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Show Featscouche 66 HISTmRIE OF PLANTS. THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE 67 % Thedefeription. Hordeum nudum, Naked Barly, <4 WLLL Sr Ordeum Dikfichon ig.chav borne or blafted Barly, which is altogither vnproficable and goodfor nothing, an enimie vnto cornes forthatin ftead of an care with corne; thereis nothing el{e bur blacke duft,which fpoileth bread,or whatfoeueris made thereof. \ A % The vertues. This Barly boiledin water cooleth» naturall and hot burning ment fevers you choler, Invehe. m c 2. This kinde ofwilde Barly,calledof the Latins Hordeum Spurium, is called of Plinie Holthus:in Englifh Wall Barly, Way Barly,orafter old Englith writers,VWay Bennet, It groweth ypon mud wals,and ftonie places by the waiésfides ; very wellxefembling felfe fowed Barly,yet the bladesare ratherlikegraffe than Barly. tor ndive thereto the {eedes of white Poppieand Lettufe, not onely to coole,butalfo to prouokeleepe, % The vertues. This baftard wilde Barly ftamped and applied vato places wanting haire, doth caufe itto growe A and come foorth,whereyponin oldtimeit was called-Riflida. > Avainft the fhortnes of breth andpains of the breft, may be added to all the afore OfSaint Peters Corne. IETS faid,figs,raifons of the fine, liquericeand annife feede. Being boiledin the whayofmilke, with theleaues ofSorrell,Marigolds, andScab ous, itquencheth thirft, aad cooleth the heate ofthe inflamed liuer , being drunke firftin the morning,andlaft to bedward, (hap.47- 1 Briza Monopoccos. 2 Festuca Ttalieas OfBurnt Barly. Chap.46. 1 Hordeum Distichon. Burnt Barly, 2 Hordeum Spurina. WallBarly. Viti \ MH ly ti \ i 2 I ah il WThedefeription, ©?! < Reais fOorewhat like VVall Barly whereofit is akihde,bit much leffetjofa brownereddith B coloiir: 4 graitté'vipleafat to exte and tor vfed in phificke.* 2° “This devenctate kinde ofBarly’called Festuca of Narbon; hath ftalksbefet with leaues, prowiiig in {paces one Uiftane fiomanother cuenta the top $ whereupondo growe certaineéround otdles, after rhe fafhipir of a peare: onthe crowne whereof{prouterh foorth many long haires tuft or caffell fathionsasis'to be feene in Centaurea maiorbut muchlotiger. Matihiblas (aith that he byhis own tiall,and his fathers experience,hath found this to be true, That 23: 2o%Ai whichis our Common Darnell; ts certainly knowento be a feede'degeneratefrom whtate; being fond for the moft part atriong wheate , or where wheate hath beene: fois Festuca a feede or graine degenerating from Barly, and is found among Barly or where Barly hath been. oe Eases %& The |