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Show HISTORIE OF PLAN TS, THE THE FIRST BOOKE OF se The de feription. as you fee,yet ar sly hhui to vnderftandthy two pictures of Saffrons I[haue expreffed Lthough + a] Ihe at ai citiedbyone ( which could no one kinde5 of plant, but fet foorth do thefetwo Ais ab aly tis Caen site aise tthe ype ° grouna picture asbytwo,bicaufe his lower dothfirlt rife out ofthe September, edly flower andhis long {mall otaffie leaues fhortly after the flower, neuer bearing at once, The this deferiptwhichto expreffe I thought it conuensent to fet downe two pictures before you with on,videl. The roote is finall, roundand Bulbus, The flower confifteth of fixe finall beareth nothing but leaues,and the other expreffeth the maner of his flowring. ‘ :1 diuers other, emplailuft. The confections called Crocomagna, Oxycroceum, and Déacurcima, with ftérs andelétuaries,cannot be well.inade without Saffron, Figsii, 5. Mitridate J The waight of tengraines 6fSaffron, the kernels, of Walnuts ii, ounces, ll water, one dram,anda fewefageleaues, ftampedtogitherwith afufficient quantitie of Pimperne graines given in and medesnto.amafle or lumpe andkeptin aglafle for your vfesand thereoftwelue that are infected, the morning fafting preferue thfrom the peftilence and expelleth it from thofe Ofwilde Saffron. Chap, 8 blew leaues te. ch aretwo, ding to purple, hauinginthe middle many finall yellow ftrings or threds , among wl three or more thickefat chiues, ofa fierie colour fomwhat rec ith, of a ftrong {mell whentheyke dried, which doth ftuffe and trouble the head, The firft picture fetteth foorth the plant wheni % The :place. 125 good fuccefle giuen to procure bodilie alfo to. colour findry meates and confeGtions: It is with nw : Common,orthe beft knowne Saffron groweth plentifully in Cambridgefhire, Saffron Walden and other places thereabout,as cone inthe fieldes. % The time. and remane {pringvpth to Aower in September, ? andprefentlyafter Saffron beginneth gin ) pring Vf e leaves, greeneall the winter long. : % The names. Saffronis called in Greeke xew#s: in Latin Crocus :in Mauritania Zaffaran: in Spanith caf: inEnglithSaffron: in the Arabicke toong Zthafaran, Somethat are difpofedto difleribleandiet with their friends and to make themmenrrie with pretiePoeticall figmentes, hauegiven itthename x The kindes. E wilde Saffrons.there be fundry,forts, diffexing as wel incolour ofthe flowers as alfoin the time oftheir flowring,ofwhich thefigures of two fhall be fet foorth vnto you. The reftfhall be defcribed onely., bicanfe nature, hath been fo pléentifulland copious in multiplying of thefe plants aboue manyothers. I_ 2 Crocus verjs. Early fowring wilde Saffron. Crocus VErIUS Mitor. Small wilde Saffron. ofa Damfell,whereof Oxéd maketh mention, which torecite were impertinent to our hiftorie, % The temperature. Saffron isalittle aftringent or binding,but hishot qualitie doth fo ouer rule in it thatin thewhd effenc itis inthe number ofthofe herbes which are hot in the fecond degree,anddrie in thei therfore italfohath a.certaine force to concoé,whichis furtheredby the {mal aftrictionthat isint, as Galen faith. A. ; % The vertues. Abicen afirmeththatit caufeth headach, andis hurtfull tothe braine , which it cannot doeby taking it nowand then , butby toomuchvfingofit: fortoo much vfing of it cuttethoff fleeps hae want whereof the head andfences are out offrame. But the moderate vfe of itis good! the headjandmaketh the fences more quicke and liuely, fhaketh off heauic and drowficfleepe,at maketh a manmerrie. : \ B Alf Saffron ftrengtheneth the hart, concoétethcrude or rawe humorsof the cheft,openeth tt me ungsand remoouethobftructions ot ftoppings, ieforth i: e Is — cats ee thofe that haue confiimpti: on of the lungs , and are, 4 tii C : ¥ : ; re,& alt it, at deat arm it prolongeth againe,& breath almoft paft 4breathing,that it bringeth for Tn i vade .2 : Pie. . wor Fot wine. fweete newor with hae found byte inten or twentie graines at the moft be giuen, sethsee ihe Hes Tee that being takenin that fort;it prefently, and ina moment remo way difficultie of br shi ;: ; cathing which moft dangeroufly andfiiddenly happeneth. : D Di iofcorides teacheththat being einen in the famefort itis alfo 38 ‘ a fort,itis againftaa furfet. goodagainft alfo good : i < Trisé yellow Taundlt the ftoppings of the liuer andgall , and againft the é AndI pommetes againftwriteth that it maketha man well coloured, Itis put into al drinksthat Setotale Dioftoridas a madetohelpethe into thofe efpet fi difeafes of theintrailes,as the fame Author affirmeth, & into utnot allirmeth, 2 z i | al whichbring d 7 {tirreth fleflaly ut yrine prouoketh It burthen after &the cdi fed Cake owers,the birth ie {ealear aand biters a Wek. c. pu in plaifters , &alfo for the matrix and fundament plafmes 82 pultefies is vied in Cataplafines ee ann cloths : WwWyhich ferue- for LOE O. Id {w i gS sanda we. | lin 5 dik ife fc li £ th I u ches andlikew ife for hot {wellin zs tha thal Saint Anthonies fire, Fs G. loin i of wi i |Ttis good {ueceffe Pp putinto co mpofitions ic forinfirmities oan tet The with ces of theeares. prefertt . nites tea in withthe fame diffolued or rofe water, are pre milke or fenell, from being hurt annointed would . afilecn y the finall pox llpoxe and meafels,and are defended thereby fromhumours that™ : . fallinto them, ira H The Chiu ines fteeped inwat ; ; smageties” i er, ferueth to illumi i ne, or as we fay, limme pictures and image * Te : % The defiription. He firft kinde of wilde Saffron hathfmall fhort graffic leaues, furrowed or chaneled down the middle witha white line or ftrake : among theleaues rife vp {mall flowersin thape like Daca: ais common Saffron but differing in colour; for this hath flowers of mixt colours, s to fay,the ground of the floweris white, ftripped yponthe backewith purple, and dafht ouer ie the infide with a bright fhining mutrrey colour ;the other not, Inthe middle of the flowers come APSEYsOnan chiues without any fmell of Saffron atall. The rooteis fmall,rounde, and ered with a browne skinorfilme,like vnto the rootes of commonSaffron, 2 The |