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Show Thedefeription ofIreland. The defcriptionofIreland. "© brit % tobeit fo be erpedient, to point twith mtp Hx. © gor to the veriefinke o2 beadfpring of alt the trear willing to acknowledge thent. Jo? ifmp confctence eS iwere fo deepelie fong,as pou peetend,% would take , © macifed againpour miaicftie and pour {ubieds, it for better polfcie,by acknowlenginig mm trefpatte, ,, & fons,that by fecretconfpiracies were pretended and pot notinithitanding bautng moze regard to modes © fie, thanto the Deferts of the baron of Dyhalie, S¢ pip but glanfe at bis packing tn fuch {ecret fort, as " none o2a verie fetw of the companie could geffe, ghonte with my miftie (peaches 4 Did toud). And as to aypeale to my king bis mercte, han bpdenteng ,, gentelman being patcht, as tt Mould feeme with the Hing of bis gittie contetence,bzake onton a (udder, ann forgetting bis allegtance to ponr bighneffe,and big dufie to me pour deputic, he toke me bp fo a the beft of the nobtlitie of Arcland hauebeene |, tmbard from entring peur chamber, an Frith cow ,, mipfaults,to ftand to the rigo2 ofbts tulfice. And as for meetings, 9 had neuer fo manic in ,, foods twith rebels, as pou mater Belcie, haue bad ,, inpour chambertoith colves. Jfo2 it Hath bene ma: ,, ~ © egmmionite the galo hore daxth fonek Kiche,o this ro nifettlte apparented,that then the baron of Dyhalie, |, © & &< S © rougblie,as though J bad beene rather bis brider? fhould bane at all times accefle biuto pou. #0, mar ,, fter Wefcie : acoly, an bore, an hauke, anda filner ,, cup baue beenethe occafton of ponr facknefledaben ,, the (abiects twere pretded, pou tpould be content to thinke at thetic miferic, fo that pour mouth tere opt twith batberie.And then pon bad gathered pour crums {uffictentlte togither, you help tt foz a pretic Sc his manifold treafons,Z am athamed to rebearte & fuch things as be didnot fffcketoconunit, Andifit 20 policte(and pet it twas buta bare (hit) to charge the nobilitie with fucy packing, as pon Datlie dip prac: s¢ {hall and toith pour mateftics pleafure,te.adfourne "ling than bis gouernour, The fumme of tbich dele &pitefull {peaches 3 refer to the teftimonie of the bar s¢ nowable audience ‘bere thep tuere dDeliuered . As for S¢ the trfall fo: a fet dates,3 twill charge him with fuch cc awarent Jtems,as tere bis face mane ofbrafle,be c¢ (hall not beable to dente ante one article that Mall « be boben again him. When elie had ended,the cc baron of Dyhalie prelk himfelfe fomethat forivard, ce and tn this totfe fpake. ,, |. ,. ,, ,, ,, ¢¢ perfuaded,that mp loiall innocencte Mailbe able,to ouerpoife his forged treacheric. our maieftie bath < heard manic twords fo fimall purpofe. And as bis <¢ complaint hitherto bath beere generallie hudled op, * soulo fuddentic fave awate.2cabut becrauettyreh Sc pit fo; the booking of bisarticles, Lrulte b he hat Ge Med. FFo? loitering andlingring ts he onlic toaic he may deulfe to cloke bis feigning and forging. Wher §° ime Mhetucty himfelfe as craftte, as the ptlofopber npteeatonse Whereas now it map be probablie Hweth pour rotall matettte, Touching the words F Diutrle gifts, therewith God hath abandantlie int buedit,is for one Sngular point greatlic to be apm ted,that notivithfanding the feuerall affaults of vf Eorporis autanims non bunstate miner; Gerald fits Geraloearle of Defmond. Mpanrtce Delmon', fits Thomas a Geraldine, twas created carle of Deb uerfe enimics in fundsie ages, pet this earle that 20 mond the fame peare,fone after that Butler became holy liveth is the tenth carte of dkildare, to khonte eatleof Dymond, Apis eldeft fonneis lord fits Gee from Jobnt the firtt earle, there bath alwaies contt vald of Delmond.Lhe erle now lining,thus {peaketh: nueva lineall pefcent from father to for: tbich