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Show The hitonic ofSéorlamidl 39% nriles feotrtannitom, right = cone' en scotty;tabteh tsnotpattbed that of fhe Monthdystre tenerfoutle, befbouldineomrage bisADA, : Retin,‘ fariesyanpnitcomsgebis friends, and foconfenuent tlic Wbichthey alfotap ip inoakien bis part ona lie' te depariurent - ml). SRE RENEN Sontil pe Se mmaeeaescmteret eae Roos opty ee ; feten morie tothe Nate but thote that twere hited ty pong men that Swent oth the cariago, the tee, ae " 2 av eCeNe boutfouve thontanns: Bhecattellofaoghallperteiningte thelow Fie he as OF ninaus Sunvenzebtothem, Zhottmelty ot $a ae atgpitton bolms.he foure ano -C June thep canie to Peeples , mothe nert dap to Coenburgh:fo ending that tourntesin the hich thep «bindred), of ebirtpramberthe prinefpalt twore thet: Dafonerste: fhe 1o208Soetoro Rollei Fares ianiltouzany 5. greuaites Mbivling cattell wagraced fi due) to: ao ell oe that other bndertfanain perarigiebe ie manicothctofi tint furmame « OF theregents party Crafefors, ae patedthough the countties.of Clibetbate,Sal, Homers tectoale Armanoale,e Cintevale, end cmelerenohnx oie pad - adberents ™Zcotianv, their and ons aan ¢ seni Biased, i D face orennd the saan sacra > aautenigrentad Grange,bare themfelucserie valtarttiothat-vaps prepare a ‘oats fothe readuanceef failing not tn ante point thap belongen to the Dutic ‘Tontentto febe meanes therefmentorbicy caufe -_benacte abthe od Saeedeae rs oan Sbeue 98pone ofbisotherkinredai)inasnotp doth-be and bis fatherdid firft follow thé Pantiitons Sennling all things. Wutatterthat their gouerrtey anentinas pottedprer from them to: the quence mo: anged : In this Kobert Wotd firmelie coutt trpieh: comm stil egacce retarnronter Sirance.15p f meanes ubercof sfhere iuasagteatopiniono bis ‘palureeiitdome;onebolccounfel Coline Camp, a affemblie,from Sbich time this Iai nas pattaker [abid)imas (as faith Buchapan)fongbt the third pate Keane, iis os tell,md toithozctn to Crawindtoione, anb fa p the ontd Sareubst toDunwenar in Gallowaie: aeon Scots ah, tyehantarien there too thee bates; foetal Zegent.contrarie fotbeopinionof.athers.i8utattet teas ffaten'econucicdto meats gea- fips lige: ; Bites | elijbelonging to thelow Se imithGaming.thethirteentdateof atcafmemene -committenibato the varie of SHetwerburte see FeThin ton; and ont FGlafeowonthe otferpartmarden thelsza regentintih-bisforces sfoasatlengthhow wictorketarthe nudenespact, finderftandingsthe cat travikindiningopcetucbotbis former hope; hatte oe Colse Sp stnddatingnddof ointiort 4 aaah a aenmantamnaerncies _ ese See ; Seer Dake ct Chatelerault, theless milton forme to toelhetker: "Bosbbothe; suing: dacton,Summenti Inett were. aflembled and offered thitmity ; tivo 02 Chet i fionWaverries: © rivell;Seauqnbar,<sBoipann Hotke, 69 font fo furmmon Iamilton caffell , but theanfiner ioe sand Knights; Lochinwar , Bas: Mlauchten; od inasrelpitertilttie nerepates and then bethat bad thechargvitaniete Glafcotyandoftered the keiesto ; fh wateof rie fir 3 NTEs Sg in sane tegents part. Bdasdteg oo = snbattel. cniten: ee ure Yr) ‘on-_-= eel‘Zhoraftell of Daaffantwas alfo yelved aardacacaete & for, 5duete‘ace ee aad ss ope Aeon weet& -Denieethsfe.na porta satsGancarnie His {ining atthe fanieotine. tothe regents, Zhe cightenthof moclamation, that betel fe,the xementimade ievatopersangus,Fhe; Des mthe