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Show HISTORIE THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE % The defcription. He Sea-Dogs.grafle is very like vnto the other before named: his leaues arelongand lender, and very thicke compact togither, fet vpon a knottic ftalkes fpiked atthe top like the former: alfothe roote ctambleth and creepeth hither and thither vnder the cart, occupying much ground,byreafon ofhis great increafe ofrootes, 2 The fecond Sea Dogs grafleis according vnto.Z'Obell fomwhat like the former : his rootesare more {preading and longer, difperfing themfelues:ynderthe ground furtherthan anyof thereft, Seer The leauesate like the former,thicke buthedatthe rop,with a clufteror bufh of fhort thicke leaues one folded within another.Theftalke andtuftis ofamiddle kinde betweene 7/éhemon and the commonCouchgrafle, we The place,timenames,patureand vertuts. They growon the fea fhore,at the fame time that others do, Andare fo called bicaufe they grow neerethefea fide.Their nature and vertues are to be referred vnto Dogs grafle, Oe aie Se SeES Ofypright Dogsgraffe. I. Gramen Caainum— Vpright Dogsgraffe. Chap.19. 25 1» Vpright Dogsgrafle growethin well dunged groundsandfertill fields. wereth com2 Ladies Laces groweth naturally in the wooddyandhilly places of Sauoy,andanf mongrafie in his timeoffeeding. as yet It is kept and maintained in our Englifh gardens, rather for pleafire than for vertue ‘ ‘ knowen. se The names. h the Furrowed LObeliuscalleth it Sulcatumand Gramen ftriatum, ox Gramenpittum : 10 Englif h womenitis called graffe,the White Chameleon grafle,orftraked grafle: and vfually ofour Englif Ladies Laces,or Painted graffe. In French Asguillettes darmes, ve The nature and vertues. Thevertuesare referred to the Dogsgrafles. OfDewgraffe. 1 Gramen Manne efeulentum. Ladie Lace graffe. PLANTS. fmall and hairiejand white of com behold; it gtoweth to the height of wilde Pannicke, The rooteis the common Reede, lour like the Medow grafle,hauing a faire buth or creft atthe top,like place. The % > 2 Gramen Striatum. OF Dewgraffe. (hap.20. 2 Jchemon vulgare. Cocks-footegraffe, a % The deferipts Pright Dogsgrafie or ich gate, by ee on of his long fpreading iointe vnto the former, and hath at every drie rootfubf es,tanc = knot ir ithe roote fundry ftrings ofhai e, fhooting into the groundat euer oy oe ioint a:is it Ibieacets thruftin g or bearing vprightils bent or ftalke,with a fpokie pannicle { , thic|ker and greater th: EI ET I By which notes of difference, it may be ; ; a ater than the common Cou ch gra ouch grail eafi: ly difc ernedfro mthe * soak ki : afle. f 2 BrLadies Laces hath] eaues like ynto Millet infathion. ro Scares ofDogsgrafle. de Vallatoria, with many ) whife vaines or ri » Tough and fharpe pointed like the Ree c the leaues, fafhioning the famelike to ss ee: ftrakes running along through the middeftor aces of white arid gteenefilke, very beautifull and fait e i } behold; % The defcription. Ewgraffe hath very hard and toughrootes,long and fibrous,the falks are great,of fower or fiue cubits high, very rough andhairie,iointed and kneed like the commonReede: the leaues are large and broad, like vnto Corne. The tuft or eareis divided into fundry branches, chaffie and of a purple colour, wherein is containedfeede like Mlium, wherewith the Germans do make pottage andfuch like meate, as we in England do with Oremeale, andis fentinto Middleborough, and other townes of the Lowe countries in great quantitie,for the fame purpofe, as L Obelivshathtoldme. : 2 The |