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Show iii character to those he 1161 got oil his former trip , ? and , Lie shipped them out to market from Greenriver , , where he brought them . oil a boat . This boat was about the same , sixteen or eighteen feet long . In 1895 ( he lie ) made a ( trip -trip trip ) ( on oil ) the Green River . ( R . 4606 . ) He went ( from froin ) ( Greenriver C-3-reenriver C3reenriver ) to Moab , taking his father , and a druggist from Denver , by the name of ( Bailey Bailcy ) . They had two boats , and received ( compensntioi conipensatioi ) * ( from froin ) Mr . Bailey for the trip . The object of ( the flie ) trip was hunting , ( fishing fisbing ) , and taking in the scenery . They had a man along by the name of Jack ( Law- Law ) rence , who acted as ( an all ) extra boatman . His father and Mr . Bailey ( didn't didnt ) come backdown the Colorado . His partner and he ( went N-vrent Nvrent ) back down the Colorado ic the junction , and up the Green to Greenriver , ( "Utah Utah Utah ) . This trip ( was -was was ) made mostly in August and September , and he believes they did some trapping on ( -the the ) way back . ( R . 4607 . ) In 1897 he took a trip on the Green River with Jim Ross , his father , Mrs . Kendall , and his [ ( How- How ) ( land's lands ) ] ( wife -wife wife ) . His wife had a young baby with them on this trip . ( R . 4608 . ) It was a baby in arms . They only made a short trip down the river , fifteen or twenty or ( twenty-five twentyfive ) miles . ( Theydidn't Theydidnt ) carry life preservers along . In ( 1897 1-897 ) he moved away from Greenriver , and came back in 1903 or 1904 . During the time ( he be ) was away he was in El Paso , Texas . |