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Show on innyeeareeemaenaneall 219 HISTORIE)OF THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Thiafpi fapinam luteum, ? Yellowe Muftarde, 6 Thlifpe albumfupinum, White treacle Muftard, PLANTS. Ofwoody eMeuftarde. (hap.21. 2 Thlalpi fruticofum minus, Small wooddy Muftarde, 1 Thlafpi fruticofam, Woody Muftarde, 7 Thlafpi minus €lufi. Clufiue frnall Muftarde. % Theplace. Thefekindes oftreacle Muftarde grow vpon his | and mountaines in cornefieldes , in ftonie,barramt and grauely grounds, se The time. ; Thefe flower in Maie, Iune,and luly. Thefeet % Thede‘(cription. is tipe in September. Oodie muftarde hath long narrow greeneleaues , declining to whiteneffe, like thofé % The names. ‘Thefe hetbes are called by one generall “~ Thlafpi : the Germaines Byfervkratit + the Bre weet banders Befemeruyt: inEnglifh Beefome or Broomewoorte,and treacle Muftarde. aie ftanding ; by teafonof the affinitie they haue an miiftarde & Creffes, I haue thoughtit expe “en call them al by the name of muftarde, bicaule Lan nature doth notdiffer fromit. % The temperature and verties. The feeds of thefe churlithkindes of tteaclem is ftarde, hate a fharpeorbiting qualitie: ee i warde apoftumes »bring downe the foment the birth , and helpeth the fciatica orpaint ie downer! hip, ‘They purge choler vpward and if you take two ounces & a halfe of them, 35! vides writeth. They are mixed in counterpon” treacle; mithridate,and fuchlike compolition| ofthe Stock-gillofer; but finaller, very well refembling the leaues of Rofemarie ; crm a very tough andpliant,. being ofthe fubftaunce of woode: the flowers OWwein tafte i ore fafhionof the great Clauer or fielde Trefoile : the feedes dofol- Thlali pe and 2S 4 biting: the huskes or feedeveflels flat;fpade fathion; like the otherkinds of oma eas tothe height oftwocubites,with many ftalkes fet with{mall or Thlafpi.Thewhole oe 3 yllopes atid atthe top groweflowerslike thofe of Treacle muftard, Thothiemuftarde pres alu asa fhrub orhedge bufh. edeebuth eta. re 1 i the height of fower cubites,ofa wooddy fubftaunce like ynto 2 mentioned,agreeing in all p u with f alkebefet with leaues,flowers,and feedes,like the laft before med, the OthéEnoe a ints fauing inthe cruel pricking fharpe thornes wherwith this plant is ar- hiDhene is acral roote is tough,wooddie,and fome ftiinges or fibres annexed thereto. tough ftonie Shines ortof Thornie Muftard growing in fhadowie and obfcuremountaines, and tingtaft atall whe, 5 tefembling the laftdefcribeds fauing that, that this plant hathlittle orno biWwhetein confifteth the difference. 3 Thisfé |