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Show THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE 78 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 4 Panicum Melyne. Germaine Panick. se The remperature and vertnes. Thefeed ofTurkie Millis like vnto Panickein tafte and temperature: the countrie people fons times make bread heerof,butit is brittle and oflittle nourifhment, and for themoft partitferuethny ; 5 Panicum{yluelice. Wilde Panick. fatten hens and pigeons with, OfPanick...- Chap. 56. % The kindes. 4 Here be fundrie forts of Panick, althoughofthe ancients there hath beenefet downe bit two, that isto fay, thewilde orfielde Panick, and the garden or manured Panick: the whic kinds hane degenerate into otherforts differing in {tature, asal{oin colour, accordingto thefil ¢limate,or.countrey,as fhall be declared, 1 PanicumTndicuin, : : IndianPanickor Otemeale. 2 Pani RN AO Blew Panicke. : % The defeription. growing thicke togither like ynto Wheate,asis all rootes, hairie mahy 3. Germanic Panick hath or ftalke, The eare groweth at the top fingle, ftrawe’ as the reft of the plant,as well leaues or blades, are conteinedin chaftie {cales, red denot vnlike ynto Indian Panick,but much lefler , The graines y cliningto tawnie. like ST Daa eekc “pteet ews ek ae Ire ; long leaues dePanick growetlivp with long reeden ftalks, full ofioints , fet with Thewil vnto the common reede or the thofe ofSorghum, or Indian Panick: the tuft or featherlike topis like {mall and threddie. rooteis the : graffe Manna ot n 1/hemo called grafle eare ofthe 4 % Theplace and time, The kinds of Panickare fowehin the {pring andareripe in the beginning of Auguft : they pro- watering,as doth Milland per beft in hot and drie regions,and wither for themoft part with much long time. Turkic Wheate:they quickly come to ripenes,and may be kept gooda ka iol a ; e ao or full of joiness ea a Millet ; whofe ftrawe is: knottie ; s nwatd,in whichis conteined a'white of yellowith fects " iF SS CUINEY than a fingerful ot afungibus pithofa Gabe— ons like to fugar Cane sastallasaman,thicker theron thofe that grow neere are-ofapurplecolour: on the = ce bevpright and knottie,a {pike orearelike the watch Pi) tailé;but ofapurple colour; chtvaede oe commeth foorth : . c tonaked Otes: the rootes-arevery final in refped° the othetparts ofthe plant, i = Canatie feedeor lpists 2 ewPanick hath. % The names. the Spaniards Palin Greeke umes Diocles the phifition nameth it Mel Frugua: % Thedefer tion et Panicumok Pannicula :in Englifh;Indian Otemeale. % The temperature. nourith littlejand are driers as Galen faith. te Thevertues. Goates milkeand A ¢ laske as Miller doth,being boiled(as Plinie reporteth)in ‘ 3 pani i brittle, having in ic neither B annick nourifheth little, and iseeld.and dry, verie clammineffe nor faunefie j and therefoseit drieth a moift belly, of |