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Show PPlatisnents Parodiad HISTORIE THE ‘FIRST! BOOKE OF THE alongthe Jeaues ike thofe ofPlantaine: among which dersivhexeipon ateplaced certainfall white come foorth naked ftalkes , final and ten. flowers,trace fathion,not{o fweete as the formerin fell andfauour. 169 %& The time. tothe end of September. Thefe kinds of Stones do flower from Auguft xe The names. Tefticlesor Stones, The firtt is called in Latine Tes#ietls Odoratws >in Englith fweete {melling not ofthe fwerenes ofthe rootes,but of the flowers. Ivis 4 Orchis Leodienfis. Liege Ladie traces. 3, Orchis Frifia. Friezland Ladie traces. OF PLANTS. called allo Orchis.piralis 10% Aututhnalis, women they be called Ladie.traces;.in forthat itcommeth to flowring in Autumne : ofour Englifh , fweete Cods, fweete Cullions and every. countrey bya feuerallname, as offome fweete Ballocks French Satirion, +10 lcraut Stande nd raut,a navenk Standergraffe. In Dutch triple Ladie laces, or. white n glith, Thefecondfortis called Tworchis, and allo Tesrarchis:inE Orchis, : Orchis..The third is called Orchis Frizéa :in Englith Friezland Orchw and is, Leodsenf Orchis fome of called s,is Tefticle The laft ofthefe kinde ofStones or te : in Englifh yellowe Ladie tea:in Latine likewile Ba/ilica minor Serapias, and’ Triorthis AEgine i ure. temperat The se ; traces. the Dogs'ftones, although Thefekinds of fiveete Cullions are of nature and temperature like ributed fome vertuesvnto haue-att writers later g not vied in Phificke in times paft, notwithftandin % The vertues. themasfolloweth. n milke and drunke , prouoke venery, A The fulland fappy rootes of Ladie traces eaten or boiledi ate fallen into a confumption or feuer pra and {trengthenthe bodie , and be goodfor fuch as ectique. Of Satyrion royal. se The kinds. Chap.103. Here be fundrie forts of Stones comprehendedof the auncients vnder the generall title Sati- rion roiall,notwithftandingfor diftinGtions fake; and forthe eafier vnderftanding of theReader, [haue fet downe onely two,male andfemale, the reft 1 thought good to,make the kindes of Serapias Stones. 2 Palma Christi famina. 1 Palma Christi mas; The female Satytion royalts The male Satyriontoyall. RS siete % The defcription. etiezland Ladie traces hath twofmall roundftones or bulbes i sete, een ofthe bignes ofthe peafe tat nan aera oe thewhich rifevp a fewe leaues , lefler tiedtholt offhe triple tienes »tibbe the foe commeth foorth a {mall naked ftalke , fecro™ fall elietimes aboutwith ; snot8trace fafhion,as the former. 4 Liege Ladie traces hath for his rootes two greaterftones and twofinallersfrom the which com pathonseorisoredormds how ies e028 I . that they be of an ouerworne wallow anag » fet with fuch c Thefek ; . flowers as the laft defcribed y {quit % The place. ‘ growin rie paftures Scheathes, and likewifevpon<itt hils ahkThawfeoea do plentifully in findry places, asin the fielde by Iflingto" nieet® Gondas whexethsa ; * growing headiaahSeciekus seeoe vndera feweold fhrubby okes.They growlikewile vpontit water tothe houfe belongits tothe late fir Frances PV, ¢ vnto the head ofa conduit that fendeth o vées d PValfingham. They gtow in the field next vntoa village called Thiftlewo ‘ yee go from Branfor assy tohiir Maiefti iefti es | i village neere London called Stepne : fe amerchant n™ steehaticofL of London, oni Sc, of aleatned the'telation by pney,, Cole,exceeding] matter ; i gly well ; The Lomes yellow kinds growe aieee ep eo apes. Effex. Likewifeneere vnto Muche Dun ures and borders offields about Ouenden and Claret gentleman mafter sames Twaighis,exc — in Effex, where they were fhewed me byaleas; ently well fecnein the knowledgeofplants. a tht |