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Show eee eae 98 THE FIRST *BOOKEO OF THE ponderousor heauie,that theylic trailing vpon tlie ground. The rooteis builbus or Onjomfith coueredwith brownith{cales orfilmes. Thereis founde another ofthis kinde which feldome or never hath more than two léauesth rootes are bulbed like the other. The flowers be whutith {tar fathion, tending to blewneflewhil receiued from Robinus of Patis. 2 The fecond kind ofHyacinth hath many brode leaues {pread vpon the ground, like vntothol gardenLillie,but fhoreet,The ftalkes dorife ourof the middeft thereof bare,naked, $< verie find HISTORIE ea eer ee Likewifewe haue anotherfort in our London gardens of this ftarry Hyacinths, like vnto the Hy cinths of Fuch/ué defcription , hauing for the moft part three leauies, The flowers are ofapuni blewcolour, % The place. Thefe plants do grow in manyplaces ofGermanic , in woods and mountaines , as Fuch/us%a Gefner do teftifie. In Bohemia alfo vpontdiuersbanks thatareful lofherbs. In England wechetl theminoutgardensonely forthe beautie of the flower, ‘ % The time, They beginto flower in the middeft of Ianuarie,and bring foorththeirfeede in May. 99 3 AutumneTacint is the leaftofall lacints: it hath fall narrowgrafic leaues {pread abroad vportthe grounds inthe middeft wherof{pringethvpa finall naked ftalke an handfulhigh; fet from the middle to the top with many{inall ftarlike blew flowers, hauing certainie fall loofechiues in the middle. The {eedeis blacke contained im fmall husks: the roote is Bulbus or Onionrooted, 4 The great winter Iacintis like vnto the precedent in leaues, ftalkes and flowers, not differing in anyone point,but in greatnefle, i an handfull highs atthe top whereofdo grow{mall blew floivers {tar fafhion, veric like vot precedent.Therooteis thicke and fullofiuice,compaét of many{Calie cloues of a yellowcolour, OF PLANTS. % The defiription. & Theplace. Thefe AutumneIacints grow notof themfélues or wildein England, notwithftanding I haue themin my garden, althoughthey be very rare with vs in London. %& Thetime. Thye flower inthe endof September,and fometimesafter. : % The names. 1: 2) Thefirltis called Hyacinthus Autumnalis,ox Autumnelacint,and winter Jacine, The fecond Hyacinthus:Autumnalismaiorthe great AutumneIacint,or winterIacint. 5 Hyacinthws Anglicws. BlewEnglifh Hare-Bels. 6 Hyacinthus albus Anglicus. WhiteEnglifh Hare-Bels. ; % The names. Thefirft of thefe Hyacinths is called Hyacinthus frellatus, ox Stellaris Fuchsi , of the far flowers: Narciffis cerulews Bock: of{ome Flos Adartins frellat us. The Lillie Hyacinth is called Hyacinthus Germanicusiilifrus or Germanie Hyacinth taken{te the countrie whereit natuzally growethwilde: ofoth crs Hyacinthus bifolins sas of Theophratins 3acinthus aubumonalis, Winter Hyacinth, 4 Hyacinthus autumnalisman?, Great Winter Hyacinth. % The defcription. The blew Harebels' or Englith Iacintis very common throughoutall England, ‘Ir hathlong natrowleaues leaning towards the ground, among the which{pring vp nakedor bare {talks;loden with many hollow blewflowers; ofa {trong fweete {mell, fomewhat ftuffing the head: aftet which come the cods or round knobs,contcining a great quantitie of {mall blacke thining feeds The roote is Bulbus, ful ofa flimy glewith inice,whichwill ferue to fer feathers vpon arrowes in fteedofglew, or to pafte bookes with : whereofismade the beft ftarche next vnto that of Wake robin rootes. G2 6 The |