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Show ieiciuceaih ¥ eeies 196 E THE SECOND BOOK HISTORTE OF OF THI the footeftalke of the leafe commethforh ind like wall peniwoort,called Cotyledon, the gat of Frogbit,in tafte wad Snel like thofe as leafe, pais no ifide almoftin the midde(tofthe cc slour ycllowe, witha etal ,of plant whole the ghout throu fed cise Cr fe s, The flowers are difper vnto the backe part of the fame doth Scchkaencibt infide, ofa perfec purple colours on es hoode, called in Latine Conii Monk or , s heele Latke the hath as fuch Se ; nd , dthe fpurre orheele longe r: whichI beingg paft there do fucceedbuncheda or fpurte taileeuts hangacai ol ger: r,andt greate ,but -galis ne of olour andlikewm. ,brow rough , ftede the ined conte is S,W ein ie snob! s na or fede veflels,wher ; via : ete but fmaller. t cfemina Nasturtii Indici. Flores es Indicu e sa on FS Indian Crefles Indian Creffes Of Sciatica Creffes. j he 4 Ciati¢a Crefles Hath) many flendet braut fnall,long,and narkoweleattes, hike thofe of gard low ofcolotr;-the fede veflels:belittle flat chaffic huskes 5 wl golde colour, fharpeand very bitter incafte. The rooreds finall, toug and ofa biting tafte. The flowers andfeedsof Iberis Caydamantica, Sciatica Creflés, % Theplace. on It groweth vpon. side wals and roue! 2 s high waies fides, and fiich like: Ihaue fi cornefieldes about Southfieete neeré to Graueftend in Kent. : % The time. It fowreth accordingto the late orearely fowing ofit in the fieldes, in lune and uly, % Thenames. Sciatica Creffe is calleditn Greeke i% aps :in Latine rherss: of Phinie Hebe Nasturtium fyluestre, andin like manera dium. There is another Z ‘piainiia of Plinie glith Sciatica Crefle. % The vertues. red in Autumne, vides \do'heate-and are with g ceffe with ‘fw i plaifter,and put vpon % Thepiace. J hofehott ‘The feedes of this rare and faire plant camefirft from the Indies into Spaine and u ke ew | regions, and from thence into Fraunce and Flaunders., from whence haue rece the Sciatica; itis to lie on the grieuedplace b fower howets atthe moft; an: Phaceafcrwar m ed dic ines hath borne withme both flowers and feede,efpecially thofe I receiued frommy Jouingie Robin ofPatis, % The time. f and.the patient bathed with warme wate with oile and woolllaide onit; which things xin hisninth booke | > acc OF d. i ng g to the pl ace gr 2 eeued 9 Ciket R f Devnéioc agesin certain verfes tending ‘ fontt fot The. feedes muft be fowenin the beginning ofAprill,vpoma bed of hot horfe dung;810 ; vil fifted earth caft thereon, of an handfull thicke. The bed, mutt becoueredin fandric pli 4 OfBanke Creffes. Chap.15. hoopes and poles, to fuftaine the mator fuch like thing thatit muft be couered withint ie and laid opento thefunin the daytime ; the which being {prung vp and hauing gotten a you muft replant themabroadin the hotteft place ofthe garden, and moft fine and fertt ; - i ‘Thus may you dowith muske Melons,Cowcumbers, and allcoldefruites that require ha that otherwife the froft will ouertake them,before they comcto fruite bearing. ue : i %& The names. ds annointe d I Thede/cription. snkCrefles hath lone! Cates,%deepely.cut or.iagged vponbothfides,notvnlike to thofe ri] ede |The ftalkes be fimall,liinber twifteocke Pets are wisemmuttarde, ; or pliant; yervery tough,and will wr : arse ea flow, ets bhles ne as doth the Ozzer or water willowe, whe upon do growe {mall 1 yel and biting ¢} ng pafte there do fucceedelittle flender cods,full offimall feedes, in tafte fharpe 4 ean Creer This beautifull. plantis ‘called in Latine Nafturtium Indicum : in Englifh Indian ted content well Lam yet Binde-weede: though fome haue deemedit.a kind of Comulus:or itretaine the Indian name, for that the finell and tafte doth fheweit to be a kinde of Cre”™* % The nature and vertues. We haueno certaine knowled geof his natureorvertues, butare:content to referietotte™ of Creffes,or to a fartl ner confideration, 1 . § enone as thofe of Creffes é condekinde of banck. i to thofe of Dandelion, ling Spinach Thet. pb bands Creffes: hathleaueslike fomewhat refemi ‘ s ‘ Dr : : jek raunches belong, tough, and pliant like the other. The flowers be yellowe, Wich bring f ees S1oorthfinal] biting {eede,like the other ofhis kinde. N 3 1 Eryfinnme |