tree Euafitandem,sattatusfluctibus alti, lie in mine opinion is a great bleftng of Gon, And Etprecor inportufit mea twta ratis, foy as much as this earle now lining as bis ances Hors befoxe bint, bane bene Hzetwolfe MHoucd at by Sot Wichard Wourke eavle of Clenvickard; eyenrickae, kings deputie in Jreiand,baning bis matefties trea Diseutll willers, fateng that he ts able, but not iwile alnanch of the Gnglit familie de S5urgo. mhe Wourkes haue beerie ancient noblemen before their fure,haning the nobilitie at bis becke, the kings ar |, ling to profit bis countrie : the pofie that is framed comming to Jreland; aud in old time thep bau foy bim, fignifieng bis mind, runneth in. thts tite: bene earles of Gifer. ibis elock-fonne is loz 3° $ourke baron of CnikeRine. His verte is this; 24am mili matorumfama bonagefladederunt, ln Ginn, Biseloek orneis lor Ciral, baron of Dpha Hane mili natorurn barbarafatte negant. lie,fo2 thom thefe tivo berfes following are mane: Connogher Dbzen earle of Lomond: the name: eomour. QuidpofvimssaZtant: quid vellem,fire recufant: Ptraque Reginefint,rogo,nota mea. Tepuelébrrams natura,feesé. fortuna,spotentems Bea, but J beare (uch ftroke tuith the Irith,as ,, fhat bpon ante p2tuat quarrell Jamable to annote ,, Cite of 3: them, What then Wicanfle the baron of Dpbalie ,, can revenge bis p2fuat infuries twifhout the afl,, ftanceof the deputie; therefaye the deputie map not ,, trarte ought tobe inferd,that tf a pziuat perfon cant tame the 3rifh, ihat map then the publike magt frat do, that path the princes pate? Wat in derdit ts bard to take bares twith fores. Pon mutt not thinks, ,, , ,, ,, matter Uelcie,that pou tuere fet gouernout into ,, Sreland to bandle pour truls,to pen pour felfe bp ,, Oras cc AB pot,te eat them in Crgland, And ther J hail be cc CAD to toMfifie fudy (peaches as J veliuered there, ¥ will Not be found O rawin mp matter, as to lofe & inpeetantin the carriage,as mater Uelcie bath «¢ DeaNC, a2 Cocranc further vefpit fothe regiftring of « bis manifold treafous. Asfo: urfecret meetings till the kings pleafure twere further knotwne, tt twas agréedat length by the councell, that the fittet triall being as well thereof aducrtifed, as the Date by fF King appointed, no (niall proutfion was - > Butler loz of Carrike and Zohn Cogan were lor et bp an of Arckelow,inthe pare 1 2 8 5. Lhislow MLheo ox reeopog bald Wutler the ponger, and fon to the eloer bcos eran bald, tas font for by Goiward the firff, toferue ar Carte lags Ney Saint the Scots.2Cchis noble man decealed at Lure tie, ad bis bodie twas conueighed to Weneie,a tolone in the countie of Limerike. Sir Cbmund Butler a wife and valtant nobleman twas dubbed knightat London by Cotward the fecond. his man being appointed lieutenant of Jres of earle giuento Spurragh Dbzen for tearme of life, and alter-to Donogh Dbzen,, inthe Att peare of the twas lo20 fuftice)to Englanv, befieged the Dbzenies tt Clindalorie : anv were it notthat thep fabmitten toemfelues to the king and the lieutenants mercic, they bad not bene onelic fo: a (eafon banquithen, but alto vttertie by bim ertirped. his noble man toas in bis goueritement (uch an incourager and fartherer of feruitozs, as that be onbd on faint gt chaell the archangels date thirtie knights tnthe cas beires males , bis elveft fanne ts baronof Ibzacaiy; Uponthe erie noww lining this fantafie fyas dentfeo: Non decet externas,fine cauifaquarere regess Chomlicet in tuta vinerepace domi. Mac Cartie Move earle of Clencare,createdin the ¢ tencare peare 1565, Wicount Warric, Wicount ody, Wres Roch. Barre. fon Gicount of Gozmanflotwne: therbnto is tate- Gogmank lte anneren the baronte of Latunengelle. Due af towne. thetr anceffars fir Robert Prelkon, then chicfe bar ronof the ercheker, was dubbed knight in the ficlo, bp Lionell bukeof