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Show 192 THE. SECOND BOOKE 3 Erwca {jluestris ancuitifolte. Natrowleafed'wilde Rocket, The vieof Rocker ftirreth vp bodely luft; ef Rocket before he be whipt 5 ida Pliniereporteth,that whofoeuet taketh the feede of s, paine the e endur eafily ned, thathe fhall er, and thegall of an oxe; taketh a Therooteand{eede ftatnped,and mixed with vineg s of the face. mitie defor ll Mles,lentiles, blacke and blew fpotsyanda fuch This kinde of Rocket hathloug' nano jeaues, almoft fich as thofe of Tarragon , bi thicker & fatter, refembling rather the leauesof Myagrum, altogither vnlike anyofthe reft ofthe Rockets, fauingchat the braunche,flower, and feede are like the garden Rocket. Dracoherba. Tarragon, elie, yet cofin germane atthe leaft:vntoyhol % The defeription. ] cenfure Z’O beds is indifferent, whether tocallit Arragorthe fallade herbe natroweleaues, of a dec greater and longer tl Hyflope, with {lender b cubites high ; about the brane Rocket with thinne of narrowe leaves, or tocall it cofin to the kinds of Crefles, hauing thetate ofthe one,and tHe fhape of the other, 5 Thereisawilde kinde of Rocket,which hath long,weakeyand tender braunches, trayling vpn the ground, withlong leaues like ynto common Rocket,or rather Ground{well, hauing finallant white flowers, in whofe place commeth final coddes, wherein isconteined {eede like tholt of Barly. litole rounde flowers, neue ayellowe colour mi oficommon V¥orme oreduftie matterthat flieth awaywitl lace. Tarragonis chetif andelfe whete,cout! gatdens of it felfe , youmayfee moft bricke and {tone wals about London with it, and creuilesof fot Thenarrowe leafed Rocket groweth neere vnto watetfides, inthe chinkes creafedbyth ong { others haue rep f{carfe worth the noting faying that the feede of of Lansbithe, wals among the morter. I found itasyee go from Lambithebridge tothe village derafmall bridge that you mutt paffeouer hard by the Thames fide. of Thanet, hardebjt I foundfea Rocket growing vponthefandesneere yntothe feain the Tle when I found te Surely s houfe. Queake called dwell me fometi did houfe wherein fir Henry Cri/pe with Barly loft in thar place, # dott | feede ofthis herbe, I thought there hadbeene fomefhip laden fo well refembleit, and withall fuch great quantitie ofit, as ifithad beene {pile in that place, Wad fuch time as 1 found fomeofthe plants not yet withered norloft their feede ; and chrenLui petceiuedit to be the feedeoffea Rocket, which before that time [hadnot feene. | % The time. Thefekindes ofRocket flowerin Iune andLuly and the feede is ripe in September. F TheRomaine Rocket dieth euery yeere, and recouereth it felfe by the falling of his owne : : aad % The names. Rocketis called in Greeke(ow: in Latine Evuca: in high Dutch Rauekenbraut: Fie Oruga: in Englifh Rockett Roquette: in lowe Dutch Rakette tin Italian Ruchetta : in Spanith likewile acertaint™ Racket. The Poets do oftentimes name it Herba falax’® Eruca doth fignifie ker worme,whichis an enimie to pot-herbes,butefpeciallyto colewoortsRockerofthefeais calledof LObelins,Kakile Serapionts. } Sn % The temperature, Atobe accuftomes” Rocketis hot and dricin the thirde degree, therefore faith Gales itis not fit not €aten alone, i oole the flaxe put intoa radifh roote orfea Onion, andfo fet doth bring foorth that herbe Tarragon, i to be eaten alone,it; caufech headdch and heateth 100 muc ame;fame; otherwife 1 se The time: a eS Itis greene all fummer long, andagreat part 4 4 > of Autumne,and flowrethinLulic, cr % The names. Itisnamed in Latine Draco: of theItalians Dragoncellum: in French Dragon: in Englifh attagon, Itis thoughttob Z f litlethere, Poets prion which Auicenne mentioneth in his 686. chapter, but he writeth i j i Nothin g can certainly Ai Moreouer ies be affirmedofit. f cemauetee , wherewitl wherewith itten, that with Tarragon, G! alfo named itin Greeeke whichis alf{ gon, whichis auusvas reftored to life, : attagon S0Nisj % The temperature: ye? hot and drie in the thirde de eree, ye The vert ues. ies (abe % The: vertues. «for? ; ome be eaten : i isa with lettuce, pirflane, andfuch colde herbes! a ,ifit good falladeherbe A ore = Coete € goodand wholefomeforthe ftomacke, andcauferh thatduch colde hetbeshe ) earth , as doe the rootes.of Couck which fprouting foorth it increafet! nofeede at all ; but as it were.a ce ‘ olde buildings. Commongarden Rocket groweth in moh : d and fibrous; creeping farre abroad %& Theplace. Romaine Rocket is cherithed in gardens, ad growethmany times ofit felfe among rubbithot f Chap. II, Of Tarragon. 4) Thereis another kinde of Rocket,thoughthy that reuerend and excellent Herbarift caroly Clufixes; robe akinde of Grefles, ifnotGreffesit 7 hi lly the feede, digeft Itprouoketh yrine,and caufeth good x The daftription, 3 PLANTS. HISTORITE OF) THE i not to ary gon is be eaten al one infallades but ioyned with other herbes,as lettuce, purflai :andftch like ha thar ti;t may alfo the coldnes of them,like as Rocket doth neither do we know rhat other yfe th rem per is hethe ce . Nit |