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Show HISTORVDE’ OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Desc alien Rapifirum Aquaticum. 2~-Bunias fylueHrisl Obelis; 1 Bunias, Water Chadlock. Wilde Nanew. Nauew gentle, Wilde Turneps or Rapes, do growofthemfelug e in fallow fields , and likewife by high waiesneet vnto olde walles, vpon ditche-bankes, andneere | SN ynto townes andvillages , and in other vitolled and rough places. The iChadlocke groweth for the moft pat | among corne in barraine grounds , andoftenty ww mwI~ A rN the borders of fields andfiich like places, Water Chadlock groweth in moift medowes and marith grounds, as alfo in water ditches,ant | fiich like places. Thetime. Thefe do flower from March cillformer befa {pent,andin the meanefeafon the feedeistipe, & The names. Wilde Turnep is called in Latine Repsfim, Rapwn(ylueftre, & offome Sinapipluestresorl muftard: in high Dutch Henertch +in low Dutch Derick: in French Yelar ; in Englifh Rape, and Rape feed. Zapittrum aruornm is called Charloct, Kedlock,and Carlock, % The temperature. a Thefede ofthefe wilde kindes of Tueps as alfothe water Chadlock , arehot and i we The place. ftard feedis. Some haue thoughtthat Carlock hatha drying andclenfing qualititie,and fomewitt digefting. A %& The vertues. inset Diwers vie the feede of Rapein fteed of muftard feede, whoeither make hereof a fau sal 25. fs doth the Turnep,& profpereth in 2 fmnit- fillfoite he's foweninFraunce, Bauaria,& other places in the fields for the feedfake,as is likewife 5 MiatWild Colewoort called oftheold writers Crambe: forthe plentifulincreafe ofthe feeds bring- th| ” whichis vfednot onelyin lampes, but alfo in the making ofope; for ofthis oile and a lie made Rate athes, isboileda fope whichis vied in the Lowe countries eulery where to fcowre and a innen clothes.I have hardit reported thatit is at this day fowenin Englandfor the fame put- thenameofmuftard, orelfé mixeit with muftard fede : but thiskinde offauce is not fo plea? the tafte, bicaufe itis bitter, Natew Gentle requiceth a loofe & yellow mould euen as Galen writeth that thefe being eaten engender euill blood: yet Déo/éorides faith , they wame™ J ftomack and nourifh fomewhat. ethno {mall 8aineto the husbandmen of thatcoun trey , bicaufe that beingprefled they yeeldean po Of Nauewes.. ial Nauew gtoweth vponditch Chap.z. Mamarfhie bankes in moft places. 1 Nauew The & Thekigites. of whit T Here be fundrie kinds of Nape or Nauewes degenerating fromthe kinds of"Tumep ssofwt fome are of the garden; and other wilde,or ofthe field, % The defeription. : I e de. diffesin difteritl , andfeede, ftalkes., lowers Auew gentleis like i ynto Turnepsinleaues, : : fost p + 4 toote:the ‘Turnep isround likea globe, the Nauew rooteis fomewhat ftretche length. , . f ar, Thet Thefinall 2 or wilde Naueweislike vntothe former.fauing thatitis alrogither lefler, is {mall,fomewhat long,with¢ reads long and tough at the endthereof. 1 Bene bankes.neere vato villages and good is fowen,floureth and {eed townes3 as alfo vp- % Thetime. ethat the fame time that the Turnep doth, % Thenames. : : The Nanew iscall ed Steckeubens theB in Latine Mapu; andallo Bunias : in Greeke Buias: the Germainescallie tabanders Stecktaper: in Spanifh Waps: in Italian Wawo: the Frenchmen Nawean: in Eng lith Nauew gentle,or French Naueau. hey % Thetemperature and vertues. a _ the Natiew : littleand ten ire anc and vertues >yer fome fuppofe Naveisa dei the Turnep Pare are all one in in temperature PP that the ingerides‘leffe wy: er and narfo279foone concoéted, nor2 pafleth downefo eafily , and-doth withall ont Cwinde.'In the teft itis anfwerable tothe T urnep. eM3 Of |