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Show nasasetcnacstabern PFsec BU Teethdtesti it ‘| 1 i rat we ' | he A Nh 358 THE FIRST|BOOKE OF THE ha se Thetemperatare. butthe greater feemethto temperature hot andmoift, of be ftones Dogs of luft. y Thefe kinds fiefhl vp h ftirret it dtunke ing z acti | anddrie temperature mhingeniequeconta innature, rendingto a hot e h hand keepet itbad ‘bexefepsbiszonte is fo far fiom moouing venerie, that concratiw ile it ftaiet driefacultie, and donoth as Galenteacheth, He alfoaffirmeth that Serapias ftones are.o} amore muchpreuaile to ftir vp the luft ofthe flefh,xe Theveriues, ; _ A, _Itisreportedas Diofeorides writech, that ifmendocate of the great full or fat:rootes ofthefe male children : andif women eate of theleffer, dtig kinds ofDogs ftones, they caufe them to beget led, they fhall bring foorth females, Thefe are fom ed flriue or wither is which roote of barren B C ; 1 ‘ Doétors opinions onely, ote to be drunkein gotes Itisfurtherreportedthat in Theffalia,the women giue the tender fullxo i tnike,to moouebodily luft,andthe drie to reftraine the fame. ecaries doe mixeanyof Ourage viethall thekindesof {tones to {tire vp veneri¢ , and the apoth alae ftand moft effectu themindifferently with compofitionsferuing for that purpofe. But thebe fferé takenindi athe Goates tones as moft haue deemed:yet boththe bulbes or ftones aré not tobe for that whichis tie of ittice: Jy,bur the hardet andfuller , and that which conteineth moft quanti rooteis not alvvaies wrinckledis leffe profitable or notfit at al to be vfed in medicine. Andthefuller the plant hath hed his | the greater,but often theleffer,cfpecially iftherootes be gathered before is not the greateltbe. iuice of is fuller which that for , th yp comme firft ftalke flowers,or when the or bulbe waxeth ftone one courfe by yeere other fore the feed be perfectly ripeFor feeirigthat euery fhould be alwaies full, the other emptie & perifheth, it cannot be thatthe harder andfuller ofiuice whilet the greatet.For at {uchtime as the leaues com forth,the fuller then beginnethtoincreafe,& feed beripe che the fame dothby little &little incteafe , the other doth decteafe and wither vntill thenthe whole plant togither withthe leaues and ftalkes doth foorthwithfall away andperifh, and thatwhich in the meanetimeincteafed,remaineth ftill freth andfull vnto the nextyeere. OfFooles ftones. Moriomas 5 Cynoforchis e ftones: ThemaleFool ; . Shetedcnet ear Fe varicose hleaues, not vnlike He male Foole ftones hathfiue, fometimesfixe,long broad and fmoot 5 ry places with blacke are dafht and {potted infand to thofe oftheLillie , fauing that they n, fomewhat like the for{pots and ftreaks,"The flowers grow at the top tuft or {pike fafhio fooles hoodor cocks-combe. wide open, or mer,but thruft more thicke togither, in fhape like to a e, anda {mal gaping before,andas it were crefted abouewithcertaine cares ftanding vp by eueryfid nt fauour or pleafa a r of , colou violét ning toa de decli backfi ,the ng downe taile or {pur hangi é fnell. ofPlane 6 Thefemale Fools {toneshath alfo fmooth leaues,natrow,tibbed with nerueslik thofe , as itwere open hoods , with a little taine, The flowers be likewife gaping , and like the former e leaues forted or mixed among horneor heelehanging behinde cuery one ofthem,and {mall green ght vp , but lying flat vpon the them refemblingcocks-combes,with littleeares, not ftanding ftraibe perceiued. The rootes are 2 n viewe fudde the t cannota hey thatt fort, hooded flower; in fuch infinitely in colour, accorvarie do fort s ofthis flower The r. couple of {mall ftones like the forme foorth their flowers ofa deepe violet ding tothe foile or countrey where they do grow: fomebringgarni fhed with {potsof diners colours colour,fome as white as fnow,fome ofa flefhcolour, & fome d. guithe which are not poffible to be diftin % Theplace. Thefe kinds ofFooles ftones do grownaturally to theirbeft liking in paftures and fields that féldome or neuer are dunged or manured. se The time. They flower in Tune , Iuly and the beginning of Auguft. Their {tones are to be gathered for medicine in September,as are thofe ofthe Dogsftones. se The names. Chap.99Cynoforchis Morio 6 PrFemail hones Fook’famins. rh ; Satyrion, and alfo O»yj Orchisi mas: : of Apuleius i morio:io: of Fuchfius , is called Cynoforchis I Thefirftis chis Delphinia :in Englith male Foole ftones jand Cuckow Orchis. ; % The temperature. Fooleftonés both male and female are hot and moift ofnature. & The verties. The vertues'ofthefeFoole ftones'arethoughtto-hauethe vertues of Dogs ftones'j whereunto theyarereferred, ae OfGoatesones. Chaprtoo. x The. kindes, Here be three fortsor kinds of Goates {tones , which differ from the others before meéhtio= nedaswvellin fhape of lowers, as alfo in theranknes or,Jothfomnes offmeil: Thelaftof the jill PAE is “hough to bethe truand right Tragorchis according, tothe beftapproaued opt- mip - nftanding among themfelues there is great contention for {enioritie , as alfo for ftaPhangherb? fome hauing leaues like vnto the Lillies others refembling thofe of the great culsas: 4 Mees:9: foorth flowers of a perfect purple colour 3 others white, and fome of mixt mae ie which to diftinguith particularly were too fall purpofe , confidering the great har~ we haue in hand, % Tragarchis |