinwn: ; and Serapio Taraxacon: ofthe Italians Scaréo/a,w hich name remaineth magi thops,alfo Seriolt as though they fhouldfitlycall it Serés, but not fowell Serriola, with a dc uble r: for Seridsis Lar tuca fyluestrés, or wilde lettuce tit is called in Spanifh Serraya Enuide: in Englifh Endiue and Scat oletand when it hath beenin the earthburied as aforefaid,thenis it called white Endiue, % The nature. Endiue and Succorie are cold anddrie in the fecond degree, and withall fomwhat binding :and 5 bicanf they be fome thing bittertheydoalfo clenfe and open. Garden Endiueis colder and notfo drie or clenfing’, and by reafon of thefe qualities they ar thonght to be excellent medicines fora hot liuer, as Ga/em hath writteninhis 8. booke ofthecompofitions ofmedicines according to the places affected, %& The vertues. A I CE DAN Ti %. The defcription. it ’ Ide Succorie hath long leaues, fomewhat {nipt about the edges like the leaues of V Sowthiftle, with a ftalke growing to the height oftwo cubits, which is deuided to- warde the topinto manybraunches, The flowers grow atthe top blewe of colour: theroote is tough and woodie , with many ftrings faftnedthereto, 2, Yellowe Succorie hathlongandlarge leaues ,deepely cut about the edges like thofe of the Haukeweede,The ftalkeis braunched into fundrie armes, wheron do growe yellowe flowers 5 double,tefembling the flowers ofDandelionor Pifle-abedthe whichbeing withered, it flict! lawayJ in downe with eueryblafte of winde, 3 Intybum fyluestre. Wilde Endiue. Thefe herbs whentheybe greenc haue vertue to coole the hotburning ofthe liuer 5 to helpethe 4 Intybumfylueftre latifolium. Medowe Endiue, Md ftopping ofthe gall, yellowiaunders, lackeoffleepe,ftopping of vrine,and hot burningfeauers, B C_ D OER A {yrupe made thereofand fugaris very goodfor the difeafes aforefaid. Thediftilled water is good in potions, cooling and purging drinks. The diftilledwater of Endive, Plantaine and Rofes profiteth again{t excoriations in the conduit of the yarde to be inieéted with a firing , whether the hurt came by vncleannefle or by {inall ftones and gratielliffuing foorth with the viine as often hath beenfeene. Thefeherbeseatenin fallades or otherwife efpecially the white Endiue,doth comfort the weake andfeeble ftomacke,and cooleth andrefrefheth the ftomacke ouermuch heated. F The leaues of Succoric brufedare good againft inflammation of the eies being outwardly ap E plied to the greeued’place, i Ofwilde Succorie. ie %& The kindes. Chap.28. : ite ae manetas there befiundrie forts of Succories and Endiues, {0 is there wilde kindes ofeii of them, x Cichoriumfylucfire. Wilde Succotie, 3 Wilde Endive hath full ofa milk long fmoothleaues fleightly fhipt about the edges. The ftalkis brittle and loing te iuice,as is all the reft of theplant : the flowers grow at the top ofa bleweorskie co1h roote js tough and threddie. + Aedowy . “ : * . retin ¢Endiue or Endiue with broade leaues, hatha thicke, tough and woodie roote with ly Mtings faftne 2 vponthe groundelike thotcof garden F Eee sot which rife vp many broade leaues {pread mediately from 7 tuebut leffer and fomewhat rougher; among whichrife vp manyftalkes imthe roote,cuery of themare deuidedinto findrie braunches, whereupondo growe many lowers like thofe of the former, but finaller. % Theplace. : E Thefe plants do gtowe wilde in fun dry places in Englande, vpon wilde and vntilled barren eee ! 2“iPecially in chalkie and ftonie places. 50un } The time: They Gower from the middeft to the ead ofAuguft, mist % The names. Yellowe Succotie; isinot w. ithont caufe chought to be Hys/re , or (as fome copies haueit) Hyofé#rth; |