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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE THE FIRST BOOKE OF 112 13 as are the flowersof our double Primrofe, hauingin the middle of the flower fome fewechines welts,ofabrightpurple colour,and the other mixed with yellowas aforefaid. 10“ Fhemilke white Daffodill differeth not fromthe common white Daffodill, or Primrofe peer lefie,itvleaues ftalkes,tootes or flowers ,fauing that the flowersof this plant hath notany other eo, lour itythe ower but white,wheteds all the others are mixed with one colouror other, Nareiffius Perficus. 4 lhe Perfian Daffodill. The greatwinter Daffodil. 12 Nartilfus luncifolius ferotinus, Il ke Luncifoliuspraeox. Rufh Daffodil, > 113 14 Nareiffus Autumnalis maior. Late fowring Rufh D 9" % The defeription. 15 . % The defeript; x1 TherulhDaffodill hathlongnartow anderetony trowand thicke leaues, very fmooth and flexible,almoft round like rufhes, whereofit tooke his furname Juncifolins or Ruthie, Tt {pringeth vp inthe beat of ceeeethe flowersdo thoote foorth their buds at the top offmallru rie ftalkes, in the middleis likewife yellow,ind one ftalke,madeoffixe {mall yellow leaues. The cup or crownt e } fhaperefembling the other Daffodi inoson pa :Pg Aales pedi , €Ol Narsi/fusis another fort of ruth D refpedt,fauing that this is altogither leffer,andlonger 13. ThePerfian Daffodill h ‘ N= Tiles ler,and ofafttong ibe, vy ‘ dent ine 4 eer ae cera % The defeription, ‘ 14 where he writeth that the goddefle Enropa ente- ring with hir Nymphs into themedowes, did gather the {weet {melling Daffodils in thefe verfes, But whenthe girles were come into That wench with the/e, this wench with thofé Trim flowers,themfélues did alldelight: ‘ a fappet ee a vnto the ee qpetoa peti se ; ; found vpon mountaines. Theccritus affirmeth the Daffodils to growe in medowesinhis 20. Esdy/, The medowesflowring all infight, The Autumne Daffodil bri faeth eesa The rooteis thickcand groffe like muchlike vnto the roote ofruth Daffodill fer : fromthe whichrifeth vp anakedftall out leaues, on the top whereof groweth a {mall white flower witha yellowcircle in the middie, {weetein fell, fomething ftuffing the head,-as doe the other Daffodils. % Theplace. The Daffodils with purple coronets,do grow wilde in fundry places of Fraunce, chiefely in Burgundyand in Switzerland in medowes. The ruth Daffodill groweth wilde in the waterie places of Spaine among graffe and other herbes. Déofcorides faith that they be efpeciallie high, fuch as the Saffron ee Ralke acall, but onely a {mall and tender footeftalke ofan int ; aae’fa athsofwh sst : vponwhich fhort and ral leaues ich the three inner iecco ad ayer acer ae .s t nae ca thoe oa doth grow foortha longftile of pointell ferabout with eee vheL ee be whole flower is ofan vnpleafa nt finell, muchlike to Poppic. The ee buoicadecna arenefmooth, and fhining, The roote is Bulbed, thicke gnd gio s colour: among which rifeth vp 3 bling the flowers ofmead Saffr ‘on, OF common Saffron, confifti uting o fae colour; in the middle w hereof ftand fixet} ntead, hi h : owlikewife. Small winter Daffodill hatha bult x3 ari She with theNarcifle coodin ent, Anafhe with Hyacinths content. Fiey But |