loidsoumeindliedaothiwen,Senu ailtceand Cathcart,oflai@eemy knights ‘SBlacqubandDaumiannigAeferdue; Spatertiof eeteke, dipnin prouinetem bftantseé thetl at et ioutbtansinilrjandCaretcke,: felnosafivietelmion Aftmnedates;emd to meethin Abhekes Ngton,awGx Jarnes; there imasaverie Harpeimnunter: fora tuthineihpatits aie partons p Hpeerepays Z marche! toeeuesmipthor'nifa td tblacaubanseD 2a # bi taps 1; Dulibarvin, ean Factbenban,betetwerthetrotohuarauchusesana hep fal fa.nish penneAnos: wartersofardouesAabtie ‘ofBune; torive with pierinte the aa Meneame Bentialsite chatttte certeine thedleuguthatgunestheregent bes denbne! thatnigbtto. : mic:beingaficatblen,,.centetsren fontea? fine , thors -_perfnafions, the queene of Englandrequived of the regent to fend{usfictent men,that ould declare ta ir the o2der of all things as thep twere done, and that thoulo antwerall {uch reproches as were laien {es befoze forren indges and kings fhe were theit e ities , and fic perfuaded againt the regent by -fuch as malicev btm and his factton;and that after a fort the fame feemed dangerons and full of Mhames peton the other five there were manie things thatfv thep could notagree tho thep Mould be , fith the chies te "re oa > thep late toithina mileof theres -feff,and ae the nobilitie refuted it: at length the Zhe one and tiventith the houte tuas peeloed, md the caffodie thereof committedtothelard of Dium- -on hint. fFo2 the perfaxmance thereof he chofe che _-teine perfons to accompanie bim into Cnglanv, regent pofelled that be iwouln take that tournie bps S lanrig that twas aypointen warden ofthofemarches. contrarte to the mind of William gpetcllan, ubiclh Great hungerbegan topinc thearmic, apintof twine twasfold at feuen fhillings Scotih, andno not Doubting in the end by one meanes 07 other to twin bim fo his part. bead to be bad for ante monic. Zhe regentfent fo2th fhe earle of Mozton, and the lord Wgume withathous ee mett, to trie if thep eri cy ae the b20- fainGsiouiofetonsrobbed by Oka "Sut nbin totheDaitrigsinScotland: Meregent ings, was pedttic ano founblie leatt it might créepe aniefurther.25p abichanvather -_oneliedenfed and ftodagaint it. Wherefore he carts St inasthought teritrong, fo that theocfendants might baue keptitlonger if thep had beene vifpoten. 50 ed the fain Metellan with bim(fanoring the quence) gengiscobieyanh with horfin arid gutoes hasten bebadatl his guns retorteato bi.) <<" etgbtenth of June thep marchen to Dunfreis, anv -_petuatperfonof thequeeneof Scots , but to the eg. -_-ampleofall otherpainces, Guhich euilofexpelling tobe prewentey .. bad tot counteled pine tothe contrarie, Ahettwerr zo forced himto accept that requett of the queene of England, although it vere bnin. Wherefore tery Mh oan. tithof June _ anarehedto Woopom,a place belon"he bad deferntined to fend ambatladors , and that Sing tothe lon ierrics: athoufandof thebzoken gent, beconldintodenglant5 without binning tye regent : pteine of the mae ei aneSia oes aae fo the ambaflann2y that the quene of Scots into England, that therowas ‘great inturie bone bite the quesnicof Scots,being burdened tutty high matters, though the enuie of "bireuill {nbiects,in tcich chiedite the biriglie authort. vematned there all the nert bate. A trong boule fran Zo againt hin. Ding in that totunes¢ ayperteining to thelox pay, Touching thich mratter,althoughtt ayered qricy ‘well; tuas offered tuto them. Ditierfeof the Mars uous andbeantein it felfe, fodallthingsin quettion which before tvere bpparlement efkablithe; mbdta els,Jopnfons,Mvetwing, Grahams ;and sels, tame bite theregent,ano offering themleiuestobe -_bzing in brea netw Kind of fudgement of thetr cau: ment, andfpent all the bittels. Je was thought that the lox Martelltvould hauecometn, ifthe other Frendyamnbattavar, trytriulookedfor the goptuccelit Ce a tioned,the quenewith bir power marched froma vale by thefonth,Gne of Cleveteiward Dunbie- 2° of thisGnttell; aod din poomifeto himfelfe aflaced fhearmies met-ata place Bs allenthe Langiine,anecte vere gentlemen canicin, and twcterscetuen; Zhe at night. eeeBeancsrine fentnotonefo that put? potehad che cnfiodie of hie; tiiatiengthews met at Laag- fathe bouleof,Gatheartiuithin: iiomilesohSlat Nets tere frconds to the fai Louchintware, InoParwell, thelarosof Jobniton,'Cowwyill,and ; osttenceratemanned iewina)-be fed agatne totheiquenc.] Aithidynets The armies Jhenmnare, anvabotherhoutealth; forthactye ot» Louchiniwar,badbene at Duntreistwitha thoufand andpatiersts Wookingtonin. Cnglanb.,) where the into Gnd : i dng the firteenty of Sune, thepiraceo the bouteof obedient;were recetued. Divo dates before this, the Swas{mp2ifoned, and the carle of. qpurrete maderce gentbe Swent thentothe part of the gongrnioz:ttutth Khomebethewoninc wafeothiswitandinoufirie, OSE that gouerned onder the king; thereof as Fbauens menteaefo X mut paflethe fame tith flenee, tmater of mensbhonte,fanning bythe twaterof Ue thereof fullée gaueinioponithe fankeofithe queenespeoplgs of Mate , and the eleventh after fhe queene had efcat of all-the quenes fecrets agatntthis oto friends,ebo a o. ot pedoutofiprifenss«dcoimo queerie:didpet obtcine nogreater opinton fhe {with Lhequéenepercetuing the onerfhzotwof biepeople; at of Fessrsoflight' eosin ie,fomaierpid amongrkethe ems wJBut oe that thequent ,.. fed-fronrttieplace frberd fhe ftmd to behold be0 guidtt UES Sbbthtntdenty semi -(set a rhands, natkell,the whieh being. vendzed thep eae Zhe fcuententhof Junethepcantetoagentles Manferlanebavbienetatelte before (a6 F bane ‘be fubferibed tothe 3° This king, fo: the acfenfeok-the but schhd ty a beard): cennemned todie for ome outrage bp _ sButatter.with like lightnefic both he and the carle committen: amb iobteining: parton(through - thecountetionf apurccte ) horecompented po i of Argtle (abich bang bpon bts adnife) wrote bnto the quene encrie thing that twas donetn the fame mencie bi Hisperce of fernice nolo at this battell rin; that be was admnitten into the painiecountels af the 3 fhem,buthe camenots therebpon,thenertdaiebe -_ferlaneythinnthe regentspart in great Hed FOR sya thatbetpasagreat cante of the Difozderingof them; saa Saint Fon placecallen faint Fob-Hrlaghan; fateng there i 20 fie was rentled, andthe regimentof facreo riaiettie Srashon. trnlkof the lavdof Louchintwares comuning onte ‘defaced. A thing ithich didnotaloneperteine tothe -_thevvaliancieofain Wielatogentleman mame Hae s2con(pired (table Buchanans iva) foxnoeniiiad, ; ve a " on thelard@Wiederborne ofpeake: with the laraiof Aoucintare, - ebnofdaie the fifteenth of June,theymardedtos perbccoulocomic,and: fo beretuene. Zntbisbettesit hye hottest bauntof the fight, became in infth tina ‘ ‘ ae ee they cameto Warbacatt, frien sandbtt people nifcomfited(as pe baue Heard) toathe --undeedof bisfriends androunteienten,andfo - fabenby chance-cectetne of the nobilitie bad conihred triacsagacnnsttcegebin20 menepegaeee, eal ters can ot Patanpauete tnoinv@ing, lelFein, omifed ata corteine baie toicomwtn-the regent . aea - _oscea vaa Buchan,lib.r3, gents fyas a a9 . cane ailihot a 5 there twere ten fhoufand m Shah bparrthe one:ffoe ana the other. has peli earieof Atholvin atmos tabolienepend. Sut fepfeare, Hbasaright:theyrcnune eere "om sheloxn Cizeiehtow the otonct thereof we of hardiccapteinsChequehespart was thovghtto contention fons meoutd a 2° 1 1/Ebecarkeat Wunticte teas comming forwards dpunticiecie fher the regent panvthat ; tobaue allied the quenes part, but the battelltwes. hing oiom + betoined bimfolfetothelords of the nee ce Speaaeuneane Wasmott: thers that cameandapprodicn terte néte to tHe at aceite the mance ofthe pichersis. Lhe attnielaie tteentith the git, before <hey turned Hyeit Loach: ammomyte cnet tebichtwenefionretionc of the fuxrante of theiyuh Some. tonstkilled) Shere tuere taken pulancrs.abowdthye tons tan, : ® +Semana et altieotthe Scots, The hiftorie ofScotland, apenas _ a thou <, Ebammacigotatenenniieomen + teeomnes see iti in thenecaic of biabonfe - i i ti fad aerespantinasprttofighte) rrradh rrofea The qnenes = Se cesamnonaes ae thetut pact Dicom en mento a chafe: but itiwould notbe, forthep wenttheir fwaies,and twould rot tarrieit. Thetwo and tiventith of June the campelaie fill, but the res ‘ - delt-' Tent ith a thoufand mien went toAnnand, and had porn lxinas, The ref that went twillinglie tith bint, twere James Dolwglas, Patrike Lindlete, being of the - bithopof Mztsnie,¢ the abbat of sferm- indon, churchmen ; James Macgill, and Henrie Walnaue, latwiers of the college of {udges . Ho -Ahomeas the ninth twas toined George Buchanan author of the Scotith hittorte : tott wbome the rer it beliuered bntobim. Pere he metiwith thelozd o gent accompanied to the number of 100 holes, DAcrope, and after returnedtothecampe. Lhe thze en. ann tiventityof June they twerttto Locmaben and terefuen the cattell, the tbich theregentdeliueredto Daumlancig : but fome ofthe Pariwelsbeingclofes lie bia withinan opconiter of theboufe, after theres gentfas qone,brakeont andfefsed the houfeagaine into their hands. MLhefame belonging daie,twohoutes Coohoutes ging tothelaro ivo hi be fame date,t tary tania of Zobnifon,the one namedLochwad, mothe other Lotpboutic, were taken, but not burnt: becaufethe Rr? lary Zobnifon bad put infuertte tocome inbya vay tuto fhe regent.Lhe fame daie theptokegreat ftoxe of cattell, and that night tottha thot of the great ar» tleie dep Muetino thénes among tea fexe a ‘ tokebis fournie into Cngland, and camethe fourth -_-nones of Detober to Bozke,to the allemblic aypotn -_-ted there by the quéene of @ngland. Ontid) dap, and almoff atthe fame houre, Thomas Woward dukeof s2o2thfollke came thither alfo ; to hich Duke -twereaffoctat tn commiffion,toheare the controners fic of the Scots the earleof Suffer , and fir ale Sadler knight. After afetw dates,camethither fudy -_as were fent bp the queene of Scots , chichoin conv -_plaine of bir bnikind fubtects, and required belpe to -_reffore bir tob(r hingdome. Zhefe men being heara -_(fundered from the regent anothe earls) pid (after they hab protetfed that they came not writo thems as tnoges , hauing ane Fight to make lanesto ind |