Clarence, This gentteman mat: ched tn twedlocke twith Margaret Wirminghamlas bie of Carbzie , tho deceallenin the peare 13.64: the (aid lo2othip in the right of bis wife, and veing molefted bp rebels, placed a garifort inthe caftell, tberebp the fubiecs were greatlie eaten, and the. ree bels greatlie annoted, Ehers hath bene another fr Wobert 32efton of this boule, great grandfather to the bicount now lining. Zbis gentleman twas deputic to Wicbary, fe cond fon to Coward the fourth, in the firteenth pears ofthe reigne of bts father: andafter likeipife in the Gell of Dublin. ie was a fcourge tito the Scots Sat inuaved Zrclano, then be twas lieutenant. We 60 reigne of Weneie the feuenth,be twas beputic to Fal. 0 Dmourgh a notozlous rebell ; neare a totone named Walie lethan.Affer dinerfe bido2ious trploits bp him atchined , be (ailed into Grglano, &0 © to ipifpaine in pilgrimage to faint James, Pou bis returne to England, be Deceaten at Zon dou,and bis bodie being conucied into Freland was tomedat Balligauran, . James Butler earie of Dunond waslord ft» ice of Arelwnd,in the peare 1359. Dhe loz ‘Butler Seay M0 Vicount Thurles twas dubo Bnightby Benvie Seirtin Cngland,in the veare 1425, at hich thine Ge-James atler Gr Jobis Butler fir wale Wutler, "Say urkke manec knighted. James wutler, abs Cragere Tuaried the cacteof iperefoyos bangbles,was prelex tysa reigne of Goward the firt, now confirmed to the land, ‘pon the repatre of Zohn Wogan (tho before 5° After thole veath fir Robert Wzelton was feisen of © Aoww in gad faith quoth Cefcie,with a right go> Will. GWherevpon bath the parties being difimtt bv fhonld baue beene bp battell. Wherefore the parttes (erie. Zhe Wutlers were anclent Englith gentle tent ty Wnitices of Zreland. Chis wWutler vicdin thecattell 4° Jama true fubiec,amd that thon Tiefcte art an ard ,, traito; to God ¢ tomy king,bere tn the prefence of. bis bighnelfe,and in the bearing of this bonozable - alfemblie,F chalenge the combat, GUbereatall the anbditorte thouted, Téfaciat Chrifts norma,Giralde,bonum. Sit Lhomas wWatler carle of D2mondand Ole Men, and Woezthie fernitors in allages. Mheobald iw{thin.a tote:cific to gine rebels the gase,to pill ., £© fake tin Feeland, F purpdfe trot, for ought F beard * with Feith rebelsyufiere F perfaaded matter Telcie, after bhomeit reuerfen to pierce Wutler, thonwa little before king Wenrie the eight hadcreated erie Ships of Mstldare and Aathingan on the baron of Ds of Dilorie. J read Watler earle of Wiperarie in the Tipperarie, faad onthe pearerzoo, Khe Latine hifforie calleth him DommpGaald, phalie,fateng that albett Uefcteconucted bis perfon into Srance, pet He lett bis lands behind htm i Fe num depincerna , the Englith le Butler, Whereby it teland. apeatreth,be bad fomefuch honour about the p2ince: Trirterls Tpebaron returned to Zreland twfth the gratulas ro Wis berie name ts Wecket , tho tuas aduancedby & Babare fiont of ali bis friendg,and twas created carle of ihils Apenrie the feconds eldett fonne, lozd Wutler,i res rated, dare, in the ninth peare of Coimard the ferond bis compente of thedeath of Thomas of Canturburic 131g reigne,the fonreteenthof Wate. Ie deceafled at Las their kinfman . pis cloett fonnets the load 4Butler taghbaine (a billage nee to Dainwth) in the peare and dicount harles. Ffo2 the cavle now lining thefe 131 6,and fas buried at ihildare, fo that he twas tivo berles (tn the remembzance of bim) are maves catlebut one peate. Dheboufe of ifloave antong Magnus avs snaiorg,patersfednats Uirog the {ubteas, to animat tratiozs, to fill your coffers, |, <c teas accounted toile that promifed a tpzant bpon ec Menacttg woes, fo (chote bis afletn philofopbic, 50 to makeponrfelfe by marring true men, fo gather ., the birds txhilett ofper beat the buthes, andafter to ,, fo be bad fener peares refptt; bicaufe that in that {mpeach the nobtlitie of fac) treafons, as pouondlic |, € face he tas perfuaved, that either the tpzant, the baue committed. 