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Show MAISTO RTE OF PLANTS. 7 THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE OfeAromaticallRedes. Chap.39. neither fowers norftalke.It groweth al{e.m Candia,zs Rime keporteth: in Galatia likewife,and in manyother places. 2 Acorme officinit falsd Calammy i @xhonms Aromaticm. Aromaticall Reede. : 55 Baftardor falfe Calamus doth growenaturally at the foote ofa highhill neere to Pruffia,a citie of Bithynia,not far froma great lake. Itprofpereth exceeding well in my garden, but asyetit beareth : % The time, ‘They lofe their leaues in the beginning ofwinter 5 and do recouer them againe in the fpringof Baftard or falfe Calamus, the yeere, . -y a a) 4 ee % The names. | : rN : There hath beene from time to tine great -controuerfie, and many difputations, amongwriters About thefe two namaes Calamusand ‘Acorus, The which hath beén taken generally tobe one, and the felfefame plants which controuerfie mayeafily be decided, ifén. thag. have trauailed inthis gualitiehad but commofi fence: for that it ismoft euident,that Acorsis one, and Calamus another, andbothreedes, and yerdiffer as their defcriptions do fhew. Butif my cenfure might be receiued, the etrour hath growen througli the ignorance of the apothecaries , who lave taken for Calamus & FootecalledAcorus i generally I muft confeffe taken among the ignorant for the true Calmus Aromaticus; the whichby tradition hath been obferuedto this day; I thinke by reafon that corms is yerie cheape,and eafie to be gotten; and the right deeré,and hard to come by, So, that the {weete or Aromaticallreede is called in Latine Calamus Aromaticus, and Calamus Odoratus: Auicen and other ofthe’ancient Arabians,haue calledit Ca/ab-andCaldirirasotSerapias Haffsbel-derire. The falfe ot baftard Calamusis called ofthe Latines 4corws of lome Calamus Aromaticus,but yns truly: in Italian 4coro: the Arabians age, or ge: in Greeke Axcess, anddxoesv: of divers as witnef- feth. Apuleius, Sessions, cy Venerea;itis allo called Radix Nautica, SingentianaVnguentaria : i Englifh after the Latine name; Calamus.aromaticus. % The nature. Diofeortdes faiththe tdotes hath an heating faéultie: Gales and Plinie do affirme,that they haue thin andfubrill parts,both horand drie, % The vertues. : The decoétion ofthe roote ofCalamus drunke,prouokethvrine, helpeththe painein the fide, li- A uer, fpleene, and breft: convulfions, gripings, and burftings: iteafech and helpeth the pifling by drops, Itisof-preat effed 5 being put in brothor taken in fumes throughaclofe ftoole, to prouoke wo- B mens faturall accidents: The iuice ftrained witha littlehony,taketh away the dimnes ofthe eies,and helpeth much againft C % The defiription, His fieete finelling Reede is ofa darke dun colour; filllofioints andknees eafie tobe bro keninto finall fplinters, hollow and full of a certaine white pith, cobwebwile, fomewhat _, Summie ineating,and hanging in the teeth, and of a fharpebitter tafte. It is ofthe thick nes ofthelittle finger;as Z’ Obeline afhirmeth of fone which he had feenein Venice. 2 Baftard Calamus hath flaggie leaues like vito the water Flower de-luce or flag, but narrowel, three foc rte long: thelongeft and eldeft ofwhichileaues are withina foote ofthe top, as itwere Ce led or pleated confuledly. The feft oftheleafeis {mooth and euen, among which commeth yp4 ftalke ike the common reede, which yeeldeth out of the midille a certaine long aglet or bunt! brattare dtoeCe en . fo: yet for all that I beleeue Caujms if moewhere : 350place faith he hath {eeneit beare he 1 feet j nthat vnel it!doth growe naturally , althoug ; baren, r altogithe itis England therbarr The rooteis fweete in fmell, and bitter in tafte, and like vam ngianditisaltogi poifonjthe hardnes ofthe fpleene, and all infirmities ofthe blood. The roote boiledin wine, ftamped andapplied plaifterwife vnto the cods, doth woonderfullie D abate the {welling of the fame,and helpeth all hardnes andcolleCtions of humors. Thequarititie of twofcruples anda halfe of the roote drunke in fower ounces of Mufcadell, E helpeth them that be brufed with greeuous beatirig,orfals. The rooteis with good fuccefle mixed with counterpoifons. In ourageit is putinto Eclegmas, F that is, medicines for the lungs, and efpecially when the lungs and cheft are oppreft with rawe and colde humors. % The choice. The belt Acorusas Dioftorides faith,is thatwhich is fubftantiall, and well compaét,white within, not rotten, full,and well {melling. Pliniewriteth,that thofe which grow in Candia are better then thofe of Pontus, and yet thofe of Candia woorfe then thofe of the eafterne countries or thofe of England, although we haue no great quantitie thereof. conihonE oinitfion Flag. wanlett omenbian Mein, ec iti The place. Enelith tiaitehatits tctdnacn, neete vnto the towne of Trs ol, where there is great — called Autilibammef rorner nations outofmoftpartsofthe world,At which place there !s® ‘tsbanum, tituated in a valley neer adioining,the whichlake in the heat of fomme's iy that I 7 all inaewinter, It groweth likewife: mets int hew thatit doth abound ofwaterwater toreore ofro iretpe&tofthe nd withall antes foile as aforefaid, Indies,in thelike caftlidiac: and ; paltal Of |