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Show OF THE FIRST BOOKE 14 HISTORIE THE or loue ftrife(as wetermeit,ofa darke brownecolour, His roote ishaitie ot threddie, 2 ; (OF PLANTS 2 Grahen Paniceumparuum. I Gramen Paniceum. Bearded graffe. knobbie , iointed ftemmes at occ andAck hath many SA 50L Waterkneed grafle cioetewith many ‘| , : and {lender Se long o fhar pe pointed: bearing at R the with brode flaggie leaues fomewhat gowtieknees, like vnto reedefet te . J Ph o 7 a « * Small Pannicke graffe. top atuft or pannicle,diuided into fundrie finall branches ofa duskifh colour. His roote is threddie like the other. p . I Gramengeniculatun. Kneedgraffe. 2 Gramen geniculatumAquat icun. Water Kneed grafle, ON Hf NN ue NW ays % Theplace and time, ; The firft ofthefe two doth growneere vnto mudwals, or fuchlike places not manured, yet fertill or fruitfull, The fecondin fhallowwaterie plafhes ofpaftures, andat the faidtime withothers, \ ; % The names. Itis called Pannicke,bicaufeit is like the Italian corne called Pannicke, % The nature and vertues. 52 % Theplace and time A growinfe Thefegrafatinc fes do rtill moift medowes: not diffe;ring in time from others % The names, Itisfoca lled,bicaufeit hath ioints like Cas a itwe re knees,and therefore termed Geni culatum,knecd, % Thenature and vertues. Weelh aue nothing deliiuered ueredvs vs b y the ancients Theyare vnprofitable for phificke, and therefore there is nothing left vs of their vertues and nature. oftheir nature and propetties, OfHedgehoggraffe. Of Beardedgraffe. (hap.14.. Chap.r. % The defiription. % The defcription I B mae graffe hat h brode sidheies “hina eerne like 1Barly, fomewhathoar rufletco‘ol lor, The ie, or of an ouerworne he ftalh ks hau ; e one e et r ow Oloints atthe moft,and ma nyeares on the top outorder : Vpon for ,withchun Plinjisor Hep dese {parison /; ore cares, on others fewer, much like vnt the ‘ ear o of Hole Lpa rie ean : efpontanewm In Eneglith B ;aftard Bar 2. sma l| Pannicke, poreraete fle a ly ora raff ffle, asas ZohLobel e/ ins writ eth, rootes Jeformer, sui Quingnethathart the the care i easeis : much leflerb »NLoot arren andes, Ki Ltal chaflea fieues fs M an ks,is like the m 2 Edgehog graffe hath broade, long and ftiffe fiaggic leaues, with divers ftalks proceeding ) { ama, I Gramth 2 from a thicke {preading roote,Andat the top ofeuerie ftalke growethcertaine round and pricking knobs, fafhioned likean Hedgehog. The fecond, which is hairie grafle, is as rough and hairie asa goate. His rootes do fpread and creepe vnder the mudandmire as Cyperus doth; andat the rop ofthe ftalks are certaine pricking knobs or burres, 1 Gramen |