3 <¢ alle,o2 he would dic. In likewile matter Uetcieops Wut fo; fo nmch as one mutualcomplaints and |, «on refpit grantes him, would bang in bope, that ef bpon the onehis peajand the ofber bis naie,and that ., ther the life of pour maiettie ( thic) God forbid) pou ivould be taken fo) a chamption,¢ J am knowue ,, < (honld be thopterted;03 that Fin trac of time, would tobe no coward: let bs, in Gods name, leaue liens ,, cc bediffanonred; 02 that be bp one fubtill prankeo3 ov for barlets,berding fo: raftians,facing for crakers, ., ther (houlp be of this beauie load vifburnened. chatting for twatiers; {colding for callets, boing ., ‘Wut if J baue bene as manic peares a maleface <¢ toas be aduoudheth,bot hayeneth it,that his tong 6o fo; {eriueners, pleading fo; Latpyers;and let bs tre ‘" c¢ Was tied before thislate DiMention bequnsWhie id {with the int of fwo2, as become martial ments ,, de,our mutual quarels . Wherefore to tultifie that Heriot front time to time aduertife the councell of << coniecured, that be twas cgd Co this ferutce rather c¢ fi tbe hatced be beateth me, than fo; ante loue be 37 red to the earleddmne of Damondin the firlt peate of of Dimorid, Coward the third,thre {cli bpon the heirs general, lafflfe bpon fir Thomas Wutler earleaf wulHire, huure be> that with ante fuch fale ventfe, 02 grofle tnggling ,. tricke, pou map fo cafflic duke 02 dasell our cies. Can anie manthat ts but flenderlie witted,fo far be ,, carted, as to beleeue, that matter Gefcie, being the ,, cc © mine anflucr thereto map not particulaclte be framed. Whereas therefore be termeth mea fuppor 40 banquith weake and naken rebels tw{thout the furs ,, theranceof the baron of Dpbalte : thereas the cow ,, << tor of theeues,a packer with rebels; acomfpirator <¢ Awith traitors,fF fhoutd but totth a bare word denie the premifies all bis gate glofe of glitring {peaches arlieded tee: fo chi Creabe,aun fecretlic fatled into France ing ta france. Cdipard thereof aduertifeo, betotwcd Welcies lows fife, 1But poumuft not thinke that tue are babes; 02 Mok puiant prince sap and my dzead fouereigne, mie at bis commandement;but that, tf be tocredit twere matfter Uefcte bis mouth fo tuff a meafure, as that he fpake, fhould be holver fox gofpell, this bas 30 pofed to befturre bimtfelfe, he were able to ferret out |, fuch barebseech byats as fwarme in the Cnglifh ,, Veenenofit place fo, fo arrant a traitor,as be with paler Jfhelath be conlo not, we muff {tile at his bisfeignen glofing tyould glablie proue me to be. fimpltcities if he could and would not, how map be ,, "© sBut fith it pleafed pour maieftic, woith fo tnotfterent colour bis offlotaltie 9 cc balance to ponder both our tales, Jam theongblic Eheiond Gt= ad rat <¢ cc _ vager a combat, a8 that toas prefuypofen to haue ferite WBut Kbert the prefired date ayproched neve, Getcie turning his great boalt to (mall rot, began fhat poutere able to proue them,3 tuould be feud, per'dube of Wenfozo, erle of penbzoke,¢licutenant of Sreland: ano at the fanie time was he apointen by the king generall recetuer of bis teucnuc tn Ares land. iow twifelie this noble man behaucd himlcife in peace; and bow vallantiie he bequit bimfelfe tn iwarre , fundzie of hing Wenrte the feuenth his lets ters{o bimbeing deputic, avd:eflen, dw manifeftlig twitneffe, There was a parlement holven before bia at Dogheda, shich was repealen in the tenth peare of ipenrie the fenenth, Sir Chaiforber 2ellen was Dubbed knight tm the field by. @omtund earle of Parch ; lord oeputie of Jrelaw. iulam Prefton was lord (uftice of Breland in, Pencte the eight his reigns, Zpe powleis machenphenien inLancathice, 1